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Max had a hard time sleeping that night. He couldn't stop thinking about that feeling he'd had all day. It eventually became light outside, and that's when Max realized that he had been thinking about him all night. Shit.

"Hey Max! Over here!" Max heard someone say from across the mess hall. It was Nikki. He walked over to the table where she and Neil were sitting. He set down his tray and sat in between the two, glad to not have to sit alone anymore. "So what is this place anyways? The science stuff is barely... science-y, the place is falling apart, and the food looks like someone ate it already!" Max thought that the way Neil was so passionate was actually kinda cute. He felt himself blushing again, and quickly covered his face in his fists. Nikki gave Max a questioning look, and Max gave her a stare as if to say "not now"

After breakfast, Neil walked away towards his "science lab" and Max watched closely as he walked away, slowly tilting his head in awe. "Ok, what the hell was that?" Max whipped his head around to see Nikki standing there. "Nothing! It's nothing... just- ugh" Max said as he tried to walk away. However, Nikki was surprisingly strong and pulled him back towards her, spinning him around so she could look at him. She gave a cheeky grin, "Someone's got a boy crush!" She sang in a sing songy voice. "Shut up!" Max replied. "No I fucking don't! I- I need to go!"

Max quickly walked away towards his tent and sat on his bed. I need to talk to someone about this. Max thought to himself. And, against his better instinct, decided that he should probably talk to Gwen.

Max trudged over towards the councilors cabin and knocked on the door. "Gwen? Gwen get the fuck out here I need to talk to you!" Gwen finally opened the door. "What do you want you little shit? I'm trying to watch trash tv so this better be good-" "I need relationship advice!" Max blurted out. Gwen dropped the remote she was holding in her hands. Her eyes lit up and her lips tugged themselves into a smile. "Well kid, you've come to the right place!" Gwen dragged him over to her bed and plopped on top so that they were sitting next to each other.

"Sooooo, what kind of relationship advice do you need kid?" Gwen asked. Max took a deep breath, "ithinkthatimighthaveacrushonsomeoneandidontknowwhattodo?!" Gwen looked stunned, unaware that Max could feel love towards someone, let alone someone from the camp he hated so much. She thought for a moment before asking, "Well, why do you think you have a crush on her?" Max looked down at his hands which he was now rubbing nervously, "Um.. heh, it's actually a, um, a g-guy..." Max burrowed his face in his knees from embarrassment. "Oh." Gwen replied. "Well, why do you think you like him" Max looked up at her, prepared for her to make fun of him and not expecting kindness. "Well, he's really sweet and kinda dorky, the way he smiles is contagious, and his freckles make his face look like art..." Max began to daze off, not noticing his blush, only thinking about the boy of his dreams.

"I think you should tell him, Max." He froze at those words. "No, nononononononononono I could never tell him. He probably won't like me back, no one does. I don't deserve him to love me back, I mean you know me, Gwen! I'm a fucking ass. I don't deserve to be with him. I don't deserve to be with anyone. My parents don't even love me, so how could he?!" Max began to have a full blown panic attack; hyperventilating, rocking back and forth, and shockingly he was crying.

Gwen, not knowing what else to do called out for David and Jasper, who, reacting to her worried tone, rushed in immediately. The two men began to try and calm Max down. Once he finally started breathing normally, they asked him what the problem was. He shook his head "no" so Gwen responded. "He has a crush on a boy here at camp and doesn't believe that he deserves love, especially since his parents "don't love  him" either."

Jasper and David both sat there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. After a few minutes, David broke the silence; "Max. Don't let anyone, anyone believe that you can't be loved. Ever. Because you know what? You're a fucking amazing kid, you know that?" Max looked up at David, who was smiling. David had just sworn, and about Max! It wasn't mad, it wasn't upset, it was out of sincerity. Kindness. Maybe even love. (A/N FATHERLY LOVE YOU PEDOPHILE MAXVID SHIPPING ASSES)

"So, who is this mystery boy?" Jasper asked with a questioning smile. Max felt his face grow hot, knowing he was blushing. He took a deep breath and gulped. "Um...

... it's Neil."

Rayn here
So this chapter is a little longer, and I hope you enjoy it! I'm trying to make these as detailed as possible from now on :)

Word count: 836

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