I told you that this was a bad idea

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Adam's: POV

Eric bathed with Aqua in the children's pool. Melody and Philip ride the water slide again and again. I was sitting on the grass reading a book.

Children came running and sprayed water on each other with water guns. A jet of water happened to hit me. I stood up and ran quicky to the restroom. My legs was turned into a tail and I fell down on the floor.

"Adam, are you in here?" asked Eric. "Yes." I said. He opened the door and walked in. He used towels to dry my tail. My legs came back and he helped me up.

"I told you that this was a bad idea." I said. "We didn't know it'd be so tough." replied Eric. "Only you and the kids know my secret, I want it to stay that way." I said. "Your secret is safe with me, I would never reveal you." he replied. "I know I can trust you." I said and kissed him.


"Are you okay Adam?" asked Eva worried. "I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure? you panicked when you got water on you." she replied. "Mom, I told you he's allergic to water." said Eric. "Poor you." replied Eva. "I survive." I said.

I feel for Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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