Chapter 7

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Shadow growled and shifted before giving chase. Lucie continued to sprint down the cave, following it expertly as if she had been here a billion times before. Her breath was coming out in sharp bursts as her paws pounded the cave floor. Shadow growled and sped up, but Lucie followed suit and increased her pace. Taking the chase seriously. This was like courting for them, so I just smiled amused at her antics. When she reached the end of the cave she turned around and bolted back towards Shadow. When he came into view she threw her tail up over her back and ran past him, he turned his head and tried to nip her flank as she passed, but she dodged his bite and gave a wolfish chuckle at his attempt. She wasn't giving in that easily.
Shadow growled and spun around too. Lucie slowed down a bit and swished her tail at him again. He responded by pouncing and biting her left flank, dragging her beneath him. He adjusted his grip on her by wrapping his paws around her hips, biting the scruff of her neck and growling. She tried to buck him off, but he pushed her back down and let out a louder growl. Lucie whined and bared her neck to him. He let go and licked her fur where he had bit her. She raised her rump against him, keeping her neck bared and her chest against the floor.
Shadow got off and sniffed her vagina before giving it a short lick. Lucie whimpered and raised her tail more. She wasn't interested in Shadow's foreplay. He responded by nipping her flank and growling. He felt like taking his time. Shadow had earned this mating. He went back to giving her tiny licks before she whined again and leaned her rump back. Lucie was getting frustrated with his teasing. She wanted her mate. He growled and nipped her flank harder before circling her. He came to a stop in-front of her snout and maneuvered his body over her before sitting down so that his penis was in-front of her face. Lucie cocked her head to the side in question and gave him a quizzical look. Shadow growled and leaned down to lick her snout.
He wanted her to lick him. There. Kinda hot if you ask me. I'd have to try it with Nic when we mated in this form. Lucie crawled closer to him and lapped against his dick. She licked him three more times before he abruptly got up and circled her again. Shadow growled and remounted Lucie. He bit the part of her neck she left exposed to him, and entered her. He growled fucking her relentlessly. His canines were close to braking skin, but neither of them seemed to care.
As shadow continued to breed Lucie, she let soft whimpers and pants out. She let out a long whine and licked her snout to let him know she was close. Shadow adjusted his hold on her before increasing his pace. In three minutes he bit down harder, finally breaking skin to Mark her, and stilled. They sat like that for five minutes until his knot dissipated and he slid off her. She kept her rump raised as he cleaned her vagina, her breath leaving in soft, tired pants.
They both shifted back and Lucie laid on Shadow's chest. "That was incredible, mate." Lucie whispered kissing his chest.
He chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Little Mate. I have to say, I didn't think you'd actually lick my penis. I just wanted to know what it felt like, and you certainly didn't disappoint. I almost knotted from just that." He chuckled rolling on top of her. "I believe it's Nicaise and Asena's turn, but I loved our time together, Little Mate. We'll have to do this again soon, assuming our humans let us after we broke their one rule."
He laughed and Lucie looked down at my body to see small scratches where his paws held her waist. "Shadow those can't be avoided. They won't be mad at us for those." She told him rolling her eyes. Shadow chuckled again retreated back into Nic's head.
"He wasn't speaking about these, Lucie. He was talking about these!" Nic growled touching the various bite marks on my neck and shoulder. He parted her thighs and touched the nips that Shadow had given to her for her impatience. "And these." He growled. "Asena and I had one rule. You two are explaining this to your father. I'm not taking the blame for this one." He growled at her. She just smiled and leaned up to kiss his nose.
"But you enjoyed the show, right?" She asked rocking her knees side to side before retreating back into my head.
"I know I enjoyed it, mate. We'll have to try the whole wolfish oral thing one day. "Wouldn't you like that?" I asked leaning up to plant a brief kiss on his lips. Nic growled and followed me down and molded his lips to mine, groaning.
