Chapter 10

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The next morning at five Nic and I worked out together for an hour before we took separate showers and started unpacking my stuff. We had brought Vanadey her things too, but I was asleep when we got here so I haven't seen her yet. I missed her. She was my best friend, and I had to tell her everything that she missed out on since she abandoned me at that store so long ago with no notion of where she was or calling me back.
Yeah, I was still a little salty about that. I mean she could have at least come in and told me. She could have brought Declan to meet me, she could have brought him to meet dad, or whatever. She shouldn't have left me to worry about her being kidnapped by some rando at the store.
Nic and I spent four hours putting all my clothes, books, nicknacks, and odds and ends away. We also set up a corner in the bedroom by the bay window for Aiko. The main reason it even took us so long was because we were making out for at least two hours worth of that time. I initiated most of the sessions though, Nic's a fantastic kisser. Not that I have any other experiences to go by, but he is perfect. Soft, but firm. Attentive, but he still takes what he wants. The way he kisses me is sensual and sexy. It's not like we had a two hour long make out session. We would kiss in passing and then just make out until one of us remembered that we were doing something, and we got back to work.
An hour later I was sitting in the window seat next to Nic's bookcase reading The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice when he came in holding Aiko. "Hey Little One, what are you reading?" He asked kissing my shoulder as he sat behind me.
"Hmmm?" I hummed engrossed in the book. "It's The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. Cade recommended it." I told him as he circled his arms around my tummy.
"Ahh, I remembered him mentioning it a few years ago, so I bought a copy. It's pretty decent." He said as he placed Aiko on the floor in his little pen, and he set about exploring his new home. "We need to have a pack meeting so that I can introduce you, Vince, and your sister. What time do you think would be best?" He asked taking my book and closing it. "You were on page 20."
I frowned at him and cuddled closer. "Do you think they'll like me, Nic?" I asked playing with his fingers. "I mean, I know that you're biased, being my mate, but what if they don't like me?!" I asked turning so my side was against his chest, and pulling my knees to my chest, so that I could see him better.
Nic frowned and pulled my chin up so he could stare into my eyes. "I think they will like you, Sen, but if they don't, then I will still mate and mark you, I will still name you my Luna, and then over time anyone that didn't like you will grow to love you. They will learn what a beautiful person you are, and how incredibly perfect you are for both me and this pack." He got up before picking me up and leaving our room. "I'm hungry. Are you hungry, Little One? I'll make you food." He grumbled walking down the stairs.
I giggled and kissed his jaw. "I can eat." I mumbled kissing a line down his jaw and resting my head on his shoulder, my arms curled up between our bodies. "I love you, Nicaise....whatever-your-middle-name is Thain. So much." I whispered as he walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a medium sized pot, a large sauce pan, and then a medium frying pan from the rack hanging above the stove. He tried to set me down on the counter, but I whined and he leaned back up.
Nic chuckled and opened the fridge. "Okay fine, but you'll have to get down so I can cook." He said grabbing a package of chicken breasts, an onion, a clove of garlic, and a package of cherry tomatoes from the fridge. I pouted at him as he set the ingredients on the counter. "Baby you have to get off now." He told me pecking my lips.
I frowned but did as he said, grabbing a tomato and popping it into my mouth. "What are you making, baby?" I asked trying to peer around him while he diced half the onion. Nic smirked at me and then put the onions in the sauce pan. "No seriously, what are you cooking?" I asked hopping up to sit on the bare spot of the counter.
Nic smiled and kissed me before putting a bit of olive oil in the pan. "Creamy Chicken Alfredo with roasted garlic, tomatoes, and onions. It's the only recipe of my moms that I learned to cook. You'll love it." He said mincing the clove of garlic. He put the garlic in the pan with the onions and oil before turning the stove burner on low heat.
While that sizzled Nic opened the package of chicken and put two breasts in the frying pan with more oil. He's so sexy all the time, but when he cooks, it's like a magic potion that quadruples his sex appeal. I was so busy staring at him I didn't realize he had almost finished our food until Vince and Cade walked in followed by a tan, tall, gorgeous blonde with big dazzling green eyes.
"I already know you made enough food for me, Nic. You always do." Cade said grabbing a piece of cut up chicken while Vince grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. My eyes remained on the blonde, however, as she walked up to Nic and grabbed his arm.
