Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up at five to work out and prepare for my day of teasing and seducing Nic. After taking care of Aiko I set out a midnight blue lingerie set, a slightly baggy, off the shoulder black t-shirt that had a knot in the front, and a pair of white cut-off shorts that the back of the shirt would cover, revealing my toned legs. After pulling on a black sports bra and a matching pair of spandex shorts, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and slipped on my favorite grey Nike's.
Opening the door to the workout room, I stopped when 500 sets of eyes met mine. Aj growled and pushed me out, closing the door behind him. "What the fuck are you doing here dressed like that, Sen?" He whispered gesturing towards my torso.
I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. "Like what, Aiden? Like I'm about to workout?" I gave him an unimpressed look, and stepped around him to walk back inside. I didn't care what a bunch of warrior wolves thought of me. I was going to workout. I made it to the rowing machine before their eyes on my pissed me off. "Is there a fucking problem here, Warriors?" I made sure to shoot them all my harshest glare while setting up. "Because if not, greatness doesn't happen by you standing around." I repeated what my father has told me countless times. It's his own little training motto, one that Aiden had adopted and modified, apparently.
"Um, little lady, you got the motto wrong. It's actually, 'Nothing happens if you're standing around', but you know, no biggie. Rookie mistake." One of the warriors "corrected" me, earning a laugh from some of his fellow young warriors that, clearly, haven't trained with my father yet.
The older warriors all groaned and moved to the outer edges of the room, leaving the hundred or so newer men to look at them in confusion. "Actually, pup," I growled, "that's Aiden's version of my father's motto. The original motto, my father's motto, is that 'greatness doesn't happen by you standing around,' so if you're quite done being an idiotic imbecile, I'd like to get on with my workout." I growled getting in his face.
He laughed and shoved me back by my shoulders, which only served to piss me off more. Who does this idiot think he is?! "Well, sweetheart, I don't care who your fat old dad is, or what your daddy's motto is. I'm not afraid of any old dried up warrior. So you might want to get the hell out of my training room before I kick you out." He snickered while all of his buddies' faces turned white. During his little rant, Aiden had come back in the room, and he didn't look impressed. Buffoon crossed his arms and smirked at me. "You have a nice juicy ass though, so make sure you swing it a little on your way out. You know, give all these men here a little show for the grief you've caused, princess."
I smirked in return before raising my eyebrows. "I'll make sure to tell my dad, exactly, what you think of him, and his little girl. Could I get your name for that though, please? Don't want to get anything wrong, you know, for when my daddy kicks your ass for disrespecting this princess of his." I smiled my sweetest smile and caught Aiden's look of exasperation behind douche dick here.
Douche Dick smiled and stepped closer to me, "Of course he will, dear." He spoke in a condescending tone and patted my shoulder with a sympathetic look. I would definitely be returning the favor. "My name is Kaleb, and there's no need for a last name, I'm the only Warrior with the name." He winked and Aiden cleared his throat.
"You're right, Kaleb, there's no need for a last name. Sen, finish your workout. Nobody, is to give Kaleb here, Sen's father's name, title, rank, or any other description that tells him who he is. You will not point him out, or show him to Kaleb in any manner. Am I clear?!" He yelled to the rest of the warriors. The seasoned warriors didn't bother agreeing, they knew who my dad was. The younger recruits grumbled, except for Kevin, who was white as a sheet of paper and immediately gave Aiden an affirmative.
I walked back towards the rowing machine to workout when one of the older warriors walked over to me. "I apologize for my nephew's behavior, Your Highness." He mumbled under his breath so that nobody would hear him.
I smiled at him and shook my head. "It isn't your fault. Don't worry, I won't let dad kill him." I flashed him another smile and he returned it with appreciation.
"That's all I ask." He called to me as he walked away.
I hopped from machine to machine, making sure to stay out of the boys' way until it came to weighted squats and pull ups. They were using all the bars, and as far as I could tell, they were having a competition. Low weight, high rep. Douche Dick and some other new lad were up, Kaleb looked fine, while the other male looked about ready to pass out, but he kept going. He struggled with each rep, but he finished and started another each time. They got fifty more 200lbs reps before they stopped, but it was Kaleb that gave up. "300 reps boys. Angel, very nice. Kaleb, that was pathetic." Aiden said as he wrote down their numbers in his log. I snickered and Kaleb glared at me.
"I'd like ta see ya do better, lassie." Kaleb snarled in my direction. His uncle laughed and shook his head.
"She'd leave you in the dust any day boyo. Leave the lass be, and accept your defeat graciously. Aiden is right, you were pathetic." He shrugged and Kaleb growled.
