Chapter 39

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          *Your POV*

     Today, Lolbit's family's coming back and to be really honest I just want to spend my time only with Lolbit and Lucy, not with her entire family "Y/N.. what are we gonna do about Lucy? what are we gonna tell them?" "You're smart, you're gonna figure something out" I stand up and my intention was to go downstairs but Lolbit stopped me from doing it "You're not gonna let me deal with this! you're the one who brought her here after all" "And you're the one who took care of her" "I hate you when you're acting like this" she left the room and I shrug my shoulders "Well.. I don't particularly hate you, in fact it's the opposite" I head down stairs and lord's heaven there stood hundreds of animatronics in the doorway .

     "Y/N.. what a pleasure surprise!" Lolbit's mother hugs me and I swear this was another woman "Uh.. happy to meet you after a long time..?" I hug back because I didn't wanted to be rude but it was kinda weird "Glad you're okay now, you really put Lolbit in a black spot" Lolbit's father hold out a hand and I took it, instead of shaking hands he pulls me into a hug "Don't ever disappear like that, okay?" he whispers to my ear and I nod, Lolbit's sisters were asleep so I assume that they were exhausted, they were sleeping in Lolbit's grandma's arms and in general Lolbit's grandparents just went straight to their rooms "Anyway.. mom.. dad.. we have some important news for you" they looked at us and Lolbit's mother eyes lighten up.. I don't like that "What's going on here?" both of their ears went up as they heard Lucy's voice, I don't have a good feeling about this..

     The moment when Lucy saw the other animatronics she went behind Lolbit "This is Lucy, Y/-" "Holy smocks guys! we left you alone for a couple of weeks and you two made a child?!" Lolbit sighs and I just stood there emotionless "Mom.. you got it wrong, she isn't our ch-" "Quit lying young lady! you guys totally did something when we were in our holiday and now you guys have a child, I can't believe it" "...Mom.. stop interrupting me! lis-" "Can you imagine that we're grandparents sweetie?" I sigh deeply and look at Lucy, she was confused "First of all.. it's impossible for Lolbit to give birth in just a couple of weeks and second of all we did not make out! I found her on the streets and she is Kate's daughter! I just felt too bad to leave her by herself in this unforgiving world" their faces went from happiness to confusion "Wait.. what?" "Look at her! she isn't like me or Lolbit! if she was like me she would be taller and if she was like Lolbit.. uhh.. she would have orange hair! I guess.." "No way! you both are little liars! she's not tall because she's still little" "She's a teenager" their eyes wide opened, Lucy calmed down a little but she still wasn't sure about them "Okay then.. , what are you gonna with her though?" "If you plan throwing her out get lost" Lolbit lifted Lucy in her hands and her mother was very surprised, I think everyone of us was "She already had a horrible past, why don't you want her to have a happy future?" Lolbit's behavior was kinda new to me, I've never seen her like this.

     "Who said that we're gonna throw her out?" Lolbit remained silent, they looked at me and I shrug my shoulders "..We're not gonna throw her okay? just don't do anything stupid okay? you can have fun with her" they quietly went upstairs and I look at Lolbit "Since when are you this.. protective? I've never seen you like this, is it because of Lucy?" "Are you on their side Y/N?" "Hell no! it's just.. weird seeing you like this" "Deal with it then" Lucy jumps from her arms and looked at us "Don't argue.. please, I just wanna see you guys happy" I felt something weird when she said that but I shrug it off "If Y/N wants to cooperate then maybe we will be happy" "I'm not even gonna argue with you.. something triggered you" I lay on the couch and Lolbit went to the kitchen, Lucy came to me and she was kinda sad "Sup?" "Why can't you guys be a normal couple?" "I didn't even do anything wrong! who knows what's going on inside of her head"

          *Time skip*

     "Yo Y/N you got a sec?" I didn't even heard Lolbit's father walking in, I almost fell off the couch "I've got more than a sec" he sits next to me and hands me a piece of paper "So, you must be jobless so I decided to help ya out a bit, that's the address of a school around here, well.. not really around here you have to drive around 7 KM to get there but anyway.. they're looking for a day/night guard and they are pretty desperate, they pay around 6.000-10.000$" 10.000$? now that's what I was looking for! "Why are they desperate?" "People say some stuff is going around there at night and some students are kinda afraid due that" "They pay kinda good so I'm in" "I'm glad to hear that and by the way, you're gonna work at least 18 hours so good luck" welp, there goes my life with relationship with Lolbit "And by the way your car is still in good shape so you can drive to the place" he hands me the keys and I was surprised, the car is still in shape after 8 years? now that's hard to believe, I stood up and head to my car.

     Once in the garage I found my lovely car, not gonna lie it was still looking good a bit dusty but good "Let's see.." I step in the car and tried to start the engine but it wasn't starting "Of course.." what can I say? not being in use for years the engine must stopped working or who knows? maybe it is damaged, once again I tried to start the car but same result "Jezz.." I step out of the car and opened the hood, the engine's pistons were missing "It seems that I'm not gonna lose my relationship after all" I slammed the hood and sigh "There goes my new lovely job" suddenly I heard a crack and I look behind me only to see someone in a powered armor with a bat ready to strike me "Uh.. sup?" I snatch the bat out of their hands and pushed them away "Who the hell are you?" "You wouldn't believe me" I grabbed a wrench and throw it to the garage button, the door closes and the person looked kinda shook a little "There's no escape mate" "And there's no escape from death, pal" he pulls out a grenade launcher and that was the last thing I wanted "If you do that we're both gonna die" they were ready to fire but stopped when I said these words "You're right.. I can't get paid if I die can I?" 

     I looked around for something and I found a gas can, I picked it up and throw it at the person's head, I used this time to tackle them down and to snatch out the weapon out of their hands, I grab him by the neck and slammed him against the wall "Tell me, who are you? who do you work for?" "Like I would tell you, you should recognize me by my voice" I elbow his helmet so hard that it cracked "I won't repeat" they tried to punch my face but I tighten my grip on their neck "..How could... you kill your... best friend?" "Best friend? wait.. B/F/N?" I release my grip and I watch him gasping for air "More like.. how could you betray your best friend? killing me? why? I thought we were friends" "Money is the most valuable resource so I gotta do what I have to" "Money huh.. I'd say friendship is much valuable but.." I punch his helmet again and he fell on the floor "I can't believe it.. who's giving you the money?" "A woman.. she has a damn army.. and some projects whose gonna put an end to your life and most likely to the world" once again conquering the world.. here we go again "Who is the woman?" "I don't know her name" I took a look at his power armor and a idea popped in my head "Take off your armor, or else" I grabbed the grenade launcher and pointed it at him, he immediately takes off his armor and throw it on the ground, his face was telling me everything "How much does this woman pay you?" "100.000$.." I lean closer to him, looking straight into his eyes "You're lucky that you are my friend.. well, you were my friend and because of that.. I'm sparing your life, if you dare go to that woman again, I will track you down and find you.. and when I find you.. I'm gonna torture the shit out of you" he instantly runs away and I look in my hand, then at the armor "Let's see if someones dares to hurt me again with this shit"

          *To be continued*

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