Chapter 6 - Hidden Relationship

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Neither of them really talked about the kiss after it happened, but with that silence came the change of things going back to normal. Sans stopped avoiding Papyrus, and they started hanging out again, even when his suspension was over. They started playing games again, going out and doing things, like they used to. Movie night became a tradition every friday night, and it was good.

What did change was the tone of their hanging out. It was never simple brotherly love, not anymore. Sometimes, when the two would sit next to one another, their hands would intertwine under the table without any words spoken. They would fumble around for a bit, both awkwardly trying to hold hands while looking casual, clumsily bumping fingers and knees. Their gaming nights over the weekends, which would drag on far past when their parents went to bed, was with them pressed against each others sides and sometimes a kiss or two thrown in. At school, when in the same class, they would smile at one another from across the room, and always found themselves together whenever partners were being selected.

It was awkward, and confusing, but it was still nice. The two were really trying. It was an unspoken agreement among the two about the risk of exposing them to public. Only during the dead of night, on a date night, with an empty house did Papyrus speak up about them.

"Um, Sans..." Papyrus said, looking over.

Their hands were joined together in their usual pillow fort, the barricade of pillows gone as the two had no purpose for it anymore. The movie continued on in the background, lost to them.

"Yeah bro?" Sans asked.

"Are we dating?" Papyrus asked, "We've been kissing and holding hands, but are we officially dating?"

"I'd like to say so, yeah," Sans said, "Unless you don't want to, uh, we don't have to."

"No, no, I want to! That's why I was asking," Papyrus said quickly, shutting down the idea of him not wanting to date Sans. "It's just that... you know, people don't like siblings dating each other."

"Yeah," Sans said, "But... I like dating you."

"I like dating you too," Papyrus said, "That's why I'm worried, I don't want us to stop dating. I don't want you to go away like you did, I like being with you."

"Me too, bro."

Their hands squeezed together, Sans giving a reassuring smile. Papyrus returned it with his own bright smile, leaning in with another kiss in mind. Just like before, they were clumsy, hands awkwardly gripping the backs of their skulls as they enjoyed the kiss. Unsure to keep their eye sockets opened or closed, the two ended up making eye contact during their kiss, causing them to snort and draw away.

"Okay, eye sockets closed from now on." Sans couldn't stop another snort.

"Yeah," Papyrus agreed, "Let's try again!"

And that's how it was for awhile. Waiting for their parents to turn their backs to give a close kiss or hug, but keeping distance in public. Even notes handed between classes with abstract, no declarations of love written down across everything for fear of classmates seeing. The only condemning evidence was that of their text messages, late night discussions picking up from their opposite rooms.

Despite that, no matter how careful, their parents knew them too well. Sharing one bathroom didn't help, as when Sans had went to kiss Papyrus, he didn't realize his Father had been walking down the hall at that moment.

The family meeting was dead silent, like they were silently interrogating Sans and Papyrus, who were pinned to the couch beneath their parents stares.

"Guys, we aren't mad," Jandle said, "To start off, so you two can relax."

"What?" Sans asked.

"If you guys are going to be dating, you have to be careful. Like not making out inside of the bathroom during our shower time," Gaster said.

"Wait, you guys are fine with us dating?" Papyrus asked, leaning forward.

"I've been suspicious for awhile, this only confirmed it," Jandle said, "And it's actually tradition for skeletons to have interfamily relationships, due to our unique way of producing offspring. DNA and genetics doesn't play a factor, as we breed by souls, so having sibling relationships is different with skeletons than other families. We didn't want to force you two into a relationship if you found it uncomfortable, but skeleton monsters have souls that connect with anyone as a soulmate, and if there are two children, their souls often connect."

Sans was the one who caught on first. "You and Dad are siblings?"

"As was our parents, and they let us have that choice like we let you," Jandle said, sitting down on the arm chair across from them.

"We started going out when we were younger, though. I thought since you guys hadn't gone out now, you probably never were," Gaster said, "I thought Sans was going to go for that Grillby kid."

"Not that we would have cared, you can love anyone you'd like, brother or not," Jandle said, "But even if it is usual among our family, that doesn't mean everyone will accept you. You two do understand this, right?"

Sans nodded, Papyrus following. Just because their parents accepted didn't mean that everyone did. Monsters were more open creatures, since same gendered couples could have children, but family relationships was something not all monsters accepted. No wonder their parents kept this from everyone, even their own children.

"We will always support you, no matter what," Jandle had said, "We're going to support you through this, but we're not going to lie to you. It's going to be hard, and it's going to take work."

"How did you guys do it?" Sans asked, "How did you guys start a family without anyone finding out?"

"We're going to be here for awhile," Gaster said, smiling at his son. "It took awhile, but we'll tell you how."

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