"It's alright. I'll compete. I need the bars anyways. How about you pick who I go against, Kaleb. That way you can't say I cheated." I wrapped and chalked my hands before going over to one of the bars and adjusting the height. These men were all easily a foot taller than me. Kaleb tried to pick Kevin, but he refused. He knew who I was. Refusing to compete against a girl isn't as bad as accepting and then failing, I guess. "Any day now. I have a mate to see." I was growing impatient. I still had to do my 60 daily chin-ups and suspended plank hold.
"Fine, Ronnie, you're up." Kaleb pointed to one of the new recruits, a massive man that had dark blue eyes and a stoney face. "Is he suitable, princess?" Kaleb asked while gesturing towards Ronnie.
I gave an uncommitted shrug and sighed. "I mean, I guess. Sorry in advance though, Ronnie." I told him as other warriors placed 200 pounds on our bars. 100 on each side.
Dad and Nic walked in the room, and Aiden laughed and shook his head. "All I'm saying is you guys are all going to feel like idiots when you learn who her dad is. But hey, go right on ahead." Nic raised his eyebrows and dad scowled. "When you're ready." Aiden said, as he walked over to dad and Nic, likely explaining what's going on.
Ronnie smiled at me and got in position. "For the record, I know who you are, and it's an honor to compete with you." He smiled and I returned it before telling him it was an honor for me, as well. Kaleb counted your three and we began.
We got 500 reps in before Ronnie called it quits and sat down to relax his muscles. I put my bar on the hook and sighed. "Oh come on man, she didn't even break a sweat!" Kaleb growled at Ronnie.
I smirked at Kaleb and walked towards my water bottle and towel. Walking up to Kaleb I patted his shoulder in mock sympathy. "Hey Kaleb. Three things. Number one, don't assume you can beat a girl, just because she's a girl. Number two, you know how you told me to 'make sure I swing my big juicy ass on my way out' of the gym?" I asked while walking over to Nic and kissing his cheek. God he smelled nice. I needed to borrow his hoodie or something. "Well, this here is Alpha Nicaise. He's my mate. So have fun with that." I chuckled and smiled at Nic and then looked towards my dad, who looked even more pissed at what was going on then he did when he came in. "Last but definitely not least, number three, recall how you called my dad a fat dried out old warrior?" I raised my eyebrows and Kaleb paled more than his pasty ass already was. "Oh yeah, meet my daddy. I'm sure you know who he is, but in case you don't, Alpha Vaiser. Your king." I chuckled and then kissed dad's cheek. "I promised his uncle you wouldn't kill him, so you know.....don't." I whispered in his ear before walking away.
Nic grabbed my arm and growled at Kaleb. "You didn't happen to promise I wouldn't kill him, did you?" He snarled glaring at Douche Dick who tried to shrink in on himself as the weight of his actions hit him. "Because you might want to drag me with you, if you did." Nic mumbled as he laced our fingers together. I smiled and leaned into him.
"Well I'm about to shower, but you can always join me, Alpha." I purred in his ear. Let the teasing begin.
Nicaise groaned and followed me out. "I'll follow, but I'm not joining." He grumbled as dad shot him a glare. After the door closed, I could hear dad yelling at Kaleb. Ah, sweet victory. When we made it to my room, I purposely left my clothes where I left them on my sofa and went to the bathroom. Nic stayed in my room, though, much to my dismay. He was playing with Aiko, so that gave him brownie points.
After I showered and blow dried my hair, I walked out of the bathroom in just a towel, pretending that I accidentally forgot my clothes. I walked passed Nic, and he groaned. "Little One, I know what you're doing." He told me as he leaned back, resting his weight on his arms.
I adjusted the towel and grabbed my clothes. "Oh, do you? Please enlighten me." I said as I sauntered over to him. "What am I doing, mate?" I asked as I straddled his waist. "I was just getting my clothes."
Nic sat up and pulled me against him, kissing my cheek. "You're trying to seduce me, Asena." He groaned while thrusting his hips against mine. "I have to say, though, it's definitely working." I moaned as he dug his erection against my center, pulling the towel away and discarding it on the floor at his feet. "You're so fucking sexy, Little Mate. All fucking mine." Nic enunciated each word with a thrust against my throbbing pussy. I let my head fall back and his lips attached themselves to the column of my neck. He left open mouth kisses on every part of my neck he could get to, groaning as I began to move my hips against his.
"Please Nic, I want to be yours. Completely yours." I moaned as his hands held my shoulders, putting more force into each thrust of his hips.
Nic moved so that I was now on the bed, with him using his body to hold me down. His hands held mine above my head, pinning them to the bed while he continued to thrust against me. "Fuck. Say it again, Sen. Say it again." He groaned as he kneeled in between my thighs, ripping his hoodie and shirt off at the same time. His erection straining against his shorts.
"I need to be yours, Nicaise. I need you inside of me." I moaned as he held my right breast in his hand, flicking his thumb over my nipple. "Please, Nicaise!" I moaned as he began grinding against my bare core again. He angled his hips differently and I felt all of him. He was massive, oh my god, he would definitely not fit inside of me. I began second guessing my decision. His erection would split me in half! Right in two!
