Dinner Date

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I woke up at seven am feeling much better. When I was fully awake I walked to the kitchen and made myself breakfast. Once I ate my breakfast I went to get changed for work.

When I was ready for work I left my apartment. I got in the car, put the key in and drove to work. When I got to work almost everyone was there.

-------------three hours later-------------

The restaurant was getting busier and busier, it was completely packed today.

It was now time for my break. I quickly checked my phone, I had one message. It was from Tom.

Tom: I'll pick you up for dinner at six and dress nicely.

Me: Ok sounds good

Tom: It's a date then!

'Date?' I said to myself

---------------five hours later--------------

I was done with work, finally. It was a long busy day. I walked out to my car and went to the store. I bought all my groceries as quick as I can so I can go home and get ready for this 'date'.

When I got home I dropped my coat and purse on the chair and unloaded the groceries. When that was done I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I took a fifteen minute, warm shower. Once I was done with my shower I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

'What do I wear for this?'

I thought. I walked back to my room and browsed my closet. I took a red skater dress of the rack and laid it on the bed.

Next was my hair and make up. First I did my hair, then make up. When I was done I looked in the mirror, it looked nice. My make up was light and my hair was braided in a French braid.

Once my hair and make up was done I checked the time, ten minutes until he shows up.

I took the dress off my bed, it was a plain dark red dress. I put on the dress then black tights. After the dress was on I looked for shoes. I found plain black two inch heels, and put them on.

Once I was completely dressed I looked in the mirror one more time, I did a little twirl and then checked the time. He should be here any time soon.

As I was walking out of my room I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the pep hole, it was Tom. I opened the door to let him in.

"Hello darling...These are for you."

He said holding out a bouquet of red and white roses.

"Oh Tom there lovely, come on in."

He came in the house and shut the door behind him. I got a vase out of the kitchen and put the roses on it. I placed the roses on the center of my kitchen table, they were truly beautiful.

Tom was standing in the middle of my living room waiting. After the flowers were in a vase I walked back to Tom.

"Ready to go darling."

I quickly put on my jacket and grabbed my purse.


We both walked out of my apartment.

"Where are we going?"

I asked as we walked down the stairs.

"It's still a surprise...ehehe"

Once we got outside Tom walked me to his car,It was an all black jaguar. He opens the car door for me and shut it. Then he jogged over to his side and got in. Such a gentleman. We started driving to where ever we were going.

We got to our destination. It was a small little restaurant by the park. When we got inside the restaurant it was completely empty except for the workers and us. I had one single table in the middle of the room and was decorated with white string lights and candles.

"Tom did you do all this?"


A waiter brought us to our table.

"Hello, I will be your waiter for the evening, what may I get you to drink?"

Tom and the waiter looked at me.

"Just a water please and thank you."

Then he looked at Tom.

"Sweetened iced tea please."

"I will be right back with those.

The waiter left Tom and I.

"So tell me about your self."

Tom said, as I picked up a menu.

"Well what do you want to know?"


"Ok. Well I am from Buffalo New York, my sister and mom live there and I moved here a year ago.

The waiter came back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?"

He looked at the both of us.

"Yes sir, I would like a steak, medium rare please."

He scribbled down the order on the notepad and then looked at Tom.

"I would like the shrimp alfredo please."

Tom said. After he scribbled the order down, took the menus and went back to the kitchen.

"You're turn to tell me about your self."

"I am from London, my mom, dad and two sisters live here also and I have lived here all my life. What are your hobbies?"

"I make art, read, listen to music and play hockey."

"Interesting, I would love to see you're art one day."

"Maybe one day... What are yours."

"Acting and reading."

The waiter came back with our food.

------------a half hour later---------------

The food was amazing and Tom and I learned so much about each other. We just left the restaurant, instead of going back home we decided to take a walk throughout the park.

The park was truly beautiful at this time of the night. All of the lights shining on the lake and the plants. We walked throughout the pathways talking and looking at everything.

It started to get cold and snow. Tom noticed I was shivering.

"Do you want to go, it's getting cold?"


We walked back to the car. As we were walking I noticed that I was really close to him. He opened the car door for me just like before. Once we were both in the car we drove back to my house.

We got to my apartment building. Tom walked me up to my door.

"Would you like to come in?"

I asked. Then his phone rang, he answered it. I only heard part of the conversation. He hung up the phone.

"I'm so sorry darling but Luke needs me to get home for an early work day tomorrow but I promise another day."

"It's ok and give me a call when ever."

"I'll remember that, well I should get going. I had a really great time with you."

"Me too."

Instead of saying bye he gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back, it was warm and he smelled like old spice. He let go of the hug.

"Bye darling see you soon."

"Bye Tom."

I said as I went inside and he went down the stairs. As soon as I reached my room I changed out of my dress and put on sweats and a t-shirt. Since it was almost nine I sat and watched tv for about a half hour then headed to bed.

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