Chapter 3

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After the suns rays rudely woke me up, I laid there for a few minutes before stretching and yawning. Rolling over so that I was facing the ocean again, my eyes caught the pair of silver eyes staring at me from down the beach. I wonder who told him where I was. Sitting up, I lowered my head. I didn't want to fight anymore. Nic got up and started to trot towards me. When he reached me I nuzzled my snout against his chest. If I had clothes with me I would shift so I could talk with him, but I was too mad to think about grabbing any last night. He turned around and walked a few paces away to grab a pile of clothes before returning, dropping them in front of me. I realized that these were his clothes, the sweatpants he was wearing last night, two light blue t-shirts and a pair of light grey sweats. I grabbed the sweats he was wearing last night, one of the shirts, and trotted away to shift and change.
When I returned Nic was changed and leaning against a fallen tree. "We need to talk, Asena." He spoke as I sat next to him. His arms were resting on his bent knees, and his gaze was focused on the ocean. "I need to apologize for how I reacted last night. It was only natural for you to react the way you did, and I understand why you did it, I'm sorry." He spoke quietly, softly even.
I sighed and closed my eyes briefly before turning to him. "I forgive you, but I need to apologize too. I overreacted, and talking to Kevin in just a T-shirt and thong was stupid of me. I wasn't thinking straight, I just didn't understand why you were protecting her after what she said to me. I knew that flirting with Kevin would piss you off, and I'm sorry." I was grabbing fistfuls if sand and letting them pour between my fingers.
Nicaise sighed and pulled me over his lap so that my head was on his chest before wrapping his arms around me. "I forgive you, Little One." He mumbled against my hair. "We need to get back. Your father and I didn't get a chance to talk yesterday so we have to discuss yesterday's and today's topics today. You should take the time to spend with your family. Say goodbye and bake cookies, or whatever it is you do."
I chuckled and leaned up to kiss his chin. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?" I asked laying my head back against his chest. He was always so incredibly warm.
He wrapped his arms around me before standing up and walking towards the path back up the cliff. "I think you're the amazing one, Little Mate. So fucking perfect." He tightened his grip around me and kissed my cheek.
I tried to climb off of him as it would be faster to run in our wolf forms than walk like this, but he wouldn't let me. "We have to run, Nic, and that's hard to do when I'm in your arms." I huffed, but snuggled closer to his chest.
He chuckled and reached into the pocket of his sweats, pulling out a set of keys. "Not if I was smart enough to bring a car." He unlocked the doors of dad's Subaru Outback and climbed into the driver's side with me still clinging to him like a monkey. "I love the feeling of you in my lap, Sen." He whispered as he turned the key in the ignition.
The drive back to the house was filled with laughter as we told each other stories about our childhoods. We also talked about our families. He was an only child, his father committed suicide after his mother died giving birth to his little sister, who had been a third trimester miscarriage after a rogue attack. We talked about how my mom was kidnapped and murdered by rogues, and how dad only survived because Beta James kicked his ass when he found him with a loaded gun. Told him he had a kingdom and a family to protect, that my mom would come back to personally kick his ass if he left a 16 year old me to run a kingdom.
We played twenty questions again, eye spy-which was boring because it was just forest around us, and we talked about our hopes and dreams. We talked about how Nic hated that he was seen as brutal and merciless, when in reality he was only that way on a battle field. He said that the only thing it helped was to keep unwanted wolves off his land.
When we got back to the house, I leaned down to kiss him. I wanted to feel his soft lips against my own, and when he lifted his head to meet my lips, it was like the world stood still. We were the only people in the world, and nothing and nobody could interrupt us. Except I was wrong. My dad tapping on the glass did. I pulled away from Nic and gave him a small smile. "Thank you, for coming for me." I mumbled against his lips before opening the door and climbing down before going inside to spend time with my family.
Standing in the foyer was the Gamma, Xavier, and his bitch daughter, Serenia. You couldn't really blame him for how she acted. He did the best he could as a single father after her mother ran out on them with another male when Serenia was four. She glared at me before her father growled at her. She scowled but stepped towards me anyways. "I'm sorry for the crude things that I said about your mate, Asena, it was rude and inappropriate of me to do." She sighed before looking at her father. His face was white as a ghost, and he looked ready to shit himself. My dad walked up behind me before he addressed Serenia.
