Chapter 2

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The next morning, I woke up to find Vince standing over my bed with a huge smile on his face. "We both found our mates, Sen!" He whisper yelled while climbing onto my bed.
"Yes, I know Vince, and I'm excited with you, but Nic will kill you if he finds you in my bed." I mumbled getting up and heading for the shower. I wanted to look nicer than usual for Nic. I wanted him to want me, but I also wanted to get to know him before we mated. After fifteen minutes of shaving, exfoliating, and hair treatment while listening to Vince ramble about his all nighter with his mate, who I never got the name of, I stepped out of the shower and walked to my closet. My closet was in my en suite, that way I didn't have to leave the bathroom in order to dry off and get dressed. Pulling out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a lacy black t-shirt from Torrid, and a black thong, I dried my body before rubbing lotion into my legs and arms. After I was dressed, I left the bathroom to find Vince laying on my bed with his feet in the air rambling about some chick at the farmers market the other day that took the last papaya, which Vince said was his. Even though he hadn't paid for it. I swear he's the catcher.
"Vince let's go. I'm hungry." I grumbled standing at the door as he continued ranting about various things from the market.
"Hungry for a certain Alpha dick, you mean?" He mumbled as we smirked suggestively and winked at me. "You want Alpha Nicaise to bend you right on over and pop that cherry, don't you, Sennie?" He asked in a singsong voice.
I rolled my eyes, and smacked his arm. "No, Vincent, I barely know him. I want to get to know him before we do anything." I sighed and walked out of the room, with him following behind me.
"The way your hips were moving last night, I never would have guessed you didn't want him." He chuckled as my face grew warm. "I'm kidding, Sen, I know you want to wait." He smiled and bumped shoulders with me.
"I don't know what happened last night, I couldn't think clearly with his scent driving me wild." I groaned and put my hands over my face. "Ughh, so awkward." I wrapped my arms around my waist as we stepped into the kitchen, but I couldn't catch Nic's scent.
"He went for a run, a daily ritual he refuses to give pause to." His Beta said noticing my wandering eyes as he wrapped Vince in his arms. "I can link him if you wanted something? Or for his location if you wanted to join him?" He told me with a kind smile as Vince ate food from his plate.
"Oh, um, thank you. I'm okay, I'll find him." I mumbled before heading towards the changing area and stripping before shifting into my charcoal grey wolf. I loosely grabbed my clothes in my jaw before starting out to find Nicaise. I covered two miles before I finally caught a fresh trace of his scent. Following it I found him swimming in his human form in the southern lake. I dropped my clothes by his, and made my way towards the edge of the lake. Sitting down, I watched him swim back and forth before he noticed I was there.
"Feel free to join me, mate, it is your land." He said stopping and watching as I made my way into the water. "You aren't shifting?" He asked cocking his head to the side.
I gave him a wolfish smile before shaking my head. I would shift, but while I was under water, where he couldn't see my body. When the water was at my shoulders, I held my breath and pounced in, once the water covered my head, I shifted, gliding through the water until I sensed Nic's presence. When I was right in front of him, I pushed myself towards the surface, grazing my chest against his entire torso. I broke the surface and he pulled me closer to him, his erection pressed against my tummy. A blush spread across my cheeks, but I placed my hands on his shoulders and smiled at him. The tingles that lingered on my hips where his hands held me made my mind fuzzy, and I almost missed his question. "What did you need, Little One?" He mumbled brushing his nose up and down my throat, inhaling my scent.
"I- um, nothing, I just- um- wanted to see if we could spend time together?" I squealed as his hands moved from my hips to the small of my back, but they didn't go any further.
"Hmm," he mumbled as he pulled me towards the waterfall. "I have to meet with your father later on at some point to discuss everything, but I have time before that." He told me as he pulled me to the cave behind the waterfall. His lips trailed down my throat before finding the space between my neck and shoulder. His tongue traced a small heart where he would one day place his mark.
I moaned and let my head fall back. "Nic.." I trailed off as he lifted me up so that my ass was on the ledge of the cave that was underwater. The water was at his shoulders, but because I was on the ledge, my breasts were exposed to the cold air. I moaned as his kisses started a southern route until someone's voice from the other side of the waterfall startled us.
"Asena!? Where are you?!" Vincent's sister, Callie, and also Addey's best friend yelled. Nic groaned and put his forehead against mine. "Oh, you're with a boy? Is it Kevin? We knew you liked him!" She rambled on as my face heated and I resembled a tomato.
