Chapter 2 - The Fish

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Papyrus stared at the fishbowl, a small, orange goldfish hovering in the water in front of him. Jandle and Gaster stood in front of him, Gaster staring down at his watch.

"He... hasn't moved in over a minute..." Gaster whispered.

"And there isn't even any water on the ceiling..." Jandle whispered hopefully.

They both stared at each other from Papyrus and laughed, laughing from the joy and hope for this pet.

"What are you going to name him?" Gaster asked when he was done laughing.

"Fishy!" Papyrus said.

"Aw, what a cute name," Jandle said.

"Fishy, the destroyer of worlds!!" Papyrus declared, holding up the fishbowl.

"Close enough," Jandle said, rubbing his head.

"Okay, go take Fishy up to your room, and don't stay up all night talking to him, you have school tomorrow," Gaster said, pulling him out of his seat.

"Okay! I'm going to tell everyone about Fishy!" Papyrus said, jumping out of his seat.

"And you have work tomorrow." Jandle leaned over and poked Gaster's nose socket. "We both do, so off to bed for us too."

"Do you think we'll actually going to get some sleep for once?" Gaster asked hopefully.

"Dear lord I hope so," She whispered, crossing her fingers.

And that night, they actually got some sleep.


Gaster had never been so angry to be woken up.

He wanted to stay in his bed forever, but the shaking of his shoulder brought him back into the world of others, seeing Papyrus glance down at him.

"Dad, wake up!" He said, "Daddy! C'mon!"

He glanced back at the clock on the nightstand next to him, sighing and he rolled away from Papyrs.

"We still have an hour before we have to be up, let me sleep." He closed his eye sockets. "Go play with Fishy."

"I can't. He won't move. He's just floating upside down."

That's when he fully woke up.

Gaster sat up in a hurry, looking at the fish bowl in his son's hands, finding an upside down, pale, and definitely dead fish floating aimlessly in the water.

"Oh, uh, he's just sick," Gaster said quickly, grabbing the bowl from his hands and climbing out of the bed. "He didn't dust, so he's fine. Just needs to see a doctor is all. He's a fragile fish."

"He's not as strong as my immune system," Papyrus said proudly, "Can I come?"

"You should get a headstart on going to school, Fishy shouldn't take long at the doctors," Gaster said, "How about you make breakfast? Okay got to go bye!"

Papyrus stood in his parents bedroom in confusion as he heard Gasters thunderous footsteps going down the stairs before a thud and another window crashing, the sounds of his car being started and screeching away from the house following.

"The Doctor must be really fun, if Gaster wants to get there so quickly," Papyrus said.


Five minutes later at the pet store...


"I NEED A F*CKING FISH IMMEDIATELY!" Gaster yelled, slamming the dead fish bowl so hard onto the counter that it shattered.


Papyrus was not a good pet owner.

Unfortunately, due to his young age, and ignorance to how fish can actually live, he often found Fishy being sent to the Doctor by his parents, them driving to the store to buy a new identical fish so Papyrus didn't get suspicious. He was ignorant on the whole situation, unaware of how many fish he had actually went through.

Gaster usually would've thrown in the towel by now and admit the experiment as a failure, but Papyrus was his son, and Papyrus was happy with his pet. He would sit there and talk to the fish for hours, sometimes even playing with him. It was someone for Papyrus to bounce his dialogue off of, someone he could talk to. He even started developing a personality for the fish, and he wasn't as wild anymore. Of course, there were still instances, such as Papyrus getting his foot covered in wet cement before it dried and they had to use a special tactic to remove it, but he was much less crazy and dangerous than before.

But the store was starting to run out of fish, and the owner said that he couldn't keep buying all of the fish since others wanted to buy them too. He had to think of something, and fast. That involved talking to his wife during work.

"They said we can't buy any more pets, since Papyrus is too much of a danger to the pets and that he keeps killing them all," Gaster said, "Not even a cat or dog, nothing."

"Well, that isn't good," Jandle said over the phone.

"Kind of the point I was trying to make," Gaster said.

"What should we do? Papyrus has to find about death sooner or later."

"And he's going to be all alone again," Gaster sighed, looking down at his latest invention.

Then he looked at the large body test chamber on the wall.

He had theorized about taking DNA from a lab rat to recreate a new life form, in hopes of using that same process to create more monsters strong enough to break the barrier. But, Asgore had denied the project before they could experiment, saying that he didn't want to create someone to force them in a battle that wasn't theirs. So, Gaster had been cleaning up the papers to throw them away.

"I mean, unless..." Gaster muttered, "Uh, Jandle, I have to go."

"Oh, did another project come up?" Jandle asked, "I'll let you off the hook, we'll figure out something tonight."

"Uh huh, yeah." Gaster scribbled down something onto a paper. "I'll see you later. Love you!"

After a few minutes, the eager scientist already had a few sketches and calculations running, smiling to himself as his hand moved, more and more ideas blossoming from this one.

"If I can pull this off..." Gaster whispered, "This... this will be great."

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