Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up fully clothed in Nic's bed, his arms wrapped around me. My head is resting on his clothed chest, and our bodies are practically glued to each other. Our legs are tangled, and when I tried to move out of his arms, he tightened his hold on me. "Nicaise let me go. I don't want to be around you right now." I mumbled trying to get away from him again.
Nic growled and tightened his arms around me again. "Never. You're mine, Asena. I don't know why you decided to move your things from out of our room, and we need to talk about it, but you're mine. I also need to explain why you think I cheated on you." He said pulling me on top of him so that my legs were on either side of his waist. I whimpered and sat up, wrapping my arms over my chest. I wanted to keep the shards of my heart from penetrating any further into each other.
"You're right, Nic, we need to talk." I mumbled dragging in a deep breath before letting it shudder past my lips on the exhale. "Why didn't you come find me, after I left? Why didn't you talk to me when I confronted you in the kitchen? Why were you mad at me when Kaylie.." my voice broke as I realized she was probably the reason I felt that acidic pain in my heart last night. She made a move on Nic. "She confronted me, Nic, I tried to walk away when she attacked. Do you honestly expect me to let that slide?" I asked frowning down at him. I moved my hands so that I was fiddling with them against his lower stomach.
"I knew you needed space, Sen. Your dad told me when you get frustrated that you just need space to think things through. I didn't want to argue after your fight. I was already angry, but not at you, baby. I'm pissed at that bitch. I still want to kill her for attacking you. I don't ever expect you to let that slide. You did what was right, baby, and I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that last night." He sighed and closed his eyes before opening them again and continuing.
"As for why you think I cheated, which I will never, and have never, done to you." He assured me, grabbing my hands and rubbing small circles into them with his thumbs. "Kaylie snuck in and," Nic cleared his throat before he looked away uncomfortable and continued, "she tried to force a mating." Nic shuddered under me and met my eyes. "I'm so sorry, baby. I had her locked in a cell for treason, with 24 hour 7 days a week, surveillance. Her dad, or well, her adopted dad, isn't allowed to visit her. I plan on publicly banishing her during the introduction ceremony tonight. I guess you won't need to run alone tonight, the whole pack has already wholeheartedly accepted you and Vince. Cade and I will join you both on this run." He smiled at me before reaching up and brushing my hair behind my ears.
"I knew you weren't a willing participant last night. You were too angry, that and I heard her body crash through the guest bedroom door across from our room." I mumbled leaning back down to kiss his neck. "I'm sorry I overreacted last night. I'll go grab my things." I tried to get up but Nic grabbed my thighs and held me against him.
"Are you kidding? Your clothes are back where they belong already. You're going to have to try much harder than that to get rid of me, sweetheart." He said leaning up and placing a tender kiss on my lips. I smiled at him and laid back down against his chest.
"Can we just spend the day in bed, baby? I don't wanna do anything today." I asked snuggling closer to him.
Nic smiled and grabbed the remote, turning on the tv. "Of course baby, do you wanna watch movies? I can have someone bring us snacks and drinks?" He asked pulling the sheet over us.
I smiled and nodded my head, getting off him to make a cushion of pillows against the headboard so we could sit up while we watched movies. Nic smiled and sat up so I could pull his pillows from under his head and place them against the headboard. He then grabbed my pillows and combined them with his own. "Nic what are you doing? That's my spot!" I whined trying to pull my pillows back out from under him. He groaned and pulled me against him, kissing the part of my chest that my pajama top revealed. His hands moved up my back, sliding my top up as his lips trailed down my chest.
I moaned and threaded my fingers in Nic hair, throwing my head back. "Fuck, baby, let me apologize properly." Nic groaned flipping us over before taking my camisole off. "Let me show you how much you mean to me, Sen. How much I love you." He whispered leaving open mouth kisses and hickeys down my chest and stomach. I moaned again as my pussy clenched and I spread my legs, accepting Nic's wide shoulders between my thighs. He groaned and kissed from the inside of my left knee to the top of my thigh, where he looked up at me before gently biting the flesh.
