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Anyway, please enjoy this chapter! ≥﹏≤


(Obelian Empire)

"This way, Sir Luke. " the guard– whom he found out was called Roy– carefully lead him through the Main Palace. "I'll take you to the Head of the Knights. Sir Felix could help you find your child. "

Ah, the red-haired one whom pinned after Athanasia's nanny–Lilian York.
So he was still the Head of the Knights even in this world. Looks like nothing had deviated from their original world at all, but he can't lower his guard.

Now that he is finally inside the Palace, he could easily use a bit of his magic tracing to search for the familiar aura of Athanasia.

And there she was, just like what was stated on the magical book, her soul was stuck inside a much younger body once again. Her mana responds almost automatically to the call of his own mana, but she must've been distracted enough that she didn't show any sign of noticing his presence.

Well, he could easily dispel this blasted disguise spell of his and teleport to where she is right now, but the barrier surrounding the Empire isn't familiar with his magic, so he can't simply use it here and there. He won't risk catching the Emperor's attention, now that she is just a few meters away from him.

Athanasia's father is right, even though the blond could easily break the barrier by his own magic, it would easily alert every magicians around the Empire. And while the thought of teaching those pathetic wannabe wizards a lesson is quite tempting, his main goal still remains the same, and that is to assure the safety of the Princess.

But if he found out that someone had dared to touch even a strand of her hair...he wouldn't hesitate to burn this whole world and tear it apart with his power.

"It seems like Sir Felix is with the Emperor at this moment. " Roy casually said after asking another guard that pass by them. "We should head for the place where he might be right now. "

He simply nodded his head, his mana almost purring in delight when it mingles with Athanasia's pure magic. Without even actually seeing her, he could feel the tension that he didn't even notice at all, vanishing into thin air.

But his good mood eventually reached its end when they finally arrived before the large doors leading towards the throne room, almost flinching when a thick and repulsive aura of pure bloodlust slammed against him. In front of him, Roy made a choking sound before turning towards him.

"I-i would look inside first, Sir Luke. Please stay here for a while. "

'Seriously? I think that the one who should stay here is you instead of me, with how rattled you are from a simple bloodlust. '

"Thank you very much again, good Knight Sir. I'll hope for your safe return after your encounter with the Emperor. " the foolish guard didn't even realized the implications of his words, immediately disappearing inside the room.

As the doors shut quietly before him, the 'blond' crossed his arms with a huff.

"Geez, the Emperor of this world didn't know how to held himself back. " he muttered to himself. "Any normal person around here would definitely faint after tasting that aura. "

It would still remain a question to him how Athanasia could stand that murderous aura of her father, that was even used to her once before when he lost his memory and all. And not that he was exaggerating it at all, because he was merely speaking from his own experience.

It was just similar to the incident that happened back then, about eleven years ago, when the Princess' heart almost bursted due to the sudden rush of her mana back to her small body. When he introduced himself before her father in the same throne room, he was targeted by that same kind of bloodlust after all.

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