Character Analysis ⇛ Akatani Mikumo

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NAME: Akatani Mikumo

AGE: 15

SEX: Male

QUIRK: Bat- Can do essentially anything a bat can do. He has bat ears on his head, and can sprout bat wings from his back. He can also grow fangs that can be used to intimidate or eat with.

STRENGTHS: Can fly, fast, echolocation, is nocturnal, super hyper at night

WITHDRAWLS: Constantly sleepy during the day, terrible eyesight (has special glasses)


Mom- Barbara Akatani (Quirkless)
Dad- Bruce Akatani (Quirkless)
Aunt- Midoriya Inko (Attraction of Small Objects)
Cousin- Midoriya Izuku (One For All)


Birthday- July 15th
Height- 166 cm (5'5¼")
Hair- Short, black, and curly
Eyes- Left eye- red, right eye- red pupil, yellow iris

Mikumo is somewhat short for his age, his round face framed by a short mess of fluffy black hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, covering his right eye. His visible eye is large and somewhat circular, the iris is red, while his right eye has a red pupil and yellow iris. At times, his eyes are very watery, and usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent appearance.

BACKGROUND: Mikumo was adopted by an American family in Japan as a baby after he had been abandoned by his biological parents. His mother is the sister of Midoriya Inko, but she now lives in America. His adoptive father died when Mikumo was was 8 years old, leaving him and Mikumo's mom his mansion and his money.

LIKES: Heroes, flying, studying, sleeping

DISLIKES: Villains, being awake during the day

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