"God Nic, yes!" I moaned weaving my fingers through his hair again. Nic moved his ministrations to the inside of my right knee, this time leaving love bites in between his kisses until he reached the inside of my thigh, where he left a series of hickeys. He left a line of small hickeys until his mouth reached the hem of my shorts, and he hooked his fingers under the waistband, tugging them down. I lifted my hips so he could pull my shorts all the way down, and Nic responded by kissing each of my hip bones.
"Little One, I can't tell you enough how much you mean to me." Nic kissed my naval right below my belly button. "You drive me crazy, Little One." He kissed an inch lower. "In the best ways." He groaned sitting up and pulling his A-shirt off, giving me an impressive view of what I did do to him. My hand fell to cover my breast, and Nic leaned back down to kiss me, keeping his weight balanced on his elbows. "I love you, Little One." He mumbled kissing my nose.
"I love you too, Nic." I smiled and kissed his lips. "But you were apologizing." I said and Nic smirked before kissing my shoulder.
"That I was." He said moving back down between my thighs. He smirked up at me and lightly kissed my labia. I jumped and moaned before relaxing against him as he ran his tongue through my folds. Nic reaches down and pulled the band of his sweatpants down until his erection was free, but he didn't move to cover my body, he didn't do anything else to provide comfort for himself, just continued to eat me out like his life depended on it. A low moan slipped past my lips and my back arched off the bed.
"Nic!" I shuddered and as the pleasure became too much I tried to move my hips away from him, but he held me there and pleased me with renewed vigor. A high pitched whine bubbled from my chest as I gripped the sheets, my claws ripping through them. "Nic, please!!" I begged him. I wanted that euphoric, star-seeing, leg-shaking, and mind-numbing feeling that he gave me the last time his tongue was between my thighs. The feeling that only he could give me. I wanted him.
Nic groaned against my core, and I moaned again. "Cum, Little One. Let me taste you entirely. I've been craving having your cum on my tongue." Nic growled swirling the tip of his tongue around my clit, and the vibrations of his voice paired with his words sent me over the edge. I laid there catching my breath for a few minutes while Nic continued to lap the juices dripping from my core. "You taste like heaven had a love child with hell, Little One. The best taste in the world, but to get it you have to be so," Nic kisses my core one last time before he made his way back up my body, kissing as he went, "so," a kiss at my rib cage, "fucking," a longer kiss and a nibble on my right breast, "naughty." He groaned before kissing me on the mouth. Nic's tongue swept past my open lips, inviting my own tongue to a sensual dance.
I moaned as the head of his cock brushed against my core, and Nic growled burying his face in the crook of my neck. I moved my legs around his waist and his hands flew to my thighs, stopping my legs' movement. I held his face in my hands so I was staring into his eyes. "Nic, I want to be yours. I think we've waited more than long enough. I'm yours, so take me." I rasped pushing his sweatpants down until they reached his knees, and I couldn't push them anymore. "Make me yours, if every sense of the word, Nic. I don't want to wait anymore." I pulled his face down and kissed him. Nic groaned against my lips and lined his cock up with my entrance.
"Sen! I have to tell you something! Aiden and Maddie are pregn-" Vince burst through our room door and I growled. Not again! Nic groaned and flopped against me.
"Beta Vincent, you have possibly the worst timing in the world, and the next time you barge into my bedroom without knocking, I'm going to knock you into next week. Did you stop to think that the door was closed for a reason, and Nic and I might be....oh I don't know....busy?" I growled glaring at him. Vincent flushed and turned around, his eyes blown wide. As Nic and I rushed to pull our clothes on, the mood gone, I sighed looking at Vince as he fidgeted. "Well? What was so important that you felt the need to walk in yelling like a madman?" I asked sitting back on the bed.
