Chapter 24 : Tides Turn

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(Y/N)'S POV)

The world around me is dark. The only things I can see, is myself and the glowing flecks of purple that float around me. I tense my muscles. I didn't like the feeling I got from this place.

A figure slowly appeared in front of me and at first I had to squint to see it. Though eventually the image was as clear as day. "Zarkon..." I growl. "Well I guess I'm asleep then."

Zarkon gave a small smirk. "Of course. Smart, aren't you?" He talks, slightly amused.

"What am I doing here? What do you want?" I ask still tense. I was right to be weary of this place.

"My son took you didn't he." Zarkon spoke. I stay silent. "He always seems to get in my way. But don't worry. Soon I'll have him and you too." He said beginning to walk further into the black abyss. As he does he looks back at me. "I just through I should tell you that. I take it Lotor knows of our... meetings."

I walk casually behind him. "Yes. And he doesn't want you to have me."

Zarkon's stare intensifies. "Only to help himself."

He stops walking and I have to stop myself from running into him. "Well luckily I can look after myself." I fold my arms.

The smirk once again appears on the Galra's face. "I heard the witch hurt you shoulder there." He says pointing at it. As he does a small pain begins to glare up. He hovers his hands over it, but doesn't quite touch it.

I scream out as the pain increases, almost makes me fall to my knees. I grip my shoulder staring up at him. "What... are you... doing..." I mange to speak out.

"Reminding you that I'll always win." He says as he begins to fade away. Slowly the pain in my shoulder begins to weaken too.

~ ~ ~

My eyes flicker open to see a purple man above me. I narrow them in confusion before I realise who it is. "Lotor?" I ask.

He leans back as I sit up. "You screamed while you were asleep. Did you meet my father?"

I nod hanging me legs over the bed. I was in a small cell on the ship after my escape. The door was open from when Lotor must have come in, but I new there's no use trying to escape. Not to mention Acxa, Zethird and Ezor are standing just outside on the other side.

"Did he hurt you?" Lotor asks looking at my shoulder that I had subconsciously began to hold.

"O-oh yeah." I say removing my grip. "But it's an old injury." I say.

"What did Zarkon tell you?" Lotor asks still looking at my shoulder. I thought I saw a slight bit of concern in his eyes, but shook it off.

"That he wants me and you." I shrug.

Lotor looks up in thought. "Zarkon will hunt us down. I think it would be best if we found an... ally."

I look at him confused at he walks out of the room. I then sigh leaning back against the wall.

Acxa left with Lotor while Zethird and Ezor stay. "Would you pick Voltron over us?" Ezor asks. The question kind of surprises me.

"Of course she would Ezor." Zethird says behind her. "They're her friends."

"I know..." Ezor turns back to me. "But your not afraid to talk or hangout with us and I kind of like your company." She says, which I have to admit I didn't mind her company either.

"Yeah, well I kind of got sick of talking to the picture on the wall." I say rolling my eyes.

Ezor put a finger to her lip. "But we don't have any pictures on the walls." She states, obviously not getting the reference.

I let out a small laugh while Zethird talks. "I think she was being sarcastic Ezor."

Ezor immediately perks up "We could get you a picture. Make your cell more... homie!" She cheers.

I give her an amused smirk as she runs off, Zethird following behind. Once they have left I shake my head laying back down.

• • •

A few days later, I stare up at the poster on my wall. It's a picture of some small purple alien creature that somewhat resembles a bat, yet cuter. It was also holding something in its little claws. Above it was some words in a different alien language that I couldn't understand. But I like to think it's something inspiring. Like those kitten posters on earth.

Exor had got it for me the day after our talk at the space mall. But since then I hadn't really seen any of them. I have pretty much zoned out staring at the poster when Lotor walks in. "Pack your things." Is all he says before walking off.

I look around the room confused. I don't really have anything. Only my original clothes, the poster and my prison clothes. But I don't really want the later one. Right now I am still wearing the suit similar to Lotors.

When all my stuff is together, Lotor opens the cell and I walk out next to him. "What's going on?" I ask.

He turns his head to look at me slightly. "We're getting some... help."

I scoff. "Your getting help? From someone who's not one of your girl generals?"

He doesn't respond and instead sits down in the pilot chair and begins to fly us off to who know where.

I stand there for a while. I have know idea what's going on, but if he let me out of my little prison then somethings up. I play with the ends of my hair bored and tap my foot impatiently on the ground. "Can you stop." Lotor growled.

I smirk and shrug my shoulders, but stop anyway. Instead I stare out at the stars as we pass them. As something forms in the distance I narrow my eyes and lean forward. "There's a bit of a battle going on." Lotor tells me.

Soon I am able to make out the Galra fleet and some weapon being covered up a large shield. Then around it a bunch of rebel ships. "What's going on?" I ask.

Lotor fiddles with something on the dashboard and soon he somehow contexts to a comm. "Keith, can you hear me." I gasp at the sound of Shiro's voice.

"Shiro!" I yell.

"He can't hear you. I muted our side." Lotor says looking ahead at something. A single Galra fighter is flying right at the force field.

"Who's that?" I ask.

Lotor smirks up at me as I stare back at him deep in thought. My head whips back around to the pod as it fly closer to the shield. "Oh no." I whisper.

Quickly Lotor pushed the controls forward and then shot at the shield. Everything seems to go in slow motion. I watch as the fighter gets closer and closer. Then the blast come into contact with the ship and begins to explode. I hold my breath as the person quickly turns the pod around.

"Good work Keith." Shiro said.

"It's wasn't me. It was Lotor." As Keith speaks I put the pieces together. Keith was in the fighter.

Shaken and wide eyed I stare down at Lotor. There is more talking on the comm but I don't listen. Instead I stay staring at Lotor. "You should be thanking me (Y/n)." He smiles before turning back to the front.

"Attention Paladins of Voltron and Rebel fighters. I know we've had our differences in the past. But, I think it is time we had a discussion."

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