Chapter 60

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          *Your POV*

     I turn around to see my most favorite drinking buddy in the world, the one who almost killed Lolbit, the one who almost killed me twice, the one whose name I don't know "I think that applies to you pal, I saw you getting fucking destroyed and yet you're still alive somehow.. how about you die instead?" "You are the one who's getting away with only a scratch.. the luck that you have is extremely impressive, but eventually.. you will run out of it, and that happens now" he pulls out some kind of a firearm, but I can't quite make out what it is exactly.. what I can see though is that the weapon has 5 barrels and a grenade launcher on one side.

     "Ah, going ranged instead of melee I se-" "Shut the fuck up! there's no escape from death now! you can't get away from me anymore! if I die then I'm taking you with me straight to hell!" "Well then, where did you took Lucy? you didn't killed her did you now?" "How can I kill my creator's child? you two are the ones who are slowly killing her, so that's why I'm out here trying to kill you and your stupid lover" by now I would've rushed at him and fight with him like I used to fight with my sister all day long when we were younger, however I can't really approach him because of that stupid gun.. maybe I can try to make the grenade launcher from the side of his weapon to explode, but how?

     He aims at me and that made my heart race, he opens fire and I fucking started to run in zig zag lines to some sort of cover "Good God the accuracy of that shit sucks.." to be honest I don't this it's the weapon's accuracy fault but what can you do when you suck at aiming? I eventually got behind some concrete cover and I started to feel somewhat safe, but I can't forget the fact he has a grenade launcher... so this shit isn't really much of a cover "Already hiding? why won't ya come out and face me like a real man?" "Have you ever heard of not bringing a knife to a fucking firearm battle?"

     This time he might actually get me and on top of that I don't have any weapon to defend myself with, I mean sure I can use punches and kicks but that won't do much to his metal body "Just accept your fate, Y/N! you can't win this time!" once in his life he might be right, my only options are the moment are to run.. or try to blow up his weapon which I can't really do with my bare hands "Come on Y/N.. think of something.. a move from a random move that's extremely stupid and illogical but will 100% work.." since my brain refuses to cooperate I started to look around for an escape route, or at least that will get me pretty much away from him.

     I begin my mission to sneak the fuck away as quietly as I could but when it comes to quietness I'm fucking the opposite of it, that doesn't stop me to go from building to building and hope for the best this fucker doesn't find me because if he does I'm dead on spot "Why can't everything be simple for once? why do I fucking have to do everything on the hard way?" luckily enough.. his hearing system or something of his is broken or at least that's what I think because he doesn't really suspects anything or move so to speak, I eventually made it out from his vision and started running away "I may get out of this after all.. however how the fuck can I get back home?"

          *Lucy's POV*

     I know it wasn't a good idea to just pack some of my things and walk away from Lolbit and Y/N, at least I could've left a letter or message for them but.. I couldn't take it anymore! they always are fighting over silliest things! fuck that I ain't gonna be a part of that anymore, instead I'll just let them chill out and eventually I will go back home "Come on Lucy.. just a bit more till you reach it.." since I don't have any idea where to go I decided to head to Circus Baby's Pizza World, first of all because my actual mom, Kate which I'm glad she's dead to be honest, used to bring me in here so the animatronics should remember me.. at least some of them.

     As I was walking I eventually spotted the building I was looking for and oh man how much it changed.. the building looks old and abandoned if you ask me, police tape is also all around the building and it only makes me more confused "I don't think it's a very good idea walking there.. but I didn't walked all the way here for nothing! besides if I return now I must come up with a good excuse for Y/N and Lolbit.." I walk towards the building as I look around, no cars nearby.. no people around.. there's just nothing around that seems functional.

     I peek inside the building and everything seems to be exactly as I remember when I was younger but.. where are the animatronics I used to play with whenever I went here? only way to find out I guess "I hope this idea won't get any worse than it actually is" with that I try the main door and it was unlocked for some reason, I step inside the building as memories starts to flood my head.. mostly of them are about my mother and how she kinda didn't cared at all for me.. I remember she would brought me here and say 'go, play around or do your child stuff' to be honest it saddens me that I didn't had normal parents like most children.

     I walk around and start to remember most of the things I used to do and the places I used to be in, however I don't really like it being all alone in this abandoned place, who knows what can happen? worst case scenario something may be in here that's dangerous and will most likely hunt me down, best case scenario is.. that I find the animatronics I always played with and stay with them for a little while "Jeez.. hopefully things calm down soon at back home.. I highly doubt that though" I open one door and it creaks a lot but that doesn't stop me from exploring the place "I think this is the kitchen?" as I was walking around trying to figure out what's this room I heard some footsteps outside the door "Come on! the sound came from here" Well fuck..

          *To be continued*

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