Vince turned back around blushing before a sheepish smile split his face. "Aiden and Maddie are pregnant. You're gonna be an Aunt!" He squealed in excitement and I groaned.
"Vince, I knew that before we left. Maddie gave it away, she was unconsciously rubbing her belly." I said flopping back as Nic growled and left the room, mumbling about going to get snacks for our movie day. "Nic you've already had your snack!" I called after him and he laughed before stopping and popping his head back in to respond.
"Does that mean all I have to do is give you yours, Little One? Do you want a lollipop with cream, or just the lollipop?" He asked winking at me.
I smirked as my eyes drooped and I sent him my own wink, biting my finger and shaking my knee slowly. "You and I both know it's more of a super blow pop than a lolli, Nic." Nic groaned and shook his head walking away.
Vince shuddered and made fake choking noises while pointing his index finger at his open mouth. "Gross, Sennie." He made a disgusted face and I chuckled.
"Vincent you barged in on us, not the other way around." I shot him a pointed look before getting up and picking Aiko up. He was a surprisingly well behaved puppy. Vince whined and gave Nic and I's bed a grossed out look before standing up and nodding.
"You're right, don't know what's on this bed. Don't forget to wash the sheets." He mumbled before walking out.
I rushed into the closet, intent on changing into something sexier. "Aiko what should mommy wear to drive daddy wild?" I asked setting him on the floor. He walked over to my underwear drawer and started sniffing. I pulled open the drawer and pulled out a black pair of lace boy shorts, a matching white pair, and a red silk pair. "Okay, good choice. Now which pair?" I asked kneeling down and holding them each up in front of him. Aiko sniffed them all before jumping on my left hand that had the black and white pairs in it. "Okay, just one more choice for mommy, baby boy," I said holding up each pair in separate hands "which ones?" I asked and Aiko sat in front of my right hand. "Okay, white pair it is."
I quickly changed from my sleep shorts and into the white underwear. I chose one of Nic's white button ups in exchange for my sleep shirt, and texted Vince to see if he'd watch Aiko for the night in about four hours. He agreed with a winky and smirking emoji. I thanked him and fixed my hair in the mirror before climbing on the bed, pulling the covers over my legs.
When Nic walked back in the room, he was holding four bags of various chips, a bag of different candies, a pint of cookies and cream ice cream, another of vanilla, and two bowls with spoons.
I smiled thanking him as he set everything down on the bed. "I hope you don't mind, baby, I borrowed one of your shirts. Just wanted to be more comfortable for our date day." I smiled at him and he gave me a once, twice, and thrice look over before giving me an appreciative smile.
"Of course I don't mind baby, but I'm kinda salty that you look so much better in it than I do." Nic said leaning down to kiss me. "Okay now, I got spicy nacho Doritos, original Lays, those Salsa Garden Sun Chips you like, and crunchy Cheetos for chips. I have lollipops, super blow pops," Nic smirked giving me a sultry look from under his eye lashes before continuing to list off what snacks he brought. "Twix, Snickers, Milky Ways, 3 Musketeers, and dark chocolate Hershey's kisses for well, chocolate. I got cookies and cream for you, vanilla for me, and whipped cream," Nic put a bit of the whipped cream on my thigh before bending over and slowly licking it off. "For me." Nic licked his lips before smiling and rifling through his bag of goodies.
I moved so that I was kneeling in front of Nic, and moved in so that our lips were just barely touching, staring into each others' eyes. "Tease me like that again, baby, and I just might use your whipped cream on you." I said grabbing his semi-hard cock through his sweats. I stroked him a few times and Shadow made a flash appearance before I smirked and lay back down.
Nic growled and went back to ruffling through his bag. "Talk about being a tease." He grumbled and I smiled up at him. "I also got some Swedish fish and Sour Patch Kids." He said sitting down. He sat against the pillows and pulled me against his chest so we were facing the television.
