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~3rd Person POV~

David and Jasper walked back to the campsite, hand in hand. When everyone was back in the Mess Hall and eating their food, Gwen gripped Jaspers wrist and yanked them to the side. "How did this happen? I want to know all of the juicy details. Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Gwen was practically jumping up and down. "Well... I had liked Davey here for a while now. Maybe even since we were kids. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and knew it was time to tell him. And then, I kissed him and it just felt so... right." Both of the young men were blushing, while Gwen was making weird noises of joy. (idfk how to write that any other way lol)

Little did they know, Max was listening in on the conversation. Jasper is right, I just have to let Neil know. I have a strong feeling he might like me back, so it won't hurt, right? Max got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Neil. "Hey... man. Can I talk to you for a sec?" "Sure, Max!" Neil replied. Max took a deep, shaky breath. "Okay, so... Neil. You are a great friend. You are kind and smart, and you make me laugh, even if I don't show it." Neil was smiling. These remarks were touching his heart; but, it was unlike Max to be talking like this... "I think, I want to be... more than your friend. I-I think I like you, Neil." Neil was taken aback. "Uhm, Max, I- I need to process this for a moment. I was not expecting that-" Before he could finish, Max had already pulled his hood over his head, and began to run into his tent.

Max lay on his bed, curled up in the fetal position, softly crying to himself. Of course he wouldn't want to be with you! That was just a friend thing he said. Neil isn't gay! What the fuck was I thinking?! "Max?" Max jolted upright in his bed to see none other than Neil. Max began to blush from embarrassment. "What do you want, Neil?" Max sniffled. "I'm here to apologize... for making you cry. I shouldn't have reacted that way, I was just really shocked. I also came here to tell you something else." Neil began to blush. "And what's that?" Asked, Max. "I think I like you too, Max." Max's eyes lit up as Neil continued, "I have ever since I first got here. The mischief that you always pull, and the devious look in your eyes. The way you smile when you think no one can see. You're so handsome and-" "Oh just shut up and kiss me already!" Max replied while he pulled on the collar of Neil's shirt and smashed his face onto the others.

The kiss was long an passionate. The feeling of Neil's soft lips against Max's dry ones made him feel so light. And like Jasper said: It just felt, right. The two only parted for air and began giggling to themselves. They embraced each other in a big hug. "You know what, Max?" "hmm?" "I- I think I love you." "I think I love you too you big dork." Max said with a light chuckle. 




Sorry that this chapter sucks and also that it' short hehe. I haven't had a lot of inspiration for the chapters because I didn't plan it well and need to find a way to spread it out longer than 8 chapters. If you have ideas, comment them!

Until Next time <3

(WOrd Count: 544)


It'll be an "x reader" but there's no ships... maybe

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