46. Hammer blow.

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For Sasha, the fact that Cameron had been handling the communication with Jules was a tremendous relief. She honestly couldn't have done it without the brunette, nor had she even thought of that option on her own.

Even though it was emotionally draining for Sasha to feel her dad's family so close, she was ready to endure this small pain if it meant having a chance to give her mother the comfort and care that she needed and deserved. Sasha would go to all lengths to make sure her mother was provided with the best treatment. Except taking Bernadette's money, despite her old friend's daily harrassment.

"Hey, are you busy?", Cameron's sweet voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"No, sorry for squatting your room. I was trying to read a little."

"I just got a text from Jules", Cameron informed her as she reached for her hand. "She'll fly in this weekend to work on your mom's case."

"Alone?", Sasha immediately asked.

"I guess so. She asked if there was a way we could put her up", Cameron said in a questioning tone.

"I mean, that's the least we could do, right?", Sasha tought out loud.

"She can stay in Carter's room", the brunette offered.

After thanking her girlfriend, Sasha got started on dinner. As usual, Cameron's jokes and joy lightened the mood and made Sasha spend an interesting night. The following days were quite busy for both of them, Sasha needing to juggle between work, papers and organizing Jules' arrival. On top of that, exams were approaching for Cameron so she tried to free as much time as she could in order to help her study.

When came Friday night, Sasha could barely breathe. The nerves were eating her alive. Even Cameron couldn't calm her down or bring her back to reason. As much as Sasha was trying to convince herself that she was doing the right thing, she was still feeling like she was colluding with the enemy. And she hated it. When she heard knocking, Sasha almost had a panic attack. She was holding Cameron for dear life as if they were about to get murdered.

"Listen to me", Cameron held Sasha's face to connect their looks and make her focus. "It's okay. I know you're scared but I'm by your side. We're doing this for your mom."

"Can you get the door?", Sasha pleaded in a small voice.

"Promise you won't go hide", Cameron whispered and pecked Sasha's cheek after receiving a nod.

Sasha ran to hide in the kitchen and listened to everything. She listened to Cameron greeting her and welcoming her. She listened to her asking for the bathroom and thanking Cameron. She listened to her asking after Sasha. She listened to Cameron engaging in a light conversation with her, as if they'd been friends for years. Then she listened to their voices getting closer to the kitchen while their steps could be heard.

Sasha took a deep breath to ready herself, even though she knew she wasn't prepared for this encounter. But she needed to be strong for her mother.

"There she is", Cameron's cheerful voice made Sasha spin around to face them.

A single look at Jules and she could understand why her father had fallen for her. That woman was radiant.

"Hello, Sasha. You can't imagine how glad I am to finally meet you", Jules grinned as her eyes were radiating pride and excitement.

"Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?", Sasha asked as politely as she could. She glanced at Cameron for approbation and received a smile.

"I did, thank you. And thank you so much for welcoming me here. I quite love this place. How long have you been living here?", Jules asked as she looked back and forth between Sasha and Cameron.

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