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Entry# 205

It's the 23rd of July and the first month of the newbie. To be honest, I really feel annoyed just by hearing her voice, not when she laughs with others and not when she does aegyos with every chance she gets...

The newbie. Lalisa, Lali, Lisa, Nalalisa or anything everyone calls her. She's been receiving acknowledgement and praises not only with our co-members but also from our mentor.

It's not that I'm jealous of her or something. She's good, yeah, I'll agree with that. But that doesn't change the fact that I find her annoying for unknown reason.

"You did perfect back there, Lali!" One of the girls, I think her name is Tzuyu commented as she smiled widely at the blonde. The blonde who's soaking on her sweat because of her performance earlier smiled back and happily thank the girl. The girl starts to blush and shyly pulled her hair behind her ear.

I instantly cringed on that sight and looked away. Ugh. So early for those flirty gazes. I internally groaned and buried my head on the book on my hand. My focus on the book was long forgotten when that woman came.

I don't really understand what's happening to me. This all unknown for me. It's like I'm forced onstepping on a new world where I'm unsure if I'm safe or not.

"Jen..." I lifted my head when I heard someone called my name. I mentally rolled my eyes when I saw Lisa standing in front of me with her towel dangling on her neck.

She took a seat beside me. "You're sweaty." I uttered as I moved away from her and scrunched my nose.

"What? Everyone loves a hard-working person." She pouts in frustration and reached for her towel to wipe her sweat.

I snickered and rolled my eyes on her. "Well. That's not possible." I said and shrugged at her as I reached for my book. She starts to move closer again and peek on my book.

"What? I just want to see what you're reading." She said when she saw me glared at her. "Didn't know you like reading in upside down position." She mumbled and I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"Ugh. Will you please stop bugging me?" I exhaled and sharpen my glare at her. "Not everyone finds you attractive or whatsoeve—"

"Why? Don't you find me attractive?" She asked as she intently stared at my eyes. She slowly and cautiously leans forward. I gulped and start to roam my eyes on her face. How can someone look gorgeous even when they were sweaty? A smirk starts to paint in her face as she noticed my gaze linger on her. Fuck. She's right.

I looked away, clearing my throat and quietly scoffed. "Don't be so full of yourself." I mumbled and pushed her away.

She back away and shook her head. "God. You're adorable." She said as she chuckled and threw her head back.

"Ugh. Stop being so annoying." I huffed and raised my book to hit her. "You—"

My hand stopped in the mid-air when someone suddenly called her. "Lisa! We're going to start again please come back here." I heard her quietly grunted and stood up.

I silently watched her as she proceeded to her position. Niki's Indigo, her piece started to play and filled the studio. I saw her eyes stares at me in the mirror. The side of her lips starts to lift up forming her infamous cocky smirk that never fails to annoy me. "You know I'm your type, right?" she mouthed at me and playfully winked.

"Annoying." My brows knitted and rolled my eyes at her, causing an amusing smile to form in her face.

When will she even stop bugging me? Ugh. And why does this heart of mine races fast whenever she's around? Maybe because of too much annoyance? Ugh. Yeah. She's annoying so it's acceptable.


Hellooo! Did y'all watch Lilifilm#3? Man, our Lisa didn't lie about being the hottest thooo.

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