Run Into's

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Tom didn't leave until nine at night yesterday, but as soon as he left I went to bed because I was tried.

When I woke up this morning I got dressed into my work out clothes. Once I was dressed and ready I left the apartment to go pick up Tom.

When I got to Tom's apartment he was already ready. We walked out of the building and got in the car.

When we got to the gym Tom went to the weights and I went to the treadmill. I plugged my headphones in and started listing to music.

About fifteen minutes in a voice from behind me called my name.


I stopped the treadmill and hopped off.


Danny was my ex-boyfriend who dumped me for another girl.

"What are you doing here?"

He said. I looked at him for a minute.

"What does it look like I am doing here?"

I said back with a hint of attitude and sarcasm. In the corner of my eye I spotted Tom. I caught his gaze and I think Tom realized I in was in an awkward situation so he walked over.

"Darling, there you are."

He said putting his hand on the small of my back. Danny just looked at him and then back at me.

"Who is this?"

Tom then asked.

"Danny this is Tom, Tom this is Danny."

Tom stretched his arm out for Danny to shake it.

"Well I think I should go, it was nice seeing you again."

Danny said awkwardly looking at Tom then to me.

"Nice to meet you."

Tom said.

"You too."

Danny said then turning around and walking away going somewhere else in the gym.


Tom asked.

"Yup, and thank you so much."

"No problem darling."

After that awkward situation I went back on the treadmill and Tom went to the bikes.

Once our half hour at the gym was done we went to the coffee shop. Tom ordered a tea and I ordered coffee and a apple danish.

We got our orders and sat at one of the tables.

"You're eating a Danish after you just worked out for a hour?"

"Yes I am."

"Only you."

He said with a little laugh.

---------------an hour later----------------

I dropped Tom off at his apartment then I went back home to mine. Once I got home I took a shower and got dressed.

After I was cleaned up I decided to clean up the apartment a little. I vacuumed and tided up my room.

It took me about a half hour to clean up the apartment a little. I didn't want to sit around the apartment and do nothing so I decided to paint a picture.

I grabbed my watercolor book, paint brushes, paint tray and watercolor tubes of paint and set them up.

I squirted out a little of each color from the tubes and out them in the tray. Once that was done I added a little water to each color. Then I opened to a new page in my book and started painting an arrangement of flowers.

It took me about twenty minutes to fill the whole page with assorted flowers but after all the work, it looked nice.

-------------eleven hours later------------

It was now ten pm and I wasn't really tired even though I was doing all sorts of things today like cleaning, applying for a job and painting.

The job that I was applying to was the art museum. The lady told me I had my interview on Monday and I was going to get a call sometime next week telling me if I got it or not.

I was currently laying in my bed trying to sleep but I couldn't.

I heard a vibrating noise coming from my left. I looked over to my phone and saw that I had a message.

Tom: Hey, I hope I didn't wake you up but sorry that it's a little late but on Monday would you like to go to a charity event with me?

Me: I would love to go! Text me the details tomorrow.

I put my phone back down on the night stand after replying and went back to bed.

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