"I did, in fact, enjoy the show, and yes, Little One," He moved his hips against my own, his erection pushing against my pussy. "We will definitely have to try the 'wolfish oral thing' one day." He smirked before leaning down and biting my lower lip.
"Nic I don't want to wait anymore. I want to be yours entirely. Our wolves are mated, and I want to be mated to you." I whined lifting my hips towards his.
"I'm not mating you in a cave, Asena. Our wolves are clearly animals." He said pointing at all the claw marks Lucie left in the cave floor. "And if they mated for the first time -or anytime really- in your father's house, he would have me roped to four horses and quartered." Nic got off of me and stood up, extending his hands to me to help me up. "Now with that being said, and while that curtesy will probably still extend to if we mated in a proper bed without the chance of anyone just popping by and seeing his daughter naked, I fully plan to make your first time much more special than in a cave." He smiled at me and pulled me close, kissing my nose.
"I guess that's a fair point." I sighed and smiled kissing his jaw. "I don't think he would kill you if we mated." I told him and he gave me a deadpan look and snorted. "He knows I wouldn't be able to live through that depression. I c-" I began to tell him that I contemplated suicide after mom's death, but I didn't want to ruin what mood we had left. "There's no way I would survive you dying just after we mated. I just couldn't." I told him grabbing his hand. "I couldn't handle your death right now, can you imagine if you died after we mated?" I shuddered and Lucie growled at me. She didn't want to think about our boys dying. She and Shadow had literally just completed the mate bond.
We reached the waterfall and Nic began to climb into the lake. "Holy hell, I think my balls just shriveled up into my body, it's so fucking cold." He groaned as he put his foot on the ledge that was submerged in the water. I cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze rolling them in my hand.
"Hmm, nope, still on the outside, baby." I kneeled in front of him and lifted his soft cock up before taking one of his heavy balls into my mouth. I gently sucked on it a little before letting it go with a pop. "Do you want me to warm them back up, Nic?" I asked before licking the other one. "It won't be too hard, I don't think." I moaned tugging on his hardening member. "Oh, but you're right." Our first time should be in a big, warm bed." I sighed and stood back up, stepping into the biting water myself.
I eased my body into the water and sat there waiting for Nic as the water bobbed at my neck. He groaned and looked at the cave longingly. I splashed his ass with water before dunking underneath and kicking off the rock, propelling myself under the waterfall. I hadn't even surfaced when Nic's arms circled my waist and he pulled me against him. We broke the surface of the water and he growled playfully in my ear. "That wasn't very nice, Asena." He bit my earlobe and I shrieked laughing at his antics. My body had grown accustomed to the cold water, and I splashed him again. "Asena." He growled wiping his eyes, but he was smiling, so I splashed him again. He growled and lunged for me.
The lake wasn't very deep where we were, stopping just below my shoulders. Enough to cover my breasts. I screamed with laughter again and dodged him. I splashed his face again before smiling and blowing him a kiss. "You can't catch me, Nic." I sang, and when he went to lunge at me again I giggled and dove underneath.
The night helped hide me underwater, and I slowly ascended until I resurfaced right behind him. He moved away from me a little, looking at the water in front of him before quickly turning and splashing my face. While I wiped my eyes he wrapped his arms around me, pinning my arms to my sides so I couldn't splash him back. "What was that, Little One?" He whispered before leaning in to kiss me, but I turned my head away from him. "Oh come on, baby, gimme a kiss." He whispered leaning in for a kiss again, but I dodged it once again. "How is it, that when Shadow catches Lucie, he gets to mount her, but when I catch you, I don't even get a kiss?" He mumbled settling for kissing my temple instead.
I smiled softly and pecked his cheek. "There you go, Honey Bunches, I gave you a kiss." I giggled when he growled and pulled me closer to him. I put my hands on his exposed chest, and he shuddered at the cold water. "What, you didn't like my kiss?" I asked playfully pouting.
