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Entry# 236

Well shit. It's the 23rd of August and my very loved test—insert sarcasm there— our evaluation starts again. And you know what makes it horrible, it's the fact that I'm partnered up with her. Yeah, that Lisa. Well, good luck to me, I guess.

I silently groaned as I arrived at the dance studio. I carelessly throw my bag on the floor and plopped myself beside it. As I was busy fixing my hair, a pair of shoes stopped in front of me. "Good day, Jen!" Lisa enthusiastically greeted as she knelt down to level our eyes.

Her smiles widen as she roamed her gaze on my face. I immediately looked away when her eyes met mine. "What's good in this day?" I huffed and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's very optimistic of you." she teased and grinned mischievously when I glared at her. She quietly moved beside me and just silently stared at the other people coming, making comments and mumbling something when she noticed something.

I didn't mind her since it's actually her daily routine of annoying me. She's been like that for months and she doesn't really mind if I call her annoying.

Ms. Solar arrived and Lisa immediately stood up and turned to me. "Let me help you." she mumbled and lent her hand. I tilted my head on the action but simply dismissed it and took her hand to get up.

"Good day, everyone." Ms. Solar began and looked around her. "Just so you know the evaluation test starts today." she said and some nodded at her.

"Actually, our dean asked us if we could perform in the University Festival that will happen on September." she trailed and crossed her arms. "So I decided that we could just do the performance on that day so that the others can watch you perform." she added and smiled widely.

"That's it. I already posted the list of pairs on the board right there. Talk to your partner and plan about your performance. Good luck." she said and proceeded to leave again.

I impatiently wait for the others who're taking their time looking at the list. I just wish I do have a decent partner because I don't want to fail this test.

I sighed in relief when I got my turn to look at the list. I quietly trail my finger on the list, looking for my name.

Jennie Kim. There. I raised my brows and my mouth hung open when I saw who my partner is. Please tell this is some kind of joke.

I noticed someone leaned the wall on my side and fake a cough. "Hmm. Seems like the angels heard my call and got to be partnered up by you." That someone said and she wiggled her brows at me when I looked at her. I grunted and she laughed. I need to restrain myself on wringing her neck.

"Pft. Are you sure that it is the angel who grant that?" I scoffed and she just laughed again. I rolled my eyes and walked away from her. For sure she will follow me anyway.

Noticing her sudden silence, I turned around to look at her again. She exaggeratedly gasps as she pointed her finger towards me. "Wae? Is it you? Do you approve and ask to be paired up with me?" she asked.

"Stupid. Why would I do that?" I laughed at what she said and threw her my bottle of water.

She chuckled as she caught the bottle. "Kidding. Either way, if it's you or not I can still say that angel do hear my call." she mumbled and smiled annoyingly. "Just so you know, you, Jennie on my vocabulary mean angel." She said and winked.

"See you later, partner. Thanks for the water." She playfully saluted at me and take her leave.

The last bell ringed, indicating that our class ended. Lisa and I decided to plan our performance at the studio.

When I arrived, I saw her alone staring at her reflection at the mirror. She's frowning and shaking her head as I noticed that she's mumbling something to herself.

I quietly placed my bag down and cleared my throat to get her attention. She snapped her eyes on my direction and her eyes widen when she saw me. She awkwardly coughed and looked away. "Shall we start?" she asked, still not looking in my way.

"Like I have other choice." I answered that made her gaze at me again and laughed.

We started our dance in silence. Lisa started to choreograph our selected song and she then turn to teach me. I also suggest things that can help us with our song.

Her demeanor change when it comes to dancing. She may be a kind of bubbly person but turns into serious one when she dances. I was snapped out of my thought when I felt her hold my hand and placed it on her shoulder.

"I need you to move closer." she mumbled as she cautiously pulled me closer to her.

I stared at her as she explained the next step that we're going to do. She stayed serious when she faced me and lips quivered when she noticed my intense gaze. My heart started to hammer hard when the emotion behind her eyes changed and she playfully smirked. What's this feeling? I'm starting to get scared with this overwhelming feeling I have with Lisa. And without thinking, I started to lean forward and mindlessly locked my lips with hers. I felt her stiffened for a minute and gently pushed me away.


"I-I'll just see you next time." she mumbled and hastily walked away. Well shit. What I have done?

I'm back, Diary. And just like what I first said in today's entry. Well shit. I don't know what gotten into me. Didn't I say that I'm annoyed by her? That I don't like that Lisa. Well shit. I kissed her. I just... Ugh. I don't know. In my mind, I just wanted to wipe out that infamous cocky smirk she had. Hell, I don't intend to wipe it off with my own lips. Well shit. I'm doomed. Now, I don't know if she would still want to perform with me.


Happy Jenlisa Daaaaaaaaaay!

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