Chapter 7 - Moving to Snowdin

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It was supposed to work. Sans was excited, and so was Papyrus. They were going to start a family in Snowdin, where no one knew them.

Snowdin was the furthest city from the capital, a nice little town on the outskirts of the underground. Sans had became distant from Alphys, from everyone from the capital. Their parents had told them the plan, what had worked for them. They had moved into the capital when monsters were sealed underground, and had pretended they were already married so no one would question their same last names. No one thought otherwise, never questioned they were siblings, and the brothers were going to do that for Snowdin. Going to finish college, then start their own family.

But why would a fire monster live in a snow filled town?

There was no more guidance to look for, their parents had passed on by this time. They couldn't go ask them for help, not anymore. So when Sans had encountered Grillby when he was moving in, he wanted to scream.

This was supposed to be their getaway, their happy ending. No one out here was supposed to know them, so they could introduce themselves as boyfriends, who were moving in together while finishing college. Then they would make new friends, get married quickly, and that'd be it. They'd be happy, be free of social pressure. But before they could even introduce themselves as boyfriends, or even fully move in, there was Grillby, introducing Sans to some of the locals.

"And that's his brother, Papyrus," Grillby was saying to the bunny.

"Mhm," Sans forced out, "That's my bro. We're moving in."

And like that, it was ruined. Soon, they were being introduced to everyone, making everyone in town fully aware that they were brothers, that dating each other would be wrong. With one single person who knew them before they moved, their plan was over before it even started. So that day on, they were Sans and Papyrus, the skeleton brothers of Snowdin. Nothing more.

It was terrible, Sans hated it. Despite knowing he wouldn't get any advice, he had taken a trip to his parents graves, asking the cold air for advice on how to continue.

But no one came.

It was Sans who had broken down, telling Papyrus one day that he wanted to be married. And Papyrus answered with a "Why not?". No one had to know, they shared the same name anyway.

Once again, they had to drive out to hotland to ensure no one they knew would point out their brotherly relationship. There was no need for a giant wedding, it wasn't like either of them had any friends anyway. Sans had ditched Alphys with the "moving" excuse, and Papyrus had never managed to connect with anyone to form a friendship. Who would even watch the wedding?

It only took a few days to get everything done. They managed to find a priest willing to do a small, quick wedding. They didn't dress up, and they told him they didn't want to invite anyone. They just wanted to be married. He must have assumed they were teenagers running away and having a shotgun wedding, but either way the priest had agreed.

And just like that, they were married.

That's when the gloves started. There wasn't any other place for them to move as husbands, so they had to hide their rings beneath a glove. They constantly had their curtains draped across their windows, and visitors were never invited, allowing for the two to indulge in their relationship without any fear of being torn apart or judged. They had romantic dinners together, held hands, kissed, and cuddled on the couch with the door locked for good measure. College was soon finished, and the two were three to live their secretive lives.

Sans and Papyrus tried to look for places to have their relationship, but there was no where to go. Alphys lived in hotland, and Shyrin, who they went to school with, lived in Waterfall. And the capital was where they had grown up, so that was a no go. This had at least given them some insight about the Underground, though.

Due to their research, Papyrus found out who the new Head of the Royal Guard was following their Mother. And he had met her, finding his first ever friend! Sans had hung out a few times with them, and she was pretty cool. Her personality was loud and eccentric, just like Papyrus', so they were able to bond over that. This had caused Sans to also meet Alphys again, reconnecting with his old friend. It was nice to see her again, and them hanging out was fun. He just wished he didn't have to lie about her, and that he didn't have to worry about losing her friendship over his love for his brother.

With the addition of friends came the cost of being free, even within their home. Sans had to move to the separate room, to make the appearance of two separate bedrooms. They shared Papyrus' bed whenever no one was over, but he kept his stuff in the other bedroom, not using it unless someone was over. Their gloves remained on, even at home, as Undyne or Alphys could make a sudden visit.

They became sentries, and the idea for starting a family was put on hold as they couldn't exactly explain a sudden pregnancy to anyone. But their planning wasn't stopped, and neither was their discussions about a boy or a girl, and what their perfect house would look like. After all, monsters only needed one more soul.

And, eventually, that soul came. 

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