"Nicaise, baby, we aren't getting any younger. I say you ditch waiting for your mate and announce me as Luna already. You know I was born for this." She said leaning up and kissing the corner of Nic's lips. A snarl ripped from my throat while Vince laughed his ass off and Cade rolled his eyes. "Awe, baby! You picked up a stray!" Blondie exclaimed giving me a once over and smirking. "And she must not have had any of her own clothes, so you gave her yours!" She said gesturing towards Nic's shirt that was hanging off my shoulder. "You poor lady! I'll have someone get you new clothes." She walked up to me and tore a claw through the sleeve of Nic's shirt. "This one has a tear." She smiled before turning to Nic with a fake smile. This. Whore. Will. Die! I growled again before looking at Nic. He sighed and rolled his eyes before turning back to the food, stirring butter into the pasta.
"Kaylie, you are not, and will never be, my mate or Luna. Your parents were both omega wolves, and your wolf, at the very best, is a low ranking subordinate wolf." Nic turned back around and sent the iciest glare her way. "Asena is not a stray." He snarled getting in her face. She cowered under his gaze and Vince laughed again. He was holding up his phone, taking a video. "Now leave!" Nic growled. He glared at her as her eyes watered and she stood there pouting. "Get out Kaylie, Now!" He roared slamming his fist on the countertop.
The marble cracked and I gasped. "Nicaise!" I yelled jumping off the counter and standing in front of him, but looking up at him I couldn't help but be turned on. "That was actually really sexy, babe!" I purred pushing my body against his and a scoff behind me told me blondie was still behind me. I turned around to look her up and down, Lucie coming to the surface, and growled. "You can leave now, whore." I said before moving around Nic and inspecting the food. "Nic is this ready yet? I'm hungry." I pouted looking up at him.
His response? Rolling his eyes at me and shuffling me out of his way. Okay then.
"Almost, I just have to mix the chicken and sauce. Can you set the table, please?" Nic asked glancing at Vince and Cade.
"Of course, Alpha." Was Vince's response.
"I'd rather not, but I mean I guess." Was Cade's reply.
Simultaneously. Nic groaned and threw his head back, "Stop fucking doing that!" He yelled while grabbing two pot holders and towels. He put the towels in the middle of the table and made his way back over to me and the stove. "Asena sit down, I'll bring the food over." He placed a quick kiss on my forehead and picked up the pot of buttered pasta. I sat down at the left of the head of the table as Nic placed the pot on one of the towels. Cade poured us all a glass of red wine while Nic set the sauce pan filled with Alfredo and chicken on the second towel. He sat down across from me, instead of at the head of the table. I frowned at him but let it go.
"Baby I don't think you want to give Sena any alcohol." Vince whispered loudly in Cade's ear. "She gets a lottle, well, flirtatious with her bad self. Turns into quite the little minx this one." He continued as he scooped pasta onto both his and Cade's plates. "Plus she's a total light weight!" He exclaimed sitting back down. Cade looked at his plate and raised his right eyebrow, while Nic frowned at Vince.
"Vin, babe, there's no Alfredo on these." Cade said while giving his partner an unamused look. "That's kinda the main part of the dish. You know, the chicken Alfredo." He sighed before scooping some of the sauce onto both their plates. "Thank you, Nic. It's as delicious as always." He said before he even took a bite of his food.
Vince smiled at Cade and kissed his cheek, ignoring Nic's frown. "We're a team, baby. We do everything together. I put the pasta on, you put the sauce on." He said swirling the noodles onto his fork before shoveling it in his mouth.
"Vincent, what do you mean she gets a little flirtatious? Who'd you flirt with?" Nic questioned Vince before turning his gaze to me.
I sighed and picked my fork up. "I don't know what he's talking about. He's the only person I've ever drank with." I mumbled taking a bite. Oh. My. God. "Holy shit, Nic!" I groaned after I swallowed my bite. This is literally the best thing to ever pass my lips. Besides his lips. Or his tongue. Or his cock. God his cock.
"And you kept telling me you loved me! Like twenty times in three seconds!" Vince exclaimed shoveling more of his food in his mouth.
"Yes, Vincent. You happened to walk into my room on the first anniversary of my mom's death, which I was the only person present for. Oh, and by the way, I drank at least four bottles of vodka before you walked in and took the fifth away. The reason I told you I loved you is because you're my best friend, and I didn't want to lose another loved one without saying I loved them as much as possible." I set my fork down and cleared my throat. "If you'll all excuse me, I think I'm finished." I got up and walked away before any of them could say anything.