I flushed as he went to pull his shorts down, but before he could even move them, my bedroom door burst open and Vince ran in screaming about how he had nothing to wear for his date tonight. Nic dropped over me to shield my body, and growled at Vince, who looked like a dear in the headlights. "Beta Vincent. You're interrupting. Get out." Nic growled and put more of his weight on me, his bulge rubbing against my clit, eliciting a soft moan from my mouth.
Vince's eyes widened and he shrieked. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I'll just find you later Sen, yeah?!" He yelled as he tried to rush out of my room.
Before he could leave, my dad walked in and noticed the position Nic and I were in. He growled and turned around. "Alpha Nicaise, get off my daughter. Beta Vincent, stay. Asena, put some fucking clothes on." He growled. My face heated and Nic glared at Vince, who was facing the door. I slid out from underneath Nic and hurriedly pulled my clothes on. Nic got up and put just his shirt back on. He handed me his hoodie. "We have to speak, Nicaise." My father growled out leaving my room. Vince stayed facing my door as Nic kissed me one more time before walking out.
He waited until they were a good distance away before he turned around and squealed. "Oh my goddess, girl! You were about to mate! Spill all the tea!" He exclaimed as he rushed over to my bed and sat down. I sighed and sat down next to him before I told him everything. From this morning, to just before he walked in.
"I swear, Vince, he's almost as big as my forearm!" I held up my right arm and used my left hand to circle where Nic's dick would have ended if it were against my arm. "How the hell is he going to fit?! I can't fit this inside of me!" I whisper yelled.
Vince gave me a suggestive look and smirked. "Well, honey, you use lots of lubrication." He put his fisted hand next to his mouth and pushed his tongue against the inside of his opposite cheek, before moving his hand back and forth. He wiggles his brows and then burst out laughing as my cheeks heated for the hundredth time today.
I groaned and laid back on my bed. "Stop, Vince, I'm being serious!" I whined looking up at the ceiling. "I want to be his, but I'm scared." Vince sighed and lay next to me before he began his advice.
"Sweetie, of course he's going to fit. Everything is going to be just fine. You guys were made for each other. Don't worry. If you aren't ready, he'll understand. You just have to explain things to him. Let him know you're afraid, and he'll make sure you're okay before he does anything. I promise." His words reassured me and I thanked him before I got up and we went to search his closet for the perfect date outfit. We spent two hours getting him ready. I picked out a pair of black jeans that made his ass pop, because he is most certainly the catcher, and an olive green button up that made his green eyes pop. I lined his upper eyelids with a bit of eyeliner, to give his lashes a thicker look, and he picked out a pair of vans that matched his shirt.
As Vince was rolling up his sleeves, Cade knocked on his door. Opening it, I surveyed Cade's outfit, a black button up and grey slacks. Paired with a nice pair of black dress shoes. He looked decent. "I hear your dad caught you and Nicaise in a compromising position, Asena." He smirked as my cheeks flamed up. Scratch that. He looked like crap. Poor Vince.
"Leave her alone, Cade, just this morning my dad walked in to see me on my knees with your dick in my mouth." He mumbled as he rolled his eyes.
Cade smirked and kissed Vince's temple. "Yes he did, and you were incredibly sexy as you choked on my cock while trying to get off of it, baby." Vince and I both blushed at Cade's words.
"Have a nice night, boys. Use a condom. Or don't. I don't care." I mumbled as I walked away.
"Were you going to use one, Luna?" Cade called after me as I sped away. I could hear his grunt as I'm assuming Vince hit him for his remark.
I spent the next three hours with Aiko and Maeve separating Addey's stuff from what she got Callie, and my stuff from the both of them. I told her about everything that happened and she laughed her ass off. "Oh my god!" She cackled, "That's so fucking perfect!" I growled at her and continued sorting.
Callie was coming by tonight to get her things because we were supposed to leave tomorrow. I wanted to be mated before that. So I had to seduce Nic again tonight, or sometime before that. I haven't decided yet. "It isn't that funny, Eve." I put all the piles in separate bags before I stood up to stretch.
"You're right." She sighed. "It's so much funnier." She chuckled again grabbing a package of zebra cakes from the snack bag.
I sighed and grabbed a package of cosmo brownies for myself. Aiko laid down in my lap, and I scratched his ear.
We were watching the fifth movie in the Harry Potter series, as that's Maeve's favorite movie series, when Callie walked in. "Hey, girls, how ya been?" She asked sitting down and petting Aiko, who moved over to her and sniffed her hand before moving back to my lap. Nic walked in and leaned down to kiss my head. "He's a cutie. When did you get him?" She asked.
