Chapter 4 : Maybe he isn't that bad

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A/N : Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter but finally I managed to upload it.This chapter contains a love scene,but nothing major.Hope you enjoy reading it and thanks for reading my stories it means a lot to me xxxx

Three days had passed since I had ran away from my house and come back to live with my parents.There was still no sign of Cole coming back for me and Destiny,and I was starting to think that he didn't care about me at all.

''Momma can you pass me the juice pleasE?''Destiny asked me,as we were having lunch with Amy and Dane in the beautiful big garden.

In the past three days Destiny has grown up more her hair is now more wavy,she is taller and she can now speak and pronounce every word properly.Dane and Amy were very impressed by how fast she grew and they promised me that they would do some research to find out more information.

''Darling jhave  you planned the date for the masuqereade ball yet?Amy asked me curiously.She wa sa big fan of balls and parties and never missed one.

''We think that it's going to be held at the end of September.''

''I already have my dress,it's really beautiful and I can't wait to wear it!''Destiny said happily.

''I can't wait to see you in that dress Destiny,I'm sure that you will look like a beautiful princess.''Dane told her with a smile.

Destiny May blushed a little when he told her that,she was very shy around him.

''Your highness,your husband is here waiting for you in the living room.''Elizabeth told me in a hurry as she made her way towards me.She looked a little pale and scared,I didn't blame her.

I looked at Dane and Amy anxiously,I really didn't think that he would come back for me and now here he is out of the blue waiting for me in the living room.

''Will you please excuse me''I told them as I followed Elizabeth back indoors towards the living room.

Cole was on the sofa frowning and waiting impatiently for me.He looked older with all the stress and worries that he had,but when he saw me his eyes lit up and he moved quickly towards me to hug me.

''Oh Willow I missed you so much!Don't ever leave me again you got me worried sick when you disappeared int-''

''If you were really worried about me and missed me you would have come for me the minute that I left not three days after!''

''Tom and my parents didn't let me come back for you because they told me that you needed some time alone to cool off.I'm sorry for everything please forgive me ,by the way where is Destiny is she alright?''he told me in an almost apologetic voice.

''I can't believe you told your parents about this but I still forgive you.Destiny is in the garden having lunch with her grandparents and she's perfectly fine.''

He looked a little uncomfortable when I mentioned Dane and Amy.

''Can we go pack you stuff and then we go and take Destiny back home with us?''he asked me.

I really didn't want to go back home because Destiny was having so much fun here,but we had to because that was our real home and the place that we can really be safe.After all there was a very powerful vampire after me.

''Fine let's go pack.''I told Cole as I grabbed his hand and made our way to my old room.

When I did that he smiled and squeezed my hand,he looked less tense and worried now and I was strangely happy that he had came for me and that I was with him now.

''You can pack Destiny's clothes in that pink suite case over there.''I told him when we entered the bedroom.

I was closing the zipper of my now packed suite case when I felt a pair of strong muscular arms wrap around me from behind.

''I really missed you love''Cole mumbled seductively in my neck.

''I actually missed you a little too''I told him teasingly as I turned around to face him.

As I turned around his lips immediately crashed onto mine.What started as a sweet and gentle kiss was ow turning into a more passionate one.Our lips move perfectly together and he asked for entrance,which I granted.I had my hands in his blonde hair while he ran his hands up and down my petite figure.

He was kissing my neck when I felt a sharp pain on the spot where he had kissed me.I panickedly looked down and saw that he was drinking blood from me.

As the pain started to subside I felt pleasure like I had never felt before in my life.I removed his dark blue t shirt from him and threw it on the floor beside us.I gently leaned into his neck and started to drink from him.

He started to moan deeply with pleasure and had his hands knotted in my long ginger hair while I traced my fingers over his rock hard abs.

He lifted me up into his arms towards the bed and gently layed me down while he removed my shirt and started to kiss me down my neck and shoulders. (you all know what happened next)


I couldn't believe it,I had made love and imprinted with my enemy who also happened to be my handsome husband.

I was so happy as I laid in his arms in my pink room,that's when I realised that we weren't in our house and that Destiny and my parents were probably wondering where I was.

''Cole,Cole wake up we have to go back home.''I nudged him gently.

He opened his beautiful dark blue eyes immediately when he heard my voice and smiled brightly at me.

''Morning beautiful''he told me as he kissed me softly on the lips.I could tell that he was still sleepy and didn't realise where he was.

''It's not morning it's actually night now,we got a bit carried away earlier and we didn't go back home.''

When I told him that his eyes widened a little and got out of bed to get dressed in the clothes that were on the bedroom floor.I got out of the bed and went to take a cool shower before I got dressed.

We grabbed my suite cases and went downstairs so we could get Destiny and go back to our home.

''I'm going to wait for you in the care,see you soon.''Cole told me before he kissed me on the forehead and took the suite cases outside to put them in the car.

I stepped into the living room and when they saw me Destiny came running happily towards me,while Dane and Amy looked worried and  a little angry at me.

''Momma where were you?''Destiny asked me as she lifted her arms up in the air so I could lift her on me.

''I was just um...packing our stuff so we can go back home.''I told her.I would tell that my parents saw clearly through my lie.

''Is daddy here?''Destiny asked me curiously while she looked around to see him.

''Yes he came for us and is waiting for us in the car.''

''Ok,bye grandma bye grandpa,''she told them as she went to kiss them both on cheek.

''Bye princess come back soon we love you!''Dane told her.

''I will,love you too!''she told him happily.

''Bye thank you for letting us stay here with you.''I told them as I went to hug them goodbye.

''Goodbye Will and next time don't take too long packing your suite cases.''Amy told me.

I blushed a deep scarlet red and rushed out of the front door with Destiny.

''Look how much my little girl has grown!''Cole exclaimed when Destiny and I had entered into the car.

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

''It's good to have you both back with me''Cole said happily.

''And that's the way that thing will stay,nothing can tear us apart and we are a family afterall''I told him as I looked into his mesmerising eyes.He looked like the happiest man on earth at that moment and hugged both me and Destiny as the chauffeur drove off to our home.

It seemed like me and Cole were going to get along better now that we had imprinted.After all we were married...

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