Nic lifted my up off of the ledge with a frown on his face before diving under the waterfall. "My name is most certainly not Kevin." He growled. I dove under the waterfall and swam up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso under his arms, I pressed my body against his. "And Asena is most certainly not going to be with any boy." He put emphasize on my name and "boy" was followed with an angry growl. His hands covered mine against his chest, and a rush of heat spread to my core at the thought of everything those hands could do.
Callie looked embarrassed and just stood there gaping like a fish, staring at Nicaise. She wasn't even trying to pretend she wasn't ogling my mate, and Lucie was starting to get riled up. "I suggest you remove your eyes from my mate, Callie. I'm not as nice as Asena." She growled before resting our forehead on Nic's shoulder and moving our right hand down his abs to the beginning of his happy trail.
Callie blushed and turned around before apologizing. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect, I mean I didn't know....she trailed off before starting again. "I didn't know that you found your mate, Sennie. I'm happy for you." She fidgeted with her hands as Nic and I stepped out of the lake. I made sure to keep my eyes up, while he openly appraised my body. "I came here to ask about Vanadey. She told me when I got back she had a surprise for me, but I can't find her. I figured you would know." She mumbled as Nic pulled on his red gym shorts, leaving his chest bare.
I scoffed as I was still pissed at Addey. She could have at least left me a note, or come back in to tell me, or something. "She found her mate." I growled. Nic frowned at me and handed me his shirt to dry off with seeing as I wore skinny jeans today. "Thank you, Nicaise." I mumbled as I leaned down to dry my legs.
Callie whirled around and stared at me shocked. "She did!?" Her face split in a smile, and I realized I hadn't even thought to be happy for Addey, she deserved to be happy. "Wait did you say, Nicaise, as in Alpha Nicaise?" She mumbled looking between Nic and I with apprehension.
Nic sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "That's me. Why do you ask?" He mumbled handing me my clothes. I pulled on my shirt before pulling on my thong, as a groan left Nic's mouth. "Fuck, Little One. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He mumbled pushing his hands through my damp brown locks. "So fucking sexy."
I rolled my eyes and pulled on my jeans. "Now why would I try to do that, Nicaise?" I buttoned my jeans and caught the look of amusement on Callie's face. "Why did you ask about Nic's title?" I asked her leaning back into Nic's chest. We hadn't even known each other for a full 24 hours, but I felt like I had known him for my whole life.
Callie flushed and moved her hair away from her neck, revealing a mating mark. It was medium sized, more than likely a warrior wolf, and had the name Jack in cursive under it. "My mate is from your pack, and we were headed there next to ask for permission for me to join." She mumbled as she addressed Nic.
He hummed behind be before telling her that of course she was welcome. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get to know my mate, have a good day." He grabbed my hand to pull me with him to the house, but I stopped him and turned back towards Callie.
"I'll bring Addey's surprise to you tonight, okay? Congratulations on finding your mate, Cal!" I told her sending a smile her way before following Nic again.
On the way to the house we played 20 questions, which was surprisingly his idea. I now knew his favorite color, animal, dream vacation destination, and his favorite word to say. He asked me what my favorite color, city, flower, and food were before we made it back to the house. Aj was standing on the back porch, and when his eyes found us, he scowled. "You're late. Maddie really wanted to spend time with you today." He glared at me, and Nic growled at him. "You can't just go back on your word because you found your mate, Sen." He sighed and went to walk inside.
I glared at him, and before I could think about it, I responded. "That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think, brother?" I snarled. Maddie is his mate, she's human and while she's amazing- nice, welcoming, friendly, and all that, I just lost track of time with Nic. When Aj first met her last year he ignored everyone and everything for a month before she set him straight. He rolled his eyes and kept walking, flipping me the bird.
I sighed and look at Nic. "He's right, isn't he?" I mumbled. He looked at me and nodded his head. "I guess I'll see you later?" I asked stepping closer to him. "You'll come and spend time with me before bed, right?" I pouted. I didn't want to leave his side. He smiled and kissed my forehead nodding. "Okay, bring a movie and snacks." I told him before walking off to find my sister-in-law. I swear my sister Isabella didn't push us to know and accept Mark, her mate, when he first arrived. Which is saying a lot because he was a rogue when they met.
