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I did my very best to try and finish two chapters for this day but I can't and well...

Big thanks for my friend though for reminding me that I have a story to update ≧∇≦ We are so close with finishing our presentation, so I can probably focus on finishing this one next week. Just a few chapters to go and this will end ≧ω≦

Anyway, please enjoy this chapter and have a nice weekend!


--A Few Hours Ago--

Athanasia glanced cautiously at the knight from the corner of her eyes. She bit her lower lip, contemplating if she should ask about it but it was a bit rude to poke her nose on someone's business (that sounds oddly familiar...) though in the end, her curiosity pushed her to do so.

"Sir Felix "

"Hmm? " the knight glanced at her curiously. "Princess Athanasia? "

"I was actually curious about one thing. " she peeked at him. "I...wanted to ask...about that old man on your back. "

"..." Felix fixed his grip on the said man, whom was slumped on his shoulder, unmoving. "He is the Head of the Magician, Princess Athanasia. "

"Oh" she paused for a while then continued, "Is he dead? "

It wasn't her intention to sound rude, but it was only when the knight's ears reddened when she realized that her question is a bit...coarse to the ear.

"What—no! I mean, he wasn't, Princess. " the knight fumbled. "He had simply fallen unconscious just like the others. "

"That was a bit rude of me to ask that, isn't it? " she winced. "I was just curious if he was at that state because of His Majesty..."

And she even had a point, because anyone that triggered the Emperor's temper sometimes meet an unlucky end at his hands. It wasn't surprising at all that she was mistaken with her thought that the poor Head of the Magician was dead because of the man.

Thankfully, Felix seems to be understanding about her mistake because he had simply laugh it off.

"Don't worry, Princess. " said the knight. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought the same way. " But to her shame, he continued chuckling to himself.

"Why is the Head of the Magician in the Main Palace in the first place? " she asked, choosing to change the subject to save herself from the embarrassment. "He is supposed to be at the Tower, right? "

Based from what she had read from the books, the Tower of the Magicians is a very busy place, from translating ancient spells to creating new ones. What could possibly be the reason for the Head of the Magician to visit the Main Palace?

"He had rushed towards the Palace by himself, Princess. " Felix explains, as if he had managed to read her thoughts. "The Head of the Magician told us that he had sensed a sudden spike of magic coming from the Palace earlier. "

Athanasia wondered briefly if that had something to do with Athy's sudden collapse earlier, but she brushed it off as an incredulous guess.

"But surprisingly, the Head Magician actually recognised Miss Athy's condition. " the knight continues, missing how she had suddenly gone silent. "He was actually in the middle of treating her when he collapsed..."

Felix trails off when the blonde suddenly halts in her pace, forcing him to stop on his tracks as well."Princess Athanasia? "

"Athy..." she whispered softly. "How...is she? Lily said that His Majesty is still looking for someone that could heal her. I was supposed to visit her but this happened..."

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