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So...yeah. My friend 'accidentally' read this story, and she reacted badly on Jeanette's part. She actually hates me now for portraying Jeanette in a super sad way, as she said and I quote, "Now, I can't hate Jeanette in this story. "

Anyway, as an apology for my latest update, here you go!


"I wish that in this world, in another world, or in another time, you are still my Papa. "

The question plaqued her mind ever since she returned with Lucas from the town's fair, after visiting the town which easily became one of her habitual tradition ever since everything went back to normal and when she is confident enough to finally use her magic with total ease (and with Lucas around).

But eventually, after many times of contemplation, her curiosity got the best of her and without thinking, the question leapt from her mouth one time while they were eating.

"Dad, have you ever left the palace by yourself?" if not for the genuine look of surprise in her father's face, she would've let out a small laugh at his almost comical reaction.

"I mean, " she pouted. "I've never really saw you leave the palace without Felix or anyone so..." she poked her meat with her knife. "I was wondering if you've ever experienced the town's fair. " Or watch a fireworks display.

She watched him took a bite from his food and gulped down the drink from his goblet in one swift movement, before casting her with an indifferent look in his face. "I don't have enough time to leave this palace. " he mused. "Because of all the things I have to take care of. "

'Meh, what a lie.' She thought to herself. 'Felix told me that you were slacking off this days.' she sighed before returning her attention on her food. "Oh, okay then. I was just wondering about it. "

"What brought up this question?" surprisingly, he seemed interested enough at her reaction. If she didn't knew Claude that much like before, she would've thought that he was just teasing her. But this was a familiar scene, back when he was curious about her debutant ball.

('You can tell me if you wanted something like last time. ' )

"I was just wondering, " she leaned in at the table, her voice dropping to a whisper as if anyone around would her hear. "If the Emperor could sneak out of the palace without alerting everyone. " she almost giggled at the gobsmacked look in his face.

"Are you perhaps underestimating my power?"

"I won't dare underestimate you, Papa. " she hid her smile behind her glass of juice. "But would the Emperor of the Obelian Empire fulfill my genuine request of accompanying me to watch the fireworks display today?"
She fought down the impulse to fist-pump when Claude swallowed down the last of his meal and casted her an amused gaze. "If that is your wish, " he smirked. "I see no reason to refuse it. " 


'Should I go for the casual one or for this one? But we are going out! Well, only to watch some fireworks but a cute dress won't hurt...' a smile bloomed upon her lips when she remembered how Claude accepted her request.

'I'm going out with Papa for tonight~' she hummed to herself, smiling back at her reflection. 'To watch the fireworks~' With all the excitement she was feeling right at the moment, the sudden appearance of her childhood friend in her bedroom went unnoticed until he spoke.

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