Chapter 8 - Running Away

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"You still want to run away together?"

That was the question his brother had asked before they left, looking at Sans. They had friends now, good jobs and good lives. Were they really willing to ditch it all for each other?

"Absolutely," Sans had replied.

They were ready. This time, it would work. They would disappear together, leave the underground and find a good house on the surface. Start a family, like they always wanted.

Their moving car was prepared, but they weren't going to be meeting with Undyne and Alphys, not like they agreed. For the first time in days, Sans got to freely peel off his gloves, looking at the cheap, store bought ring Papyrus had given him a few years ago. It was plain, nothing special about it, but Sans still loved it. He would always love it.

Everything was set. Their car was loaded with boxes, they found a house a good distance away that was perfect for them and had bought it. They would move into the human neighborhood, say they were husbands, and that would be it. They'd finally be together, finally be able to walk while holding hands in public, finally be able to go and have that picnic they've always talked about. Finally start a family of their own.

"I don't want to leave them thinking we're dead or anything," Papyrus had said, looking around at their empty living room.

"We can leave something behind, I guess," Sans said, "One of your famous plates of spaghetti with a note maybe."

"I... I want to tell them."

Sans turned towards his brother, eye sockets wide with those words. Papyrus quickly held up his hands, explaining his intentions.

"Not to their face, but... they should at least know why we're leaving, so they know not to come and try to find us!" Papyrus said, "You know Undyne would probably hunt us down if we left without saying anything."

"Yeah, you're right," Sans said, "Guess we'll have to remain anony-moose so we don't be hunted down."

Papyrus looked at him. "I love you so much. But your puns are awful."

With that, the two had agreed the best action to take would be to leave behind their gloves and a picture. Just one picture, the one taken after their wedding that felt so long ago, the two holding hands with their rings on display. It was a picture they had taken with Papyrus' phone, so the quality wasn't the best. The picture was one they had hidden away, but they didn't mind leaving it behind with the gloves. It was enough to tell their friends why they had to leave.

Sans thought the picture would be enough. He thought it would send their own friends gagging with disgust of seeing two brothers romantically involved, to make them never want to find them again. Sans was fine with that, he's come to cope with the reality of his relationship. It was illegal and wrong, and no one would support them as long as they knew about their relationship.

Until it was suddenly made legal.

Both Sans and Papyrus refreshed the page of their computer in their new home, the box they were unpacking lost to them by this sudden monster news. Sibling relationships and marriage were legal, Asgore had passed it that day. Apparently a few other siblings had come out wanting to be wed as well, and didn't have to hold secret weddings like the two brothers did. Sibling relationships didn't all have the impact like human relationships did, more species than Sans had suspected were coming out with their ability to reproduce without any fear of mixing genes. Not all of them were dating their siblings, but it was legal now.

They could... they were...

It wasn't long before their friends found them, chasing the two down inside of a store. If Sans could testify one thing with 100% honestly, that was the most terrifying experience in his life. One moment, he and Papyrus were casually holding hands, trying to find his preferred ketchup brand. The next moment he turned to see Undyne sprinting at them full speed, yelling their names at full volume. If he ever had nightmares, it would be about that.

Sans himself had managed to step to the side, but Papyrus was the one who ended up getting tackled by his old training partner. Alphys and Frisk followed after, not as fast as Undyne, but still going at a faster pace to try and see the skeleton brothers as well.

"Oh, hello Undyne..." Papyrus said awkwardly.

"Dude, why didn't you tell me you and Sans were a thing!" Undyne yelled right into his face, giving him a toothy grin.

"What?" Papyrus seemed caught off guard.

"I-I've written so much fanfiction about you t-two, so much," Alphys told Sans, "So much."

"I actually kind of expected that," Sans admitted to his scientist friend, looking at her girlfriend. "I've seen what you write."

"Dude, congrats! We would've been fine if you told us you were dating him! No need to run off and get a new life!" Undyne said, lightly smacking the pinned skeleton's shoulder.

"You're okay with it?" Papyrus asked.

"I mean, I can understand why Alphys would be into it," Sans said, pointing to her. "But you, 'dyne?"

"Who cares? Papyrus is my best friend! I'd support him even if he was dating his brother! I don't care about family dating, heck, I just went to Asgore to get it passed. It's no problem!" Undyne said, pulling him up before slinging a shoulder around Papyrus. "So you guys are going to come back and not run away, right?"

"Of course!" Papyrus said, smiling brightly.

And so, it was fine.

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