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3rd person

Draco cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. Slughorn popped up from his seat and clapped his chubby hands, dismissing class.
Glad to have a excuse, he picked up his notes, caldron, and ingredients before rushing out the door. He nearly ran down the hallway. It was a free period now, so he hurried to his common room. He wanted to get inside quickly before he could collaspe so his speak was fast and slurred. He was irrated when the doors denied him. So he spoke clearly, "ALWAYS PURE!!!" he nearly screamed. 

The doors could tell if someone was angry, so they flew open so fast Draco nearly fell over. So he stepped insode and they shut. He ran up to the boys dormitory. He stood on the bed and yanked the curtains shut. He plopped down and put his head in his hands. He had never felt butterflies, a warm light feeling, and he had never ever ever called someone by their name. 

  He wanted to scream. This was not how he was suppsed to feel towards a mudblood, he didnt know what it was that he was feeling but he knew it was wrong. Then it hit him. In the heart. Love.

 He loved Hermione Granger. But he cant. Parkinson was waiting for him at home. She wanted to buy a house and have a pureblood chid. He couldnt imagine that life anymore. He saw a new one.

 A new window had been opened in his mind were things were diffrent. He didnt have to live the way he had to. He could live the way he wanted to. Through this window his saw one true fact that beated in his head and coursed through his vains.

  Draco Lucius Malfoy loved Hermione Jean Granger. 

3rd-person                                                                                                                                                                    Hermione 

Hermione stood stunned. After Draco had just left her, the whole class had trickled out. She was mad at her self for blushing at Draco. She couldnt have feelings for Draco malfoy could she? She loved Ron! Just a few days ago they were planning a life together! And now she, well she... She couldnt see it anymore. Hermione was afraid of this new vision and tried to push it away. She grabbed her books and ran. 

  Soon she was face to face with the fat lady. "Tedious" she said and the portait swung open. She rushed passed Ginny Weasley and up to her dormitory. Her empty dormitory. She sprawled across her bed and closed her eyes. She tried to convince herself she was silly and not thinking, but the more she tried to think around it, the more she wanted to just peek at the vision that lurked in the back of her mind. She knew wizards had visions that ment something to them, but Hermione didnt want to look. 

  Finally, she let it overtake her thoughts like opening a letter. She was transported into the town around Hogsmead. Green grass swayed beneath her feet. It was like going into a pensive. The breeze tickled the trees, but it died around her. She could see it was a sunny summer, unlike the rainy fall clouds that lurked around the real world. 

  In the distance she could see the most beautiful cottage. It was small, but homy. And then she saw herself. She was older, ad dressed not in robes but in a sun dess and her skin was freckled and tan. Her hair was less then wavy but it wasn't straight. Her smile raiated around her, she was happy. Drug by her hand was a boy just as radiant as she, dressed in muggle chlothes as well (brown shorts and a loose yellow shirt) but he was sporting slightly paler skin and messy,snow white hair. It was Draco malfoy!! He was holding the hand of  a two year old girl that was the spitting image of a young Hermione, fuzzy curls, button nose, and intelligiant eyes. But her hair was malfoy white, and her hieght and form resembled Draco in every way possible. 

 A family. 

 The sunkissed, radiant, Hermione and Draco swung the two year old between them and laughed. The happy Draco picked up the girl with his strong arms and whispered, "You are the world to me, Rosetta" 

 The vision died out and the edges blackened. Hermione clung to it, but it left her alone in the empty dormitory. She opened her teary eyes and sobbed inot her pilllow. It was so perfect, Her, Draco, Rosetta. She had a longing for that vision to be true, but she felt it was wrong, Forbiddin, silly, wierd. Maybe it was just a faze. Maybe she was just missing Ron. There was no way to see your true hearts disire. 

  Then Hermione sat up and pushed her curtains back. Actually there was. 

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