Chapter Seven

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The soft lighting from the candles slowly eased my eyes open. I had no idea what the time was, and the dark chamber was not helping. I slowly lifted my head and took in my surroundings.

          I was laying in layers of satin and some type of fur, all of a blood-red color. I had multiple fluffy pillows under and around my head. The stone walls had various tapestries covering the walls, adorned with many beads and delicate handiwork. There was a tiny wooden chair in the right corner, right next to the wooden door. Looking behind it, I saw a shadowy figure.

          To the left side of me was the Phantom of the Opera sitting in an elaborately carved rocking chair. A caramel cat was sitting on his lap, being stroked by his bony fingers.

          "So you're awake?" He asked, looking at me. I sat up in the bed and my blood rushed to my head, which made me woozy.

          "Lie down, child." The Phantom said. " It's not everyday someone intrudes upon my lair and survives." I laid my head back down, but shifted the pillows so I was sitting up.

          "You're the one who saved me, you know. Why are you acting so tough?" I inquired. The Opera Ghost stood up, making Ayesha jump down from his lap. "As fate would have it, you are what I've been looking for", he said.

          I cocked my head to the side as he shook his head and said "No, no, nothing like that. Your voice is... exquisite. The angels seem to weep whenever you sing, and I must have it." This statement startled me, as I knew I could sing, but why would my voice mean this much to someone? How could he "have it"?

          "Forgive me for saying this, Mademoiselle, but your voice... simply put, is untrained." The Phantom said as he shifted his weight onto the door-frame he now was in the middle of. "It would be a great honor of mine to hone and elevate your voice. I... I wish to be your teacher."

          My eyebrows jumped to my hairline at this statement. "You want to be my teacher?" I asked. He nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets. " You're saying that, after all your haunting and scaring me, you want to teach me? Why all the theatrics? Why would you want to care about me after calling me all those names last night?" I chucked and shook my head. "Why do you act like a child too afraid of his own feelings?" I asked, tired of this masquerade dance we were putting on. I knew the signs of a toxic relationship and person, and I wasn't about to let someone in my life who would manipulate me.

          His eyes turned a deadly shade of burnt yellow as he hissed at me, "Fine! You ungrateful girl! I saved you from your own death, nursed you back to health, offered you the opportunity of a lifetime, and yet you still refuse me! Fine. Get out of my house", The Phantom said, throwing me my clothes and slamming the door on his way out.

          I sighed as I got out of bed and put on my dry nightgown and robe from the other night. Who could have known the Phantom of the Opera was such a child? I thought as I slipped my shoes on and walked out of my room.

          He was sitting on the floor with his hands covering his face, gripping his hair. Music sheets were scattered around the stone floor, mismatched and all over the place. Red silk drapes were hanging from the ceiling, draping down beside the massive organ, the centerpiece of the room. Candles and candelabras stood all around the room, illuminating the lake and the dazzling stone around it.

          The Phantom of the Opera was crouching next to the rippling lake, obviously in distress. I walked towards him, careful not to startle him. My feet lightly touched the ground as I, ever so gently, laid a hand on his right shoulder. His face whipped around, furious, but fell as he saw me.

          The Opera Ghost began to weep at my feet. He was clutching the hem of my dress, saying " Please... please..".

          I knelt down on the hard ground beside him, sighing as he looked up at my face. "You can't do that," I said, taking his bony hands into my own warm ones. " I will not tolerate any games or abuse, Monsieur." I helped him stand, and he started to brush the dust off himself.

          The Phantom slowly took his hands from my grasp and stuck them in his pockets. " I see." he said, walking over to his organ. The left side of his face started to show a slight blush as I said, "If I agree to let you teach me, you must apologize to me. Sincerely." His face turned from mine, as if in shame.

          "Alright. I apologize", the Phantom said, looking into my eyes. I smiled softly at him, pleased with his sincerity. "No more of this funny business?" I asked, a slight smirk on my face.

          He chuckled and shook his head, saying "No. No more, at least to you." I raised my eyebrows as he ran a hand through his hair, slightly smiling. He offered a hand to me, which I took, noticing the soft pink glow in his cheeks as I did so.

          "I must get to the top. Christine must be worried sick! I exclaimed, walking towards the gondola tied to the dock of the lagoon. The Phantom followed, pulling a bejeweled hat and cloak off of a rack, asking how I knew that was the way out.

          "Lucky guess, I suppose." I said as I climbed into the boat, holding onto his hand. I settled in just as the Phantom started off, rowing the boat with what seemed like ease.

          The ride was pleasant, as we made small talk, but it was far from awkward. "So, what do I call you? I cannot just call you 'The Phantom', after all" I asked, him looking back at me with a slight smile on his face.

           "Maestro" He said, confidently steering the boat. I smiled and asked again, "Maybe an actual name?"

           The Phantom shook his head and said, "Not today. All things come in good time, Colleen Daae. My name will not be one of them." I sighed and was quiet the rest of the way. If he is going to play tough, so would I.

           We reached a stairway leading up to a doorway as he motioned for me to get out of the boat. "You're not going to go up with me?" I asked, getting out of the gondola and putting my soft feet on the cold stone, looking up at the Phantom.

          The Opera Ghost looked at me and said, " I cannot go up there. It is day, and I am a creature of the night. Go. Be with Christine." He said, looking away from me and starting to float away from shore.

         I smiled and waved at him, and he gave a little awkward wave back. I ascended the stairs and took a peek behind the door. While I am sure my little escapade was secret, I would not want anyone to find the Phantom down here.

          I stepped into the light of the Prima Donna room, adjusting my eyes to the light of day. I started walking down the hallway, trying to sneak back into my dorm. Luckily, it was a Sunday, and we had Sundays off.

          I sneakily slipped into the room where Christine and I were staying, Christine still fast asleep, even though the sun was peeking through the blinds. That girl could always sleep, no matter where she was.

          I got under my familiar covers, digesting all that transpired the night before and this morning. A smile slowly stretched onto my face as I thought of my new Maestro. What will happen next? I thought, slowly letting my head sink into the pillow, dreaming about my adventure with the Phantom of the Opera.

Author's Note : .... I'm sorry.... I know I haven't updated in more than a month..... and I have about a billion excuses as to why but they don't count 😂 Anyhoo, I'm sorry and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also, thank you to lunasimagination for giving me the motivation for this chapter! Comments are amazing, and this person is the Supreme Leader of Comments! Anyway, I love y'all! 💙

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