30. Ditto

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Although she had been involved with a couple of girls in the past, Sasha was still anxious with what was to come. Each time she'd had sex with a girl she'd liked, the latter would always break her heart. And now, she was intensely making out with the girl she was falling in love with, ready to move on to the next stage with her, but she was scared.

She found the situation paradoxical. Ironical. Comical even. Although she had spent the last two years of her life alone, Sasha was still the one with experience. She should have been the one taking the lead. But Cameron's eagerness had the upper hand, and Sasha was enjoying the feeling of her body, although they were both still dressed.

It had taken Sasha no more than three seconds after entering Cameron's room to end up trapped between her smaller body and the wall, her arms tightly wrapped around the brunette's neck, while her lips were sensually dancing with Cameron's. Sasha could feel how deeply connected they were. Her body was screaming and burning, as if waiting for Cameron to free it from an infernal cage.

But she broke the kiss, leaving Sasha flabbergasted and disconcerted. For an instant, Sasha thought that Cameron certainly didn't want her. Perhaps she wasn't ready yet.

"Please Sasha, look at me", she whispered softly, making Sasha raise her head to meet her bright green eyes. "I'm very nervous", she confessed sheepishly.

"Why?", Sasha asked even though she knew the answer already. Cameron needed time to adjust.

"Because I've never been with anyone I liked before. I don't know how that works. I want... I want to make love to you but I don't know how."

"You just follow your heart", Sasha said soothingly and smiled warmly to reassure her.

"You shall follow me to my bed first", Cameron teased with a cheeky smile.

While she bit her lip seductively, Cameron grabbed Sasha's hands and took a step backwards to indicate she wanted her to follow. Sasha took a couple of seconds to observe her though. To admire the sincerity behind her smile. To look at her from head to toe, already imagining her natural beauty. The girl in front of her was utterly perfect, and all hers.

Sasha would have been unconscious if she hadn't followed Cameron. It would have been senseless not to claim the brunette's lips, and foolish not to lay on top of her. This was a moment Sasha had dreamed of for so long that she couldn't miss it. She didn't want to ruin it either. She wanted it to be memorable. To be sweet. To be intense. But most of all, respectful.

For every step they reached, Sasha made sure Cameron was fully comfortable and involved. When they undressed each other, Sasha was the first to remove Cameron's sweatshirt and let the brunette do the same with her. Then it was Cameron's turn to decide which piece she wanted off, until both of them ended up in their most natural and vulnerable apparel, a simple sheet covering them.

The feeling of Cameron's body was the most beautiful experience for Sasha. As she carefully but hungrily discovered the shape under hers, she couldn't help looking into Cameron's eyes. Their intense green itself was showing the extent of Cameron's desire. But they were also displaying a vulnerability that Sasha wanted to comfort and turn into confidence.

"Cam, I...", she started and swallowed nervously before taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong?", Cameron asked softly, her hands carefully cupping Sasha's face. As she looked into these shiny green eyes she admired so much, Sasha didn't even have to hesitate anymore.

"I love you", she confessed in a clear voice, just to make sure Cameron would hear it properly. That was the least she deserved.

A huge silence settled in the room. A silence that frightened Sasha and made her wonder if she had done the right thing. She couldn't control it though. Seeing and feeling Cameron this way was so magnificent and wonderful, and their strong connection pushed Sasha to open up. She realized too late that it probably took Cameron off guard.

"Ditto", Cameron breathed out with a gleam in her eyes, her smile matching their brightness. "But I think I can love you much harder than now. Which is super scary considering how lovesick I am already."

"So you won't ditch me after this?", Sasha dared to ask, her voice barely audible because of its shakiness.

"Nah, I'm gonna wait a little", Cameron answered teasingly.

Only Cameron could get Sasha to laugh in such a moment. Only Cameron could relieve and lighten her worries. Only Cameron could make Sasha go from the deepest concern to the greatest state of amusement. Only Cameron could erase her dark thoughts to invade her mind and soul. And only Cameron could make Sasha fall in love without being defeatist.

For the first time in her life, Sasha allowed herself to believe that the woman under her was genuine and honest. She allowed herself to believe in her words. For the first time, Sasha wasn't scared to be loved. At the contrary, she wanted Cameron to love her so much and so beautifully that she would erase all the hurtful memories of her previous relationships. Sasha was falling hopelessly in love with Cameron.

Through her kisses, Sasha tried to demonstrate the tenderness and purity of her feelings. Through her caresses, she intended to show Cameron how gently and carefully she would treat her for the rest of their relationship. Through her sweet nothings, Sasha attempted to make her as comfortable as possible, all the while expressing her most profound sentiment. And through her moaning, Sasha ensured that Cameron was fully aware of her fervent need of her.

Cameron once again proved herself to be different. Special. Unique. Her fondness and enthusiasm made Sasha experience the strongest, most intense feelings. At each of the brunette's strokes, Sasha was sent to a state of ecstasy that she had always fantasized about. A pleasure so deep and so raw that she lost control of her own body. In the end, Sasha was only able to acknowledge her feelings and reactions while her body twitched and jerked compulsively.

And for the first time in her life, Sasha wasn't deceived by her partner. Instead of making up a fake meeting or telling her she had been disgusting, Cameron showered Sasha with kisses and hugged her, allowing both of them to relax in each other's arms.

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