We were about halfway through watching August Rush and eating the ice cream, because it melts the fastest, when Aiko crawled in my lap and jumped up licking my chin. I giggled and took a bit of Nic's ice cream and putting it in front of Aiko's face. He sniffed at it before lapping the treat off my spoon. Nic gave me an appalled look before taking his own spoon and taking a bite of my ice cream. "Baby, he can't eat my ice cream!" I whined reaching over to grab the whipped cream from the night stand. I put a puff on my spoon before letting Aiko eat it.
"So you give him mine?" Nic asks raising an eye brow at me. I smiled at him before leaning in and kissing him. "A kiss doesn't make it better, Little Mate." He grumbled but still leaned closer to me and kissed me again, holding my chin to prolong the kiss.
When he pulled away I smiled at him and licked my lips. "Does two?" I asked kissing him again. "Or three, maybe?"
"I think one or two more really good ones might do the trick." He whispered pulling my face back towards his. Nic kissed me passionately, wrapping his arm around my stomach before Aiko jumped on me and started licking my cheek. Nic and I broke apart and started petting Aiko, who yapped jumping in a circle around the bed before jumping on me again, wagging his cute little fluffy tail.
"Aren't you just the cutest little thing!" I picked Aiko up and cuddled him against my chest until he wiggles around and I set him on the floor. Nic groaned and when I looked back he was staring at my ass.
"I didn't see these hiding under my shirt earlier, baby. They're sexy as fuck, though." Nic ran his hand down my spine before stopping on my ass and taking a deep breath. "So fucking sexy." He groaned. I sat back up smirking and turned slightly to leave a soft lingering kiss on this jaw.
We watched The Break-Up, The Lucky One, and Big Momma's House while continuing to share our snacks with Aiko, and each other, before Vince came to take Aiko with some excuse like, 'Cade and I want to spend time with our little baby too!' Before he stormed off. We were watching 50 First Dates when I paused the movie and sighed. "Nic?" I mumbled turning around to look at him. He hummed and looked down at me. "I've been thinking, and I don't want you to banish Kaylie tonight at the ceremony. Everyone deserves a second chance. What she did was wrong, yes, but I think we would make better leaders if we showed her compassion. Mercy for her.....less than acceptable actions." I said moving to straddle him.
"I think if we banish her it's just going to let the anger fester, and she'll come back to bite us in the ass. I think we should have her transferred to my dads pack, who knows, she might meet her mate and realize her shortfalls, and apologize or some shit." I sighed looking at him. He was just staring at me cheesing. "What?" I asked giving him a look before rolling my eyes as he pulled me closer.
"I'm so amazed by you, Love. You're so fucking incredible, and I must have been a Saint or some shit in my past lives, because there's no way I deserve you. Not in this lifetime. I don't. You're a mixture of the best things this world has to offer, and I'm just some hotshot Alpha. You deserve the world, Sen, and even if I have to be like Gru from Despicable Me and steal it, I will. If it makes you happy, I'll do absolutely anything." Nic gave me a soft kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Absolutely fucking anything."
I smiled and melted into his arms, kissing him back. "Nic?" I asked smiling and pecking him once more.
He hummed and pulled away. "Yes, Love?"
"How do you feel about a challenge?" I asked playing with the ends of his hair touching his shoulders. He chuckled and pulled me closer.
"Well, what kind of challenge were you thinking, baby? Because you and I both know that Lucie dominates Shadow in a run." He joked settling his hands on my lower back.
I leaned up so that my mouth was by his ear. "Let's lock that door and keep everyone waiting to meet their new Luna, yeah?" I rolled my hips against his, finding his hardening cock encased in his underwear. Nic groaned and practically leapt out of bed to lock the door.

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By the way, for anyone that doesn't know. An A-shirt is commonly called a wife beater, but I don't like that term, so I chose to use it's actual name. :)

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