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Entry# 175

It's the 23rd of June of the year 2020. The day when I first met her...

Class began to start again and for unknown reasons, we're immediately summoned by our dance trainer. I sighed heavily still feeling lazy to be even up this early.

"Morning, Jen." Junhoe greeted as he entered our dance studio, trailing behind him are Bobby and Hanbin who's fighting over a game, I guess, on their phone.

I nodded at him as a greeting and turned back on my book. I frowned as I glanced on my watch, wondering where on earth my friends went when they should supposedly be here right now. Aish, those two.

The members of our groups started to arrived, chatting enthusiastically with their friends. Some greeted me while I gave them a curt nod as a response and goes back my focus on my book.

Brows knitted on the chapter that I've been reading, I didn't notice a presence behind me. Hands suddenly covered my eyes that I immediately closed my book and smack it the owner of the hands.

"Ah. Stop." The familiar deep voice hissed and snatched his hands away from me. He rubbed his forehead and playfully glared at me. "Seriously, J."

I just shrugged at him and stick my tongue out. V grinned and shook his head as dropped his arm around my shoulder. "Are Nayeon and Rosé still on their way here?" he asked as he roamed his gaze around.

I nodded and looked up at him as he sends his friendly smile on everyone his eyes laid on. No wonder, this brother of mine is so popular. "Chim's still on his way to get the others tho that's why I decided to check on you first." he mumbled and unconsciously pouted, a habit he does when he's getting bored from waiting.

"Ah. There they are!"

"Excuji me!" Jimin's loud voice echoed and small hands waved frantically at us and V laughed as he removed his arm around me and waved his hand back. "I'll see you later, okay." He said and ruffled my hair.

I quietly scoffed and glared at his leaving figure as I fix my hair. "Give way!" I looked at my right and saw Nayeon dragging Chaeyoung behind her. The chipmunk is still holding a sandwich on her other hand when they arrived in front of me.

"Jen..." Nayeon exhaled as she tried to catch her breathe. "Chaengnamji here really took her time eating foods at the café." She said and glanced at our chipmunk.

Chaeyoung turned to her with widen-eyes, mouth stuffed with the sandwich. "Whaaat? Unnie, I didn't!" she retorted when she finished her sandwich.

"Shh. You two." They immediately stopped and acted like they were zipping their lips and pretended to exchange key at each other and threw it before giving me a mischievous smile. I shook my head and rolled my eyes on their antics.

Wolf whistles roared and I watched as our mentor entered with a tall girl with long blonde hair behind her. Our mentor, Ms. Solar cleared her throat to grab everyone's attention which was already on them because of the girl beside her.

"I want to introduce someone to you who'll be joining us." She turned to the girl and softly smiled at her. "This is the exchange student from Thailand. She'll be going to be with us for a couple of months."

The girl bowed at us and gently smiled. "Hello, I'm Lalisa Manoban." she introduced and roamed her eyes on her surroundings. Greetings from back and forth can be heard. "Please go easy on me." she joked that made everyone chuckle.

"Be nice to her, guys." Ms. Solar said as she motioned the newbie to talk with our other co-members and left the studio.

"She seems nice." Chaeyoung said as she started to munch on her food— Wait? Where did she get that? I looked at her in disbelief and when she noticed my stare, she just sent an innocent smile.

"Yeah. Look how cool she is while she interacts with everyone." Nayeon agreed as she nodded her head her gaze never leaving the blonde.

I silently observe the blonde and turned back at the two. I narrowed my eyes on them and sighed. "Nah." I mumbled and they looked at me with wide eyes. "What? With that aura, sure she's just one of those haughty people." I said as I shrugged. After I said that, I noticed Nayeon was averting her gaze on me and behind my back.

I frowned at the action and turned around. "Wha—" I come face to face with someone's perfect jaw—the person's skin was pale and looks so soft on my sight. As I raised my gaze on the face of that someone, I immediately back away and awkwardly cough.

"Guess I left a poor first impression to you." The blonde said and heaved a sigh. She gently fixes her hair and smiles. "I'm Lisa." she introduced and smirk starts to find their way on her lips as she lent her hand.

"Jennie." I just nodded at her, ignoring her hand.

She squint her eyes and her smirk widens, amusement plays in her eyes. "Pleasure to meet you." She mumbled and playfully winks at me. She quickly turned at the two and exchanged greetings as she once again introduce herself.

...Lalisa Manoban, says her name. I don't know why but I immediately felt annoyed by her presence. Ugh. Not with her cocky smirk and alluring aura. This isn't good. I thought as her eyes spotted mine and sent a playful wink again. No. This isn't really good for me.


Helloooo! This is my first time writing a story.

And I love blackpink that's why I decided to try writing a story for my superior ship, jenlisaaa!

Please leave your thoughts and comments. I would love to read them. Hope you'll enjoy this one!

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