A whole new world

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Eric's: POV

My niece was watching The little mermaid, while eating her breakfast. My nephew was reading a comic book. I smiled when Adam came into the kitchen.

Melody ran up to him and hugged him. Philip was happy to see him too. "You saved us from drowning." she said. "You were so brave." replied Philip. "I couldn't let you two die." said Adam.

(Philip and Melody)

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(Philip and Melody)

"My sister and her husband would stay with me. But they both died in the accident. Their bodies haven't been found." I replied sadly. "I'm sorry to hear." said Adam. "It's okay." I replied.

"Mommy used to be a ballerina." said Melody. "She was part of the musical Swan Lake and she played Odette." replied Philip. "She was so beautiful." said Melody. "Dad played the prince." replied Philip. "How wondeful." said Adam. "Look Adam." she replied.

She danced around the room, she moved just like Isabella. Adam tried to dance too, but I saw the pain in his eyes. His feet began to bleed.

"Are you okay? you're bleeding." said Melody worried. "I'm fine." replied Adam. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes." he said. "You have to wait to dance until your feet get good." I said. "You're right." repiled Adam. I looked at the clock and panicked. "We gotta go, or we'll be late for school." I said. "We're coming." they replied.


I had take a day off, to show Adam the city. We walked into Ocean cafe and sat down at a table. "Can I take your orders?" asked Carly. "I take a sandwich with extra lot of prawns." said Adam. "I take a veggie burger." I replied. She wrote down our order and left.

"What's that small object in your hand?" he asked. "It's my phone." I said. "What are you doing with that thing?" asked Adam curiously. "Well, you can text or call friends and take photos." I said and showed him. "That's amazing." he replied. "I guess it is." I said and smiled. "This world is so amazing." he replied.

Then our food came and Adam did not exaggerate. "That's a lot of prawns." I said a bit disgusted. "Do you want some?" he asked. "I'm good." I said.

"Is anyone here brave enough to sing?" asked Cam. "I am." said Adam. "Welcome up on stage." he replied.

He began to sing and his voice was so pure and beautiful. Everyone clapped their hands when he was finished.

"You sing like an angel." I said. "Thank you." replied Adam. "Your voice was so enchanted." I said. "It's probably best if I don't sing more." he replied. "I've never heard a human sing so beautiful before." I said and he smiled.

Melody and Philip are so cute.

I hope you liked the chapter


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