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"Hey." I stared at Lisa in shock as she smiled widely at me. Please stop with those smiles, it giving me heart attacks.

"Lisa." I mumbled. "Oh, d-do you want to come in?" I awkwardly asked, thinking internally if it's a good idea knowing that even her presence only can cause something on me. She cleared her throat first and lucky for me, she shook her head.

"O-Okay." And I just stood there awkwardly, waiting for her turn to say whatever her reason to knock on my door.

"I wanted to give you this if you're wondering why I knocked." She said and lifted up the bunch of white and pink flowers in her hand. I confusedly accepted it and stared back at her.

"B-But why?"

"As an apology because..." She trailed and opened her sling bag pulling out my diary on her bag— Wait! My diary?! She nervously smiled at me as she held her nape and massaged it.

Please tell me she didn't read it.

"Sorry if I read "some" from that." she said and looked down and nervously tapped her foot on the floor. "Anyways before you get this, I want to ask you something." she pulled my diary behind her and faced me.

She gulped nervously and spoke. 'I was wondering if you could come with me somewhere tomorrow?" she asked, her eyes stared intensely at me. "Since I didn't get to go there b-back before I... you know." she paused and awkwardly tilted her head as she cautiously observed my reaction.

"Jennie?" She mumbled when she didn't get a response.

I stared at her for minute and sighed as I crossed my arms. "Why me? You can ask Jisoo—"

"Because I want it to be you." she abruptly answered and my heart quickly reacted on her response. I watched her silently as I noticed that her ears start to redden. "I mean, I... J-Jisoo told me she'll be busy." She lied and faked a cough as she looked away. I know she's lying. Its vacation so obviously why would Chu be busy?

Well, unless she'll play her games.

I internally laugh as she starts to grow nervous under my gaze. "Lisa, its vacation—"

"Please?" She begged and gave me puppy eyes. Well shit. How can I say no to that eyes?

"Fine. Now, give me that." I uncrossed my arms and lifted my hand, waiting for her to give back my diary. I wonder, how much she read on it.

"Okay." She grinned happily and handed the notebook. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She said and walked away with that happy smile.

"Jennie." About to close my door, she suddenly called me. She's already standing in front of her room when I turned to her. I raised my brows at her as she was smirking weirdly at me.

"Anyway, it's a date." she stated and before I can react, she hastily went inside her room.


Evening arrived and things happened too quickly for me. Earlier, I was just thinking if Thailand was near Korea and now, my reason for that was now here and was just across my room.

It's a date. Is she serious about that? I pondered and laid my back on my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

She returned. I thought and closed my eyes. I'm not dreaming now, right? All these things are real, right?

DEAR DIARY [JENLISA]✔️Where stories live. Discover now