"My daughter's title, is Your Highness, and you will address her as such. You will not insult another Alpha in my household by degrading them to sexual objects, or I will personally handle your punishment. You are going to join the Omegas in their daily duties, for the next five months, as punishment for the disrespect you've already shown by not following my orders. Dismissed." He growled before stepping around her and nodding at her father.  They had been close friends their whole lives, and Xavier often came to dad for advice regarding Serenia.
For the rest of the day, I spent time with my younger sisters, Maeve, Rosalie, and Amelia. We mixed up the activities based on who liked doing what best, that way everyone had some fun. This had been our method since we were little. Our mom had suggested it, and after she died, we clung to it even more fiercely than before. For Amelia, we painted and redecorated her room, which she does every month. Now it was a beautiful sunset theme, with her canopy bed in the middle of the back wall. We painted that wall with a cliff, that way her mixed blue and white canopy acts as a waterfall.
For Allie, we sat around her room and gave each other make overs. I was on make up, Allie was on hair, Eve was on nail polish, and Amy was on wardrobe. This changed every time we did a girls day.
For Eve, we washed our faces, and we had a little spa session. We used Eve and I's face masks, because we were more paranoid about our skin health than the youngest two. We sat and listened to soothing nature noises until Allie and Amy's snores drowned out the soothing music. This always happened. They always passed out before we got to my thing, but that was okay, it gave Maeve and I time to talk about things that we had going on. She was a huge fashion designer, and wasn't home very often, so we always tried to squeeze in as much time as possible while she was home. So by the time we cleaned up the girls' faces, all the spa items, covered them up with blankets, retreated to my room, it was 9:30 at night. With a bowl each of frozen yogurt, a glass of wine for me, and a Shirley Temple for Eve, who doesn't drink alcohol, we sat on my bed and just talked.
I apologized for neglecting her in exchange for spending time with Nic, but she said I was being stupid. She hasn't met her mate yet, but she's excited to finally do so. She told me about her latest designs, and how some teenager accidentally poured red wine down one of her model's white dress, right before she was supposed to go out, so they poured more wine on the dress, and dried it with a blow dryer. We laughed and talked for five hours before Nic came in to say goodnight. Maeve said she was just going anyways and said her own goodbyes, closing the door on her way out.
Nic watched her leave before turning towards me with a smile. "I love your laugh, Little One. It makes me happy to hear you happy." He whispered as he took Maeve's vacated spot next to me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before peppering kisses down my cheek until he reached the corner of my mouth, leaving a lingering kiss there before pulling away. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back to me, a breathless whimper leaving my lips as they pressed against Nic's. His lips were so full and soft. They caressed my own lips in a sensual, timeless manner, like we didn't have to go back up for air at some point. When he did pull away to breathe, I was a panting mess. He kissed me one more time before saying goodnight and going to his assigned guest room.
The next morning, at ten, I made my way to my brother and Maddie's room. I had planned a girls day for us. I invited Isabella, Maeve, and our oldest sister Maylea to go with us. I planned to go shopping, which was something I never got to do because I was supposed to be hidden from the public, but after meeting Nic dad said it would it matter anymore. I also planned a real spa day for us, and I wanted to surprise Maddie with a rescue pet. When we were talking the other day I realized that she left her whole life for Aj, and I wanted to make an effort to get to know her better. Before she met Aj she was a rescue worker for various animal sanctuaries. She rescued animals that were on their way to the kill shelter, and I wanted her to have her own pet.
We left at 11, and we spent six hours shopping at the mall, most of our time being spent in Victoria's Secret with the girls teasing me about what I should buy just to tease Nic, The Body Shop buying various body lotions, mists, oils, creams, and bath salts. We also spent a fair amount of time in Spencer's and Torrid with more teasing from the girls as I picked out various items for the bedroom. We spent another two hours getting facials, massages, and waxed. Then I surprised Maddie with her pet, or well, pets, which took another hour. She chose two Siberian husky twin puppies, two Maine Coon kittens, and a wolf dog puppy. What can I say, I have a soft spot for animals. The more the merrier. Plus I got an Alaskan husky is for Nicaise and I. After that we spent another two hours in PetSmart getting various things we felt we might need. We didn't start heading home until ten at night, and by the time we actually got there, it was 11. Maddie rushed inside to surprise Aj with all of her new fur babies, while the rest of us chuckled and started getting all of the various bags out. We had requested as many big bags as they would give us from each store, and then put all of each person's things in one store's bag, that way we wouldn't be grabbing or mixing up our stuff.
As I walked into my room, I dropped my new purchases on the floor by the door and started setting up my puppies' play pen. I put down potty training pads, a few toys, water, food, and his tough material doggy bed before I set him in the play pen. He had beautiful red and white fur, with the bluest eyes that reminded me of Nic. That's why I chose him. His eyes reminded me of Nic.
