Chapter 38

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          *Lolbit's POV*

     I woke up because I had a really weird dream, it was me and my lovely Y/N getting married but then something happened.. everyone just vanished and it was only me left, then someone came out of nowhere and just pointed a gun at me in the end pulling the trigger and here I am in the middle of the night "I hate my imagination sometimes.." I look at the clock and it was only 2:16 AM, I rolled my eyes and glanced over Lucy who was sleeping peacefully "So cute.." I silently stood up and head to the kitchen.

     On my way to the kitchen the TV was still on,I slowly approached the couch to find Y/N watching the.. fishing show very interested "Y/N? why are you awake?" "Because I wanna watch fishy" "Are you a bear or something?" "Do I look like one to you?" I touched his beard and he gave me an odd look "Since when you like fishing?" "I don't, I'm bored and I have no idea what to do to kill time" "How about you sleep? it's late and you need energy" "I can't sleep though, I feel someone watching us" I roll my eyes and sat next to him "Come on hon.. shrug it off okay? just go to sleep nothing bad is gonna happen" I gently kissed his forehead and he smiled a bit "By the way.. is there any milk left?" "Your tail tells me that you're a fox.. not a cat and no, there's none of it" I gave him a poker face and stood up "Well.. I guess I will go back to sleep, If I wake up again and find you watching TV instead of sleeping I will lock you in the basement" "Have fun doing that" I laugh and head to the bedroom.

     Once I entered the bedroom Lucy was literally crying in her sleep, I was a bit confused but I quietly sat on the bed and looked at her body, she was kinda shaking and it worried me a bit "What's wrong little girl? having a bad dream?" I wiped her tears away and lift her up in my arms "Now now.. calm down.. everything's gonna be fine" I swing her in my arms like a baby, it's pretty much embarrassing but this will calm her down a little "I wonder what you're dreaming about.. the dream must be a chaos if it makes you to cry like this.." suddenly she opens her eyes and hugged me tight "Lucy? you okay now? wanna go outside to take some air?" "The nightmares won't stop! I hate it so much!" she yelled with tears in her eyes, what kind of nightmares? I pat her back and her breaths were heavy "Can you tell me about this nightmare of yours?" "It's about my past.. I hate it so much.." I sat her on the bed and I sigh "Your past may be a terrible one.. but your future's gonna be a bright one with us" "What do you mean by that?" "You'll see soon enough" 

     She lays on the bed and I did the same thing, will she be able to fall asleep again? "You sure you don't wanna go outside for some fresh air?" she shook her head "I'm not gonna push you, let's go to sleep" she didn't turned her back on me but instead she hugged me sobbing in my chest "I can't t-take it anymore.." I sigh deeply and wrap my arms around her body "Everything's gonna be alright.. just calm down" I caress her back and she slowly stopped sobbing "...Thank you.." she was even cuter when she was shy, I smile and we slowly drifted to sleep.

           *Time Skip* 

           *Your POV*

     A wonderful smell disturbed my sleep and I opened my eyes to find Lucy sitting on the table watching some cooking show "Hold up.. since when are cooking shows so real?" Lucy giggled and looked at me "Lolbit's cooking silly!" I'm surprised to see her so happy and full of energy, yesterday she was like a lost puppy, scared of everything and pretty much she was lifeless "What is she cooking?" "Something yummy for sure" I raised an eyebrow, I have to investigate this case "Something yummy you say huh.." I stand up and literally charged through the door "Good morning sweetheart! watcha cooking?" I think I gave her an heart attack but eh, it happens to all of us "For the love of god.. stop burst open the door! now you don't get any food, you've been a bad boy" I gave her a sad face and puppy eyes "I'm serious! it's getting annoying!" 

     I approach her and grabbed her by the shoulders "By the count of 3 you're gonna say that you're giving me food or.. Y/N's gonna do something very illegal" "How could you do that? I mean.. I haven't done it in a while.." "Say what now?" "What?" we stare at each other in a awkward way and she just raises an eyebrow "No! You got it wrong! holy cheese.. you're only thinking about fuc-" she smacked with with the spatula and I look at her "It's not my fault! you're the only one who said you're gonna do something *Illegal* to me" "Let's just eat.. this day started just fine.." Lucy entered the kitchen and she was way too happy "Just sit at the table okay? the food will be ready in about 10 minutes" "But my belly wants food now" "Okay then, you're not going to get any food" I instantly sat at the table and she laughs "That's right, you better do what I say"

     Lucy was humming to herself and I was very confused, yesterday she was dying and pretty much didn't wanted to do anything and now she's too happy! how in the world Lolbit managed to change her mood this easily? "Okay, what have you done Lucy huh?" I look at her in the eyes and she was confused "What do you mean? I'm the normal Lucy" "That's a lie! the normal Lucy wouldn't be this happy! instead she would be like she was dying" "I'm just grateful that you guys took me in! I haven't ate this well in years.." "Lies!" "I'm telling the tru-" "LIES" Lolbit smacked me once again and I turned to her "Woman please, this is real business goin' on" "Leave the poor girl alone Y/N, I wonder how you're gonna act around our child.. I'm kinda scared to be honest" "Child? you guys never told me about any pregnancy.." we turned to Lucy and Lolbit started laughing "I'm not pregnant Lucy, at least not yet" she turned to me and I gave her a glare, Lucy laughed and I only rolled my eyes "Enough about pregnancy, children and whatever.. how about we pick a reasonable subject huh?" "What's your reasonable subject dear?" "Food" 

          *???'s POV*

     "Ma'am, we have great news for ya! we found someone who knows a lot of stuff about Y/N, so.. it might be easier to kill him, but.. a reward must be sacrificed" I jumped in excitement "Who's the lucky person huh?" "We don't know the name but.. they will come in shortly" I will reward them with anything their little heart wants! if they know Y/N's weakness then we have a great chance killing him! this is the best news I've got so far! "By the way.. is the army done?" "No, someone was too lazy to think of the blueprints for the planes" "I wonder who's that someone.." "His name is... uh.." suddenly the door burst opens and it revealed a female? male? I have no clue! because their face is covered with a mask! and I can't tell if they have breasts or not "You must be the person who knows Y/N huh?" "That's me, but I have a questions to ask" "About your reward.. I'll give you 100.000$" "Now we're in business" was it a good idea to give them that amount of money? probably not but who cares? if Y/N's dead everything's gonna be good "What's your name though?" they remained silent for a while "My name's B/F/N"

          *To be continued*

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