I found Maddie in the kitchen preparing a batch of cookies. She smiled when she saw me, "Hey, Sen. What's up?" She asked putting the tray in the oven.
I frowned and sat at the counter. "Aj came to fetch me. I'm sorry I lost track of time, Maddie." I mumbled watching her grab a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting down.
She sighed and rolled her eyes taking a sip of the water. "I told him to leave you be. Even reminded him of how he acted when we first met. I'm happy that you found Nicaise, sweetie, you deserve to be happy." She smiled at me. "I know that you've only just met him yesterday, so I understand that you want to spend time with him, get to know him, and all that. I might be human, but I felt the same way about your brother. He turned my life into a whirlwind of emotion, and I remember ignoring my friends and family because I was so occupied with when I'd next see him. Go find your mate, honey, and spend time with him. You guys are set to leave in a week, I'm sure we'll get to hang before that, okay?" She smiled and gave me a hug before shooing me out of the kitchen.
I wandered around in search of Nic when I ran into Serenia, she was the Gamma's daughter, and a total bitch. "Oh hey, Asena, have you seen the new Alpha? Nicaise, I think, anyways, he's so gorgeous. I could ride that face of his all day long!" She gave a wistful sigh with a smile on her stupid face. Before I knew what was happening Lucie took control and grabbed this slut by her throat, my eyes narrowed and I forced a murderous growl through clenched teeth. "What the fuck?! Let go of me you psycho bitch!" She screeched while trying to claw my hands away from her throat, but she pissed me off, and Lucie was just getting angrier as her acrylics dug into our hand, breaking the skin there.
She growled in Serenia's face again before lifting her off of the ground. "You would do well to keep away from my mate, gamma, if I wouldn't think twice about attacking Callie, I won't hesitate for a nanosecond in killing you. Back off, and don't let me hear that you've had Nicaise's name in your mouth again. Am I clear?" I snarled letting my claws extend until the pierced the skin of her neck in warning. I growled again before letting her drop to her knees gasping for air. Her hands held the throat as she coughed and wheezed. I growled again and she whimpered nodding her head furiously. "Good." I rolled my eyes and walked away, ignoring the surprised faces on my pack mates. Most of them didn't even know who I was.
I went to my room and Nic was sitting on my bed in just sweats with his laptop set on a breakfast tray over his crossed legs. He looked up and smiled at me. His long black hair was tied up on top of his head, but it was wet, so he either just showered, or didn't bother showering before changing from the lake. I smiled back at him and climbed on my bed to lay next to him after pulling my pants off. "Hello, Little One." He mumbled before he continued typing. While his focus was on his laptop, mine was on the happy trail the vanished under the band of his sweats. "Don't tempt me with that look, Little One." He groaned while typing away.
I smiled and grabbed the remote for the television. Scrolling for something to watch I settled on Friends, and rested my head on Nic's shoulder. "By the way, I think it's sexy when you get jealous. Or is the right word possessive?" He mumbled glancing at me from under his eye lashes. I flushed and grumbled biting his shoulder for teasing me.
"I can't help it. You're so sexy, and everyone stares at you. Walking around like this," I gestured to his bare torso, "probably isn't helping matters." I mumbled before laying my head back down on his shoulder.
He chuckled and shut his laptop, moving the breakfast tray to the nightstand. "Little One, did you just," he paused to roll on top of me, "bite me?" He asked rolling his hips into my own. "Because if you did, then it's only fair that I bite you back, right?" He mumbled kissing my collarbone that was exposed by the shirt. His hand pushed its way under my shirt, stopping right below my breast. All he had to do was go a bit farther, and he would have my nude breast in the palm of his hand. The though made my heart race, and my breath hitched. "Am I right, Little Mate? Do I get to bite you, now?" He asked moving down to my stomach leaving soft kisses everywhere while nibbling at the skin every so often. He pushed my shirt up, so that it was just below my breasts, and then leaned back to look me in the eyes with mischief glinting in his own. His hands danced to my sides before he softly dug his fingers in, tickling me. I shrieked with laughter trying to push his hands away.
"Stop, Nic!" My laughter drowned out my pleas for him to stop, but a deafening growl from my doorway buried my laughter. When I looked up, my dad was standing there glaring at Nic's hands. I looked down and rushed to pull my shirt down, I was still out of breath from laughing so hard, and Nic ended up between my legs. "Um." I mumbled trying to think of what to say that wouldn't get my mate murdered. "This is awkward." I murmured moving closer to Nic, trying to hide my embarrassment behind him.