On my way back to the room blondie bumped into me. "Oops, my bad, Luna. Didn't mean to bump you there!" She let out a mock gasp and patted my shoulder where she rammed me. The small group of wolves in the living room got up an surrounded us. This walking STD hoe then proceeded to get in my face and glare at me. "Stay the hell away from Nicaise. He's mine, and I know you've just bewitched him with your slutty appeal and helpless little girl act. Know this, slut, when it comes time for Nicaise to announce his Luna, it will be me." She growled shoving me back by my shoulders, and into a girl behind me.
I took a deep breath and prepared to walk away. I trusted Nic not to touch her. I wasn't in the mood to fight right now anyways. Blondie growled and grabbed my arm, digging her extended claws into my flesh. She was just asking to have her ass handed to her. Lucie started trying to push her way to the front of my mind, but I didn't want to fight. The few wolves that were behind Blondie took a few steps back bowing their heads. She just kept up her bullshit though. She took her other clawed hand and raked it against my abs, digging in and leaving small tears through my flesh.
I snarled and shifted, ready to seriously maim this bitch for her snarky whoriness, and attacking me. I was aiming for her jugular, but she screamed and raised her arm at the last minute, blocking my bite. I growled and clamped down, but this hoe just screamed. She couldn't even fight! I let go of her arm, Lucie coming to the front, and Kaylie shifted into her tiny russet colored wolf. Like easily half my size tiny. I stared at her for a few seconds before letting out a wolfish chuckle and sitting down.
"This bitch the size of a pup!" Lucie howled with laughter staring at a snarling Barbie. "A slutty, no balls, all bark no bite, and puny pup!" She growled. Blondie snarled again before lunging at us. Lucie batted her back with her paw and snickered. Barbie hit the floor with a thud and got up limping, shaking her head a few times before snarling at us again. How cute.
Lucie cocked her head displaying Shadow's mark for all to see before she got tired of the games and pounced on Kaylie. Lucie bit into her scruff and forced the slut's head down in a basic sign of submission. We were born royalty! We were next in line for the throne! Our mate was the most powerful Alpha in the world! There was not one wolf alive that was ever going to reduce us to a naked, sobbing, and broken mess on a cold floor again. Barbie whimpered and bared her throat to us, but Lucie snarled again and met everyone's eyes. Everyone present looked down and bared their throats in submission before Lucie let go of Kaylie's scruff.
A loud growl resonated throughout the room before a large man that looked slightly like Cade pushed through the crowd and glared at me. "What the fuck are you doing to my daughter?!" He growled making his way over to Kaylie's side. "Do you have any idea who she is?! She's the future Luna of this pack!" He growled cuddling Kaylie closer to him. By his scent I could tell he was the old beta. Cade and Declan's father, then.
I growled and stalked closer to him until my snout was in his face, but before I could do anything else Nic's voice flooded the room. "Actually, Sean, this is my mate. Asena Nadora Kain. Future Queen of Alpha's, and the Alpha Female of this pack. Your adopted Omega slut has never even been, and will never be for that matter, a candidate for the title of my mate. Now, get out. Everybody." He spoke so calmly. So sure of himself.
"He's so sexy, Sen. I still can't believe how lucky we got with him." Lucie sighed sitting down and wagging her tail staring at Nic. A few of the mated pairs that watched what happened grinned at us and mouthed thank you before leaving, or on their way around us. Lucie was beaming with pride, but Nic's angry scowl quickly wiped it away. "Why is he mad at us?" Lucie asked lowering he head as he tail slowly stopped wagging.
Nic growled and grabbed a blanket from over the couch before throwing it over my body. "Shift, Asena." He spoke while crossing his arms over his chest. Seriously why is he angry at me? She started it! There were numerous witnesses to the entire thing. We even tried to walk away! I growled but shifted anyways. I let the blanket fall to my waist though. There was nobody else in the room, and Nic was my mate. He turned around sighing. "Please cover up." He sounded defeated. I inspected the deep gouges on my arm from Kaylie's claws. Then the scratches on my stomach. Those would heal in a half hour. The ones on my arm would take about an hour and a half, though. Stupid bitch.
Pulling the blanket over my shoulders I walked past Nic and made my way back to the kitchen. The betas were still sitting there eating. Nic's plate was where he left it, as was mine. Speaking of Nic, he walked past me, jerking his shoulder away so that he wouldn't touch me. "What the hell is his problem?!" Lucie snarled getting worked up again. "First he's mad at us for defending ourselves against that bitch, then he doesn't want to see us, and now he won't even touch us?" She growled and sat down, glaring at Nicaise.
