Chapter 8 : Memories

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After dinner, I head straight to bed. I was exhausted and my shoulder still hurt.

Now I lay on my bed, stuck in my thoughts. Keith's question really got to me. Since being rescued from the Galra, I had put my grief aside. I had thought I was over it, but I guess not.
Slowly I drift to sleep, my dreams fill with thoughts of my old crew.

I sat at a table with the rest of the crew. "(Y/n)... your not meant to be here are you?" A boy slightly older then me asks. He had red hair and green eyes.

"W-why do you say that, Nathan?" My voice shakes. He give my a knowing smirk and I look around at the rest of the crew surprised faces. "Well, it's to late to kick me out now." I smile.

"Hey, if she tricked her way into this mission, I think she deserves to be here." Says a woman with short black hair.

Our leader sighs. "I should have known Takashi's sister was up to no good." I grin.


On Kerberos, I was with Nathen. We were exploring the moon, though not to far from the ship. Through the long journey we had gotten close as a crew.

I picked up a rock, and the ground began to shake. "Oh no." I mumble, "Did I do that?"

Nathen gasps next to me and I look up. A large black and purple alien ship begins to fly over us. I freeze.

"Guys! Quick!" Our leader David, calls. We begin to run towards the ship when we are knocked back by an explosion.

Rising to my knees again, I look up. Nathen lays unconscious next to me. In front of us, our ship blown to pieces and the limb body's of our crew. Weak, I fall back into darkness.


Two Galra soldiers, drag Nathen and I out of our cell. After being captured, the Galra only came to give us food, once a day.

Now, we stood in front of what looks like a large arena. They begin to pull Nathen away. "Nathen!" I call.

Soon, I am in some kind of watching booth, surrounded by guards while Nathen stood in the arena, facing of against a large foe. All I can do is cry out as he is ripped apart by his enemy. With a final snap, the crowd cheer while I only cry. "No!!!"


I lay half asleep in my bed when a scream came from nearby. "No!!!" I bolt up. It was from (Y/n)'s room.

Running out and over to (Y/n) room. The door slides open the reveal a shaking girl, curling up in her bed. I ran over and stop looking down at her. "(Y/n)? Are you ok?" I whisper, and realise she's still asleep, having some sort of bad dream. "(Y/n) wake up!" I shake her gently.

She gasps and her eyes shoot open, looking up at me terrified. I can see tears on her checks from the little light in the room. "It's ok. I say gently. "Your ok." My hands are firmly on her shoulders, afraid to do anything else.

The light turns on and Shiro stand at the door. "It's everything ok?" He asks worried.

I step aside and his eyes land on his crying sister. "(Y/n)..." He gasps, quickly running over to her and wraps his arms around her small shaking body. She sobs into his chest as he strokes his finger through her hair. "Shhh, it's ok..."

I look back one last time at (Y/n) and Shiro mouths, 'thank you'. I smile and walk off. The image of her scared face stuck in my head. For some reason, I wish I was there right now, instead of Shiro. I know he's her sister, but I do.  I wish I had hugged her instead of just looking down at her, like a idiot. I have this strange urge to protect her and I don't know why.

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