After putting all of my things away, I went in search of my sexy mate. I found him in my dad's study with all the Betas, my brother, and my dad. They were laughing, drinking, and talking about guy shit. I smiled and walked in to hug my dad.  "Hey dad, how was your day?" I asked while picking up his glass of whiskey and taking a sip. Jack Daniels.
Dad scowled at me and took his glass back, wiping the rim with his shirt hem. "It was actually really good, sweetie. How was yours?" He replied with a small smile as he poured me my own glass of whiskey.
"Yes, Little One, tell us all about your day." Nic grumbled. Looking at him, it was easy to see that he was upset about something.
I shot him my most brilliant smile, and downed the shot of whiskey. "Actually it was amazing. Everything went according to plan. I have a surprise for you, Nic. Come with me?" I rushed out as I stood up and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him along with me.
Vincent and his mate laughed, as my brother and father looked uncomfortable. "Sena, let the man finish his drink, and for the love of all things holy, keep the lingerie show for after we go to bed." Vince chuckled making my father glare at him.
My face flushed and I stopped pulling on Nic's hand. "Oh my God, Vince, no. I mean, yes, I did purchase new undergarments that I plan on showing him, but that isn't what I wanted to show him right now. Please Nic, I'm really excited about it!" I corrected Vince and then turned my attention back to Nic, the whiskey loosening my tongue more than I would have liked in front of my dad and brother.
Nic's eyes darkened and he swallowed the rest of his Jack before standing up and bidding the boys a goodnight. As we walked down the hall, his scent drove me crazy. I had really missed him today. Turning down the hall towards my bedroom, I let out a squeak of surprise when he pushed me against the wall, and covered my mouth with his own. His kiss was passionate and dominate, but also soft and sweet. He tasted like whiskey and mint. After a few minutes of depriving me of oxygen, he pulled away and pressed a tender kiss on my forehead. "I missed you today, Little One." He mumbled against the top of my head. I smiled and told him I would have to spend more time away from him if that was the hello I got. "Now what did you want to show me?" He asked.
My excitement renewed about showing him our new little puppy, I grinned and pulled him towards my room. When we got there I walked over to the play pen and picked up the little guy. Turning around I found an unimpressed mate, with his arms crossed over his chest. "I got us a puppy, baby!" I exclaimed, choosing to ignore his grouchy self. "Isn't he the cutest?!" I brought the puppy over to Nic, who refused to hold him.
He raised an eyebrow at me and sighed. "No. I'm the cutest." He grumbled, pouring and looking at the poor baby with disdain.
I rolled my eyes and forced the puppy into Nic's arms. "Nic, please just hold him. I got him because he reminded me of you. And he's ours, so you have to help me name him." I rambled as I took out my phone to take as many photos of my two boys together as Nic would allow.
I even got one of him smiling at the camera. "Did you really get him because he reminded you of me?" He asked chuckling as he scratched the puppies head. "I don't have red hair, and Shadow doesn't have red fur." He grumbled as our little baby fell asleep in his arms, belly up as Nic rubbed his little tummy.
I awed and cooed as I took more photos before responding to Nic. "It was his eyes, they reminded me of yours." I smiled as I put my phone on the charger and went into my closet to get ready for bed. We had two more days before we were supposed to go to his pack, and I wanted to be fully mated before then. So I had to tease him.
When I walked back out I was in a red lace g-string, and a matching transparent red nightie with a split down the middle, revealing my torso. Nic had placed the puppy on his little bed and covered him with his tiny blanket. He wasn't paying attention to me, his focus still on the puppy. "Babe I think we should name him Aiko. It has a nice, strong ring to it." He said before turning around and groaning as he saw what I was wearing. "Fuck beautiful. Are you trying to get me killed? If your dad knew what you were wearing right now, my head would be on a pike before sunrise." He mumbled walking over to me.
As Nic wrapped his arms around my waist, he kissed me softly and pulled my hips against his. I gently rubbed my belly against his growing erection, and he groaned sitting down, pulling me into his lap.
He trailed kisses down my neck and moved the nightie aside. Pulling me closer to him, he kissed my lips before pulling back. He got up and set me on the bed. "I'm going to go to sleep, Little One. Goodnight." He mumbled before walking out of my room and closing the door. Groaning I cut the lights and climbed under the covers. Should have known he would go for it that easily. I'll have to try harder tomorrow.

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