"Get out." I snarled to Vince who instantly tried pulling Cade with him. Cade refused until Nic sighed and nodded his head. Which pissed me off more. I don't even know why. I was just in a pissed off mood I guess. "What the hell is your problem, Nicaise? Just earlier we were fine. Then that bitch walks in and you go cold. She attacks me, and you're still somehow kissed at me! What the fuck?!" I growled glaring at him.
Nic refused to look at me and just kept eating. I glared at him for five minutes before getting up and leaving. Stupid fucking mates. I walked outside before letting the blanket fall and shifting. I took off towards the edge of the woods and howled. I wanted my pack. I wanted to be comforted. As I ran multiple wolves fell in behind me. Following my lead until at least 700 wolves were tracking my every move. I jumped over a log and Vince's brown wolf joined the run, right next to me, taking his place as a lead wolf.
Together we led the pack for three hours, redirecting our course anytime we ran into the patrol wolves. I finally stopped in a huge meadow to give my front leg a rest, and the wolves that followed all came up to me and rubbed their bodies against mine in a comforting manner. I howled in pride at my pack, and they joined in. They were proud to have me as their Luna, so why wasn't Nic? Ending the howl I whimpered and lay down, resting my head on my front paws.
About ten minutes later the wolves all started to get up and leave. I sighed and decided it was probably best that I join them. This time Vince and I stayed at the back of the pack. Protecting them from any unseen threats that might attack while their backs were turned. This was my introductory run as Luna, and Nic should have been next to me. His pack followed me. They knew I was his Luna.
By the time we got back to the pack house it was eight, and the ceremony was supposed to happen at nine. I don't even know if it's necessary at this point, but Nic wanted to do it. "Who cares what he wants right now?" Lucie huffed as I shifted and grabbed the blanket that was still where I left it. He didn't even come to find me. "Do you you think he doesn't want us anymore? That he thinks that pup would be a better Luna?" Lucie asked, her voice small.
I whined at the thought and opened the sliding door to the kitchen. Nic was sitting there, now at the head of the table, eating. I stopped in my tracks staring at him. I frowned and tears sprang into my eyes. "I guess he doesn't, Lu." I could feel my heart contracting. Squeezing as it shattered, forcing its own jagged and torn pieces into other destroyed remnants of itself. Over and over again as I walked upstairs to our room, closing and locking the door behind me as a sob forced its way past my choked up throat.
As my tears slid down my cheeks, I grabbed the largest suitcase I brought and started putting as many of my clothes in as I could fit. I didn't want to stay in this room with him. Once I had stuffed the majority of my clothes into the case, I grabbed the other one and forced the rest in it.
I grabbed them both by the straps and picked them up. Unlocking and opening the door I made my way to one of the guest rooms that I knew was on this floor. The farthest one from Nicaise's room as I could get. Once there I left my suitcases on the bed, opening one up and pulling on a hoodie and pajama shorts. I then grabbed the blanket Nic had thrown at me and left back to his room to get Aiko. I left the blanket on his bed and grabbed Aiko's food dish, water dish, training pads, and a few of his favorite toys. I made my way back down to the guest room and closed and locked the door behind me.
Pushing the suitcases off the bed, I climbed up and cuddled Aiko closer to me. Then I cried. I cried until my eyes couldn't possibly produce anymore tears. Then I sat there. Staring at the door. I wanted him to at least knock. I wanted him to care enough to look for me. As the hours passed I realized he was probably sitting in bed right now, sound asleep. The thought hurt like hell. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. Turning on the shower I stripped my clothes. A searing shot of pain soared through my heart, and I screamed falling to the floor. It only lasted a few minutes before it abruptly stopped and Nic's furious growl shook the house and a crash from down the hall reached my ears.
I laid there crying on the freezing bathroom floor for what felt like hours, the steam from the shower slowly forming as the water got hotter. Aiko started yapping from the bedroom before a series of pounding knocks sounded on the door. I whimpered and just curled up where I was. A small thud reached my ears before Aiko's little fluffy body came strutting through the bathroom and over to my body. He pushed his way under my arm and cuddled against my chest while silent tears slid over the bridge of my nose as Nic's pleading voice begged me to open the door from the hallway.
So now he comes. I scoffed and used my toes to slam the bathroom door shut. I laid there crying as Nic growled and pounded on the door more. So much for not letting another wolf reduce me to a naked, broken, and sobbing mess on a cold floor. I thought before sleep overcame me.

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