At the bottom of the sea. Sleep for all eternity

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Adam's: POV


October 14th 1810: England

"I won't be long." said a man and kissed his wife. "I miss you already." she replied. He kissed her again and stroked his daughter's cheek, who was very ill before he left. His wife went back into the house and their daughter lay down in bed. The blanket was colored red when she coughed.

I saw how she opened a box and tears were rolling down her cheeks. "What is it mother?" asked Lucy sleepy. "John has taken all our money that we had saved to afford medical treatment. I'm so sorry honey." said Annie.

She hugged her daughter and more tears came. "You will be fine sweetie, I will never let you go." said Annie. "I love... you." replied Lucy but interrupted by a new cough. "Love you too." she said.


I was hiding behind a rock. I saw Annie's husband kiss other women and he gave them a lot of money. He drank expensive wine and he was pleased. I felt how the anger was boiling within me of the sight. How could a father betray his family like that?

Then he went out to smoke. I began to sing a forbidden song.

My heart is pierced by Cupid. I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me. But my jolly sailor bold.

His hair it hangs in ringlets. His eyes as black as coal. My happiness attend him, wherever  he may go.

From Tower Hill to Blackwall. I'll wander, weep and moan. All for my jolly sailor, until he sails home.

He walked into the water, he was hypnotized. My heart is pierced by Cupid. I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me. But my jolly sailor bold. I swam down with him and ate him.


I swam back to the house and threw a stone on the door. She opened but did not see anything else, but a cloth bag. I'll never forget the smile when she saw the money. Her daughter will get well and they will live a happy life together.

-End of the flashback-

I'm glad Adam killed him.

Adam is immortal, because he has no soul.

I hope you liked the chapter


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