Nic grabbed my chin and leaned down until his lips were brushing against mine. "It's not that I didn't like your kiss, baby, it's just that I was expecting one a little more like this." He kissed me then. Like, full blown, kissed. There was tongue, teeth, sucking, and even a little moaning on my end. He pulled away and I slowly opened my eyes.
"What do you say we find ourselves that warm bed now, babe?" I asked still dazed from his mind blowing kiss.
"Mm, I think that's a splendid idea, Little One." Nic picked me up and carried me out of the lake. I wrapped my legs around his waist and started peppering kisses all over his chest and shoulders. "Stop that, Little One. We aren't walking back like this. I'm not risking anyone being out and seeing this perfect little ass of yours." To prove his point he squeezed my right ass cheek.
I rolled my eyes and tightened my hold on him. "Silly goose, nobody is allowed outside this late. Not since the rogue attack that killed mom." I mumbled kissing his shoulder. "Even though patrol has been tripled, with over half a dozen wolves per group, and interlocking routes. Dad still enforces the curfew." I gave him a mischievous smile and licked his nipple. "So really the only thing you have to worry about is hoping my dad doesn't know we're out here, and sneaking us into my room without him knowing."
Nic's face hardened and he groaned before setting me down and stepping in-front of me. "Hello Aiden," Nic nodded towards the woods "Beta Jacob." My heart stopped and I peaked around him to see my brother and uncle's wolves walking out of the trees. Oh god. This is awkward. Nic crossed his hands in-front of his crotch and glanced back at me raising a brow. "Nobody is allowed out, huh?" He asked before facing Aiden and Uncle Jacob again. Aiden rolled his eyes and walked behind a tree before shifting and coming back out with shorts on. He had two pairs of Nic's shorts and one of his black shirts in his hands.
"The official story is that you came out here to swim and fell asleep in the cave. The two lovebirds you met earlier will vouch for finding you in there and leaving." Uncle Jacob sniffed the air and stepped closer to us before sniffing again. Aiden handed us Nic's clothes before sighing and giving us an exasperated look as we pulled the clothes on. "Apparently you fell asleep after your wolves mated." He gave Nic a pointed look and Nic gave a sheepish shrug. "Asena mind-linked us because she wanted more protection because she was afraid more rogues would overpower you both and take her-"
"Aiden stop!" I cut him off when I realized what he was about to reveal. I didn't want Nic to know yet. I wanted to enjoy the way he looked at me before he started looking at me with pity the way my brother was right now. The damage was already done, though, as Nic tensed next to me and squeezed my hand in warning.
"No please, Aiden, finish what you were going to say." He growled grinding his teeth together.
Aiden rolled his eyes and Uncle Jake looked away from us. Tears were welling in my eyes and I turned my face into Nic's arm. "Nic please, I'll tell you when we're alone, but please leave it alone right now. Please?" I begged trying to fight back my tears. It had been almost eight years since that day, seven years and ten months. Seven years and six months since that day, but it still reduced me to tears when I thought about it. How weak, and pathetic I had become. I blinked away my tears as Aiden cleared his throat.
"Anyways, the unofficial story is that we think dad is overreacting with this whole, Sena not being allowed to mate thing. So we told him we couldn't find you earlier when he sent us to look for you. I'm happy that y'all got at least that part of the mating process done. Holy shit, Cade and Vincent have been keeping the entire house awake for days. Took y'all long enough. He walked away leaving the three of us standing there.
Nic turned to glare at me. "We are so not fucking done talking about this, Asena. Not even close." He growled angrily before following my brother. I trailed behind him slowly, trying to prolong the inevitable with Uncle Jake making up the rear of our tiny group.
"It will be okay, Jelly Bean. Just tell him everything. Don't leave out why you didn't tell him in the first place before your wolves mated." Uncle Jake said before using his nose to make me walk faster. I whined but picked up my pace. A little. Uncle Jake growled softly before pushing me forward again, but this time keeping his nose there so I was going his desired pace. Which was way too fast for my liking.
