Chapter 1 - Introduction

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"Papyrus! I told you not to use my pants as a slingshot!"

A crash sounded from upstairs as a window was broken.

"Papyrus! Don't break another window!"

A tall skeleton women ran up the stairs, her bare bones pressing against the carpet as she hurried. This was Jandle, wife of the Royal Scientist, a Royal Guard member. She was tall and thin, with thin eye sockets and no pupils, wearing a simple pink sweater and blue skinny jeans. She threw open the bathroom door, which was flooded from the overflowing bathtub with green, bubbling liquid.

"Papyrus! Did you use your Fathers chemicals in the bathtub?" She yelled.

"I think he was trying to create a permanent source of mint leaves!" Her husband, the Royal Scientist named W.D Gaster, yelled up to her. "As a child, I think we should encourage that sort of creativity and scientific discovery-"

"It was you, wasn't it?"


She slammed the bathroom door shut before turning towards the hall where Papyrus' room was located, groaning at the sight of the hallway.

"Papyrus!" She yelled, "How did you track both sand and snow into the house? We don't even have sand or snow around!"

She looked up to find dirt tracks on the ceiling.

"... I'm not even going to ask about how you did that," She said, opening his bedroom door.

"Where's Papyrus!" She screeched at the empty room. "Honey! Go get the net! He got out again!"

"I'm here, Mommy!"

Turning around, she found her son, Papyrus, looking up at her with curious eye sockets and a warm smile. He was young, going to Kindergarten at the moment. He had a thin skull, just like his parents, with thin eye sockets. He was wearing a light orange sweater with short blue jeans, a brand new red scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Oh, curse how adorable you are," She said, kneeling down to pick him up and kissing his skull, "If you didn't have such a cute face, none of this would be acceptable."

"So cuteness is how people get what they want?" He asked innocently, blinking up at her.

"Pretty much, sweetie." She laughed. "It's time for lunch. And afterwards, I want your room clean. There's toys everywhere."

"But I was recreating the battlefield of the human war!" Papyrus said, "I was going to even grab your sword for it!"

"That is not a toy, how many times have I told you?" She asked, setting him down at the table.

"It's really sharp though! It's shiny too!" Papyrus said.

His Mother turned away for a moment to grab him his lunch, a turkey sandwich of which she made earlier before she had to go find him, before she turned around to find him absent from his seat.

"Papyrus?" She yelled, looking around frantically.

She rushed into the living room before she found Gaster standing next to the doorway, gesturing towards her son standing in front of the window, looking out at a group of children playing tag across the street. Papyrus turned back to his two parents, his once happy expression to one of loneliness.

"Do you think I'll ever get friends like that?" He asked the two.


"I honestly don't know!" Jandle said, throwing up her arms as she paced back and forth in front of the bed.

"Papyrus takes after his Father, not good with people," Gaster said, "But he'll meet some pushy kids, who'll become friends with him."

"Papyrus requires a lot of attention, but he doesn't get other kids." Jandle sat down next to him. "It's been three months, and he still has no friends in school. He's been acting out more, too. He's always been an energetic kid, but now he's doing all of these things for attention. He's lonely."

"He is, but we can't force the other kids to like him," Gaster said, "He's just high maintenance, and they can't keep up."

"We can maybe call the other parents and set up a playdate," Jandle said, "He's a nice kid, they just need to get to know Papyrus more."

"We can't force a friendship," Gaster said, "He's just too much. Even for us. He needs someone else to rant to."

"Maybe we can try for another kid? They'll get along!" She said.

"You barely pulled through the first time, I don't want to risk it again," Gaster said, "And we don't even know if he'd be able to handle a baby. Judging by how he is now, he'd kill the little thing."

"There's always adoption," She offered hopefully.

"He'd still kill it."

"Wow, this child sure is driving us up a wall to keep him happy."

They sat in silence for a moment.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked.

"Build a time machine, go back in time, and stop ourselves from having a child?" Gaster asked.

"A pet." His wife clarified. "I meant a pet."

"Oh, of course!"

Jandle sighed, leaning against her husband, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"He's not going to end up alone on the streets after we're gone, will he?"

"No, he just needs some help understanding the world," Gaster said, "We can help guide him, but we're his parents, we can't do everything for him."

"I wish I could," Jandle said, "Just keep his little smile forever."

"And keep his messes?" Gaster asked.

Just then, the house shook violently, both of them looking at each other with worry jumping out of their bed.



So following the Sansdyne ship is Fontcest. I'm trying to expand my writing out to more ships, to try out things. This story was originally an origin story about Sans as an experiment who was created to help deal with Papyrus, and it was just sitting there for over a year (seriously it was) in my docs until I was like "hey, I've been expanding to new ships, Fontcest is a thing" and I made it Fontcest because why not. It's fine if you don't like it, but I just finished it up today with some chapters so I can publish this all and get another story out of my drafts and finished. So here you go! Another random ship story on my account out of nowhere!

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