My dad growled again before glaring at Nic. "Get off my daughter, Nicaise." He grumbled before turning his glare to me. "I hear you attacked Serenia. Why?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"She said she..." I stopped as my face burned thinking about what she said about Nicaise. I couldn't say that to my dad! "Um. She said..." I fidgeted in my spot and licked my lips, uncomfortable with the turn of events. "....she said she wanted to sit on Nicaise's face all day." I grumbled, averting my eyes from my dads face, fiddling with my fingers as Nic remained kneeled in between my thighs, caging me in with his arms on either side of my hips.
When I looked back at my dad his face was red and he looked uncomfortable. "Oh. Well. Bye." He ran out like a bat out of hell.
Nic sighed and put a finger under my chin. Tilting my head back, he raised his eyebrows at me. "You attacked a pack member out of jealousy?" He asked. I looked down and pulled away from him. "Don't pull away from me, Little One. Answer me." He growled, pulling me on his lap, so that I was straddling his massive thighs. "Did you seriously attack a pack member out of jealousy?" He didn't seem happy, but I highly doubt that if another male said something like that to me, he'd be dead before I could even blink. Lucie agreed with me, and her anger fueled my own, as she fought to come to the surface, to give Nic a piece of her mind.
I growled, my anger clouding my common sense, as I snarled in his face and clambered off of his lap. "Are you seriously mad at me right now?!" I seethed forcing Lucie to back off for the time being. Nic got up, Shadow trying to take control. I got right back into Nic's face, my anger rolling through me like a tsunami. "Do you mean to try to tell me, that if an unmated male walked up to you, looked you in the eyes, and told you I was sexy, to your face, and that they would fuck my face all day if I allowed it, you wouldn't attack them?" I growled, Lucie finally winning our battle. She didn't want to have words, though. She stormed out of my room, and went searching for the first male she could find. It happened to be Kevin, the wolf that Callie had mentioned earlier. Shadow growled behind us, glaring at Kevin. "Hey Kev, I have a question for you." I smiled at him. His eyes roamed down my legs before Shadow's growl caused him to snap his eyes towards Nic's looming form.
Kevin blanched and backed away from me. "Yes, Your Highness?" He mumbled.
I smiled closing the space between us again. Twirling my hair around my finger, I licked my lips while looking up at Kevin shyly. "Well, you see, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime?" I smiled at him again, and he nodded apprehensive of what was going on.
Shadow snarled before walking up to me, towering over my slight frame. "Leave, pup, before I rip your tongue out and feed it to my Beta." Nic glared at Kevin whose face paled and he rushed away. "You've proved your point, Little One, now go back upstairs. You're fucking naked." Nic tried to shield my body with his own, but I was even more pissed now.
Walking away from him, I started to take my shirt off, I needed a run, and I wasn't ruining my favorite shirt because I was pissed at him. Shadow's growl stopped me in my tracks, and he stormed towards me, his face contorted in anger, and grabbed my jaw, holding my face firmly so that I couldn't look away. He moved his face so that he was only an inch away from me, and whispered, "I suggest you don't piss me off anymore than you fucking have, Little One, and don't you fucking dare attempt to show any other male what's mine. Do you understand me?!" His voice steadily raised until he was yelling at the end.
I jerked my face out of his hold, seething. "Stay the hell away from me, Alpha Nicaise. I have nothing to say to you." I whispered before turning around and shifting. I ran until I reached the cliffs overlooking the beach, passing the lake where just this morning Nic and I had been cuddled up against each other. I whimpered thinking about him. Hypocrite. I made my way down the path towards the beach, before laying down. Watching the sunset, I got comfortable, planning to stay here for the night. I didn't want to go back and deal with Nic right now. I didn't want to deal with anyone. Laying my head against my paws, I whined. I missed my mom. Closing my eyes, I relaxed against the sand, thinking back to Nic and I's argument. I overreacted. I'm so dumb. Of course he would get pissed if I flirted with another male in front of him, of course he would get pissed if someone said something sexual about me. I just don't understand why he was pissed that I attacked Serenia when he had just said that he found it sexy when I was jealous or possessive. Liar. As I thought about what we did this morning, his hands and lips on my body, Lucie decided to put images of what mating him would be like in my mind. I whined and rolled over to the other side, facing the cliffs, and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

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