"She got him the other day." Nic answered her question as he sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How was your time with Vincent?" He asked nuzzling his face in my neck.
Eve giggles and wiggles her brows at me. "Not as exciting as her time with you, Alpha, that's for sure." She addressed Nic while smirking at me, and Nic groaned pulling me against his chest.
"You told them?" He asked whispering in my ear.
I rolled my eyes and Callie frowned. "What happened between you two today?" She quizzed looking between Nic and I. "Was it a repeat of what went down behind the waterfall the other day?" She questioned and Eve looked at me wide eyed.
I groaned and leaned against Nic's chest. "No, it wasn't, well, not really anyways. And nothing happened at the waterfall." I mumbled pushing Aiko's head away from my feet because he kept nibbling at my heel. "Ouch Aiko. That hurts." He looked at me and licked where he bit my foot.
"But a whole lot happened earlier today, huh, Sennie?" Eve chuckled and jumped up laughing as I lunges at her.
"No seriously, you aren't mated so what happened earlier?" Callie asked.
"Vincent and her dad walked in as things were getting heated." Nic grumbled. Eve snorted and launched a throw pillow at Nic and I, but Nic caught it mid air and raised his eyebrow at her.
"It was already heated, Nicaise! You were seconds away from mating!" She exclaimed before she launched into telling Callie everything I told her. I tried to tell her to shut up before she got to the part about me thinking he'd rip me in half, but she just kept going like I didn't say anything.
Nic growled and demanded that they leave. I tried to get up and follow but he grabbed my hips and pulled me back to his chest. "Not you, Little One." He growled, moving Aiko to the pillow that Eve threw at us. Once they were gone he turned me around and I was suddenly very fascinated by my fingerprints. "Were you going to tell me about your worries if Vincent didn't walk in, or were you just going to ignore it?" He growled, pulling my face up.
I frowned and bit my lip thinking about the best way to phrase what I wanted to say. "I-" I stopped and took a deep breath, looking back down. "I've never, um, I've never done anything before. So I think it's reasonable for me to be worried about my first time." I mumbled looking up at him to see his reaction. Still pissed, okay, new tactic. "I don't know if I would have said anything, Nic. Can you honestly tell me that you weren't wondering about hurting me, pleasing me, or whatever it is when guys lose their virginities?" I wanted him to understand that I was reasonable in my fear. "I mean seriously, your cock is huge!" I exclaimed throwing my arms out to my sides. He gave me a deadpan look before sighing and moving me off his lap.
"Of course I'm worried about pleasing and or not hurting you, but if I thought I wasn't, which by the way you were moaning, wasn't the case," he gave me a pointed look before standing up and pulling me with him. "Then I would have asked." He pulled me to my bed and laid down, pulling me onto his chest. "When we do mate, Little One, take the reins, that way everything happens at your pace." He moved my hair behind my ear and kissed my nose. "Besides, I would love to watch you ride my cock." He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.
I grinned and leaned down to kiss him, shuffling around so that I was straddling his hips. "Does this count, mate?" I asked leaning up to pull my shirt off, revealing the midnight blue bra that I wore just for him. I raised my hips and bounced on his dick a little, trying to get him hard. I wanted to pick up where we left off.
He groaned and lifted me up again, holding me above his hips. "Don't get me wrong, beautiful, I want nothing more than to watch my cock disappear and reappear from that tight pussy of yours, but I already got an earful from your dad about trying to deflower his little girl, and I'm not trying to piss him off anymore." He got up and set me on the bed, kissing my forehead before he walked out.
I groaned and pulled my shirt back on before I fell backwards. Aiko whimpered and started pulling on my hair from the floor. "Ow, Aiko!" I sat up and picked him up, setting him on my bed. A knock on my door made me groan. I wanted to be left alone. "It's open." I yelled, going back to petting Aiko.
My dad opened the door and sighed. "Look, sweetheart, I know you want to mate," I cut him off with a groan and he gave me a pointed look, "let me finish. I know that it's natural, but can you please stop trying in my house?" He pleads petting Aiko.
I frowned and set Aiko on the floor. "Mmm let me get this straight. I can't complete my mating bond in this house, but Izzy and Mark did. Aj and Maddie did. So what's so different about me? You know we have to have sex in order to have children, which gives you heirs, right?" I growled getting up. I walked to my door and opened it. "I'm not going to promise that I won't have sex with Nicaise, dad, because if things take that turn, I will not stop them. I want to be one with my other half, as is my right. You've kept me hidden from the world long enough, dad, and now that I've had a taste of freedom, I'm not exactly relishing the thought of going back to isolation. That being said, you have nothing to worry about. He doesn't want to mate with me. Now please leave."
I walked back to my bed and dad sighed getting up. "I know that it's been hard on you, staying hidden, but your mother and I felt that it was best for your safety." He kissed my forehead before leaving my room and closing the door behind him.

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