When we made it to the house dad was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at Nic, who just glared back and walked past him into the house. I shuffled past dad not meeting his eyes and made my way to my room, preparing myself for Nic's understandable and completely justified anger. Sike! Are you kidding?! I was shitting bricks of gold with every step! When I made it to my room, though, Nic wasn't there.
"Nic?" I called out in case I'm just dumb and he actually was there. When no response came I sighed and made my way to Aiko's pen. I cleaned it up and put more food and water in his automatic dishes. My bedroom door opened and I groaned. "Dad I'm really not in the-"
A low growl stopped my sentence and I whirled around to find Shadow standing there. "I am most certainly not your dad, Little Mate." He snarled looking just as pissed as Nic did on the way back. He stalked towards me before picking me up and throwing me over his right shoulder. "Nic wanted to give you the night to get your story straight." He landed a sharp spank on my left ass cheek. "He thought you might need some space," he growled landing another firm slap against my left cheek again. "He wanted to wait until tomorrow so that you were trapped in a car with him for six hours, that way you couldn't get away from him." Another stinging smack. He dropped me on the bed and climbed on top of me, caging me in as he straddled my waist. He stared down at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought this would be better. We're alone, you still can't go anywhere, and I get to fall asleep with my mate in my arms. Who knows, you might find out if we fuck harder when we're pissed or not like you wanted." He growled.
"I doubt that there will be any mating for a while after this, Shadow." Lucie told him as tears clouded my eyes and I looked away from him. I wanted to wipe them away with my hand as they fell, but my arms were currently pinned against my sides.
I sobbed as I struggled to get out from underneath him, but he just growled at me. "I lied, okay?!" I sobbed giving up and just turning my head away from him. I didn't want to see the hurt, the shame, or the pity in his eyes when I told him. It was always one of the three. "I'm not a virgin." I whispered and the memories bombarded my skull, batting each other around behind my eyelids until I forced my eyes open. I was going to puke.
Shadow growled and jumped off of me. "What the fuck?!" He demanded as I vomited in the waste bin next to my bed. "What do you mean, you aren't a virgin, Asena?!" He yelled taking more steps away from me as I sobbed and puked more in the trash bin. When there was nothing left for my stomach to reject I wiped my mouth and looked at him.
"My mom wasn't the only one the rogues took, Shadow." I whispered before my bedroom door burst open and Maylea stormed in with an angry scowl on her face.
"Stop." She demanded glaring at Shadow. "She's relived this enough in therapy, and for the last twelve years in her nightmares. Don't make her go through it again." She growled pointing to the door. Shadow looked at me and began to walk towards the door, but I couldn't lose him. I couldn't lose Nic. Not like I lost mom. I screamed and rushed off my bed, grabbing Shadow's arm to stop him. Still sobbing I clung to him, begging him not to leave. Not to leave me, not because of this. I started to rush everything out as fast as I could in between hiccuped sobs and wails.
"Stop! Please, Nic I'm begging! Please don't leave me!" I sobbed as Nic shushed me and wrapped his arms under my legs and shoulders, picking me up bridal style. "Please don't leave me! Please, I'll do anything you want, but please don't go! Nic please, anything, I'll do anything! Just please don't hurt me like that!" I begged clinging to his neck.
He growled at Maylea and told her he thinks she should be the one to leave. She nodded her head and walked out, closing my door softly behind her.
Nic sat down and held me to his chest as I sobbed, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, pushing my hair back and kissing my forehead over and over again. When I finally calmed down he leaned against the headboard with me in his arms. "Baby, I know it hurts, but I need you to tell me. Slowly, and maybe with less pleading in the middle so I can understand you." He whispered kissing my forehead. "Can you do that for me?" He asked as he leaned over and grabbed the box of tissues I keep on my nightstand for when I wake up in cold sweats from nightmares. He wiped my tears and snot away before balling up the tissue and throwing it away.
I nodded and took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. And then I told him everything. It took me the rest of the night to get everything out. Some things I hadn't even told my therapist yet.

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