Chapter 3 - Sans

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It was obvious Gaster was up to something science related.

Jandle had known Gaster since she was born, and he was always the one who would go all out when working hard or when he was excited. It's what she loved him for. He would stay late in work, work hard on notes at home, kiss her goodnight three times because he couldn't remember if he already did or didn't already. He even fell asleep on his notes a few times, so she would help drag him to bed. It was obviously a side experiment, since he didn't mention what it actually was.

But boy was she surprised when she discovered what the experiment was.

It didn't come from Gaster. Oh no, he never mentioned what exactly it was until she stumbled across it, or him, one morning. She was tired from the night before, working extra late with one new trainee who was so nervous that it took an extra hour to help him, since he kept getting distracted from another trainee. So they had to stay late, which meant she went to bed later.

Waking up at a crisp 5 o'clock, due to the same trainee asking to come in early the next morning for extra training, she walked downstairs into the kitchen. She made herself a cup of coffee, before passing by a child on her way to the living room, a skeletal child of which she assumed was Papyrus.

"Hi sweetie," She said sleepily.

"Hi Doctor Mom."

Wait, Papyrus shouldn't be awake. It was Saturday. He didn't have school.

"Wait, what?"

She turned to find a skeleton child, which wasn't hers, staring back up her, as if it was completely normal. He didn't even look like a normal skeleton, his head was round, and he actually had pupils, his bones being more frail and thin too. He was wearing one of Gasters t-shirts she thought he had thrown away or last at the lab, nothing else on since it went to his knees from his short stature. He looked like Papyrus' age, but it was hard to tell from his height.

"... Is this a nightmare?" Jandle wheezed, leaning against the wall for support and she wobbled in her stance. "Was this coffee drugged?"

"What is coffee? And drugged? And nightmare?" The skeleton asked, "Are you okay? Do you need to rest?"

"Oh my," Jandle said, "He's talking. This is real. Did I get pregnant and give birth all in one night?"

"May I ask what that all means," The boy asked.

"No, you may not!" Jandle said quickly, running a hand over her face. "Uh, where did you come from?"

"Outside. Doctor Gaster drove me here for 'Phase 1', which I don't know what that means."

Gaster drove him...

"GASTER GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She had never been so confused and lost as she was right then.

"Coming, coming!" Gaster groaned, his voice distant.

As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, he paused when he saw the situation, Jandle furiously pointing at the new child.

"Explain!" Jandle said.

"Oh, uh, right." Gaster said casually, as if this was normal. "I created a brother for Papyrus."

"You... did what?" Jandle huffed out.

"He created me!" The skeleton said, pointing at himself. "As a brother! To help this new family of mine named Papyrus!"

Now, Jandle usually wasn't one to flip her crap. She's dealt with Gaster her entire life, she thought that she had known him, but this...


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