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David's talking to my parents
"Max, what's wrong?" Nikki asked. "Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit." Max was mumbling to himself. "MAX!" "What Nikki?!!" "What the hell is wrong with you?!" "He's talking time my parents." "And what's so bad about that?" Neil asked. Max thought for a moment before deciding to tell his friends; at least a little bit "Well, my parents aren't that great of people. They kinda neglected me and abandoned me here. They don't like me one bit and think I'm a mistake. They-" His thoughts were cut off by a new voice; Gwen.

"Excuse me, sir- S-Sir- SIR! This is your son we are talking about for Christ's sake. You don't care at all about what you've done to him or his mental health; how you've completely fucked up his self worth, you neglect him and all you have to say is 'oh fucking well' ?! No. I- EXCUSE ME?! You will not speak to me like that- He fucking hung up on me that bitch!"

They could hear David crying again, followed by some whispers. "Davey, I- I'm sorry. I know you care about him but... there's nothing we can do. They won't change. I don't know how else we are supposed to help." At that Max got up and walked away, ignoring the calls to him from his friends. He felt his eyes burn as the tears rolled down his cheeks. He was angry that his parents didn't care, confused at why the councilors did, and sad at the fact that it would never change. He was just going to continue being miserable here, and end up leaving to go to a shitty home at the end of the summer. Max fell asleep crying to himself, clutching on to Mr. Honeynuts as tightly as he could.

Back at the councilors cabin, Nikki and Neil were chatting. Neil couldn't stand to see Max be upset. He didn't understand yet, but the fact that he was struggling and no one could help made him boil up inside. "It's not fair. How could someone care so little about pain they caused their own son? I just d-don't understand." Neil began to cry, and he felt Nikki rub his shoulder to comfort him. "I think maybe you should go talk to him. Cheer him up. Y' know?" Neil nodded and got up to walk towards the tent.

Neil walked into his ten and looked at Max's bed. He's already asleep, so I won't bother him; not today at least. Neil began to get ready for bed, and just as he was about to lay down, he looked once more at Max. Damn. He's honestly really cute when he's asleep. Neil has known he was gay for a while know, and just assumed it was second nature for him to think all boys are cute; even his friends. Neil, finally have pushing the thought out of his head, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the night, Neil heard a scream. Max. Neil slid to the side of his bed and began shaking Max. "Max! Max wake up! Please wake up! It's just a dream get up, please!" At that, Max shot upright and looked at Neil, panting. He began to cry, and it honored Neil that he felt he could be vulnerable around him. The small boy hugged Neil tightly. They sat like that for a few minutes before Max asked; "Neil. Can I maybe, uh... sleep in your bed. S-so I'm not alone?" Max began to blush and looked away from Neil. Neil could feel the heat rise to his face as well as he agreed and grabbed Max's hand, leading him to his bed.

Neil laid down in his bed, quickly followed by Max; who fell asleep rather quickly. (Or so he thought) Neil lay awake for a while, when Max turned over and burrows his face into the tall boys chest, wrapping his arms around him and cuddling him close. Neil looked at the smaller boy for a moment, then began stroking his curly, chocolate brown hair. "God you're cute." Neil whispered to himself. "Thanks, dork." Max responded. Neil could hear Max smile as he said that. Shit he heard me! "Uh... sorry about that. Guess it's just the gay in me, hehe." Neil tried to cover up his stupid actions. "It's all good. I don't mind." Max replied before going back to sleep, for real this time.

Yup. I definitely like him


Hey, it's Rayn here!
This chapter is a bit shorter... but not really. I don't have much to say, but I hope you're enjoying the book so far! Anyways, love you guys! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

(Word Count: 755)

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