22 : Reunion (Sort Of)

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Well, I have no excuse this time for uploading this late (╯3╰)

Anyway, this is dedicated to my friend, who somehow shifted from Ijekiel to Lucas. This is your request, you thirsty woman.

Please enjoy this chapter!


"Hey Lucas. "

From his spot at the couch, the wizard mumbled a soft 'hmm?', his eyes never leaving the pages of the book that he was reading.

"Now that you have your full mana back, you can practically travel anywhere right? " she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "Even in other dimensions? "

He casually flipped the pages without glancing at her. "Why? Don't tell me that you want to visit your past world now? "

"Ah g-geez, what in the world are you talking about? " she chuckled nervously, brushing away his odd question with a shrug. "I'm just wondering if you used your magic to travel on different dimensions. "


"And if you did visit different worlds, have you meet those world's–? " She hurriedly bit her tongue before she could even finish her question.

'Have you meet those world's me? The Athanasia of those dimensions?'

Why would she even ask about it? That question seems a bit embarrassing, right? And it's not as if she wanted to know the answer to that anyway.

Thankfully, he didn't even seems to notice her hesitation to finish her question.


He continued flipping through the pages, but in a more hurried pace. After a minute or two of waiting for his answer that didn't came, she dropped the subject.

"Fine! " she huffed, reaching out for a biscuit near her and cramming it inside her mouth. "You don't have to act as if you didn't heard me at all, that's rude. "


"I'm not even interested with the answer anyway, so don't even bother yourself—"

"...I did visited some dimensions. " he suddenly blurted out of nowhere.


She immediately whipped her head towards him and stared at the magician with her eyes blown wide. And as if waiting for that moment, he finally lifted his face from the book to stare back at her with a smirk painted on his lips.

"And to answer your question, yes. I have met a lot of your versions from the other dimensions. "

She blinked.

"...oh. "

Strangely, his answer made her frown.
So he did met her versions from the other worlds.

But why does it made her feel unpleasant?

"Princess, " Irritation bubbled up her throat when he sent her that infuriating smirk of his. "Why are you quiet all of a sudden? Have I spoke of something that offended you? "

"Nothing. " she snapped a bit too harshly there. "There is nothing to be offended of anyway. "

She brushed her hand on her dress with much more force than necessary because of the creases that suddenly appeared on the silk, (Lily would scold her about this) preparing to stand and leave the room when the spot on her side dip with a sudden weight.

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