Chapter 4 - High School

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High school, every teenagers worst nightmare.

Well, for the brothers, it wasn't so bad. The school itself wasn't the problem.

It was Sans's feelings.

Of course he loved Papyrus will all of his soul, he was created for him. Before, it was a simple brother love, but now...

Did Papyrus always have that sparkle?

Sans wasn't exactly sure, when this all started. When he started noticing the smaller things about Papyrus, when he started making excuses to be closer to him, to touch him more. When he started appearing in Sans's imagination while in class, about a future together on the surface.

It started to get frightening, he wasn't supposed to feel this way. Papyrus was his own brother, this wasn't allowed, it was against the law. But Sans couldn't help it, everytime he got close to Papyrus, it was hard to think.

If this was a crush, it would've been easier to handle. However, this wasn't a small crush, to Sans's dismay. With each day that passed, Sans found it harder and harder to function with him nearby.

It was starting to effect their relationship.

The first instance of his crush blocking his judgement was when they were in school. It was just lunch time, like any other day, and they were sitting together again, like usual. Nothing was different from their usual lunch, so it shouldn't have been so different.

Their Mother still packed their lunches, both of them not being very good in the cooking department. Knowing what the two liked and disliked, she was able to pack them good lunches, which was really nice and lucky for them to have. That day, she had packed Sans a cheeseburger while she had packed Papyrus a salad, both of them sitting down in their usual spot with their meals.

"So, ya got a salad today?" Sans asked.

"I did!" Papyrus pulled out the container, setting it onto his lap. "It's a very healthy option! You should eat more healthy foods like this!"

"Maybe, but I'm really committed to my burgers and such," Sans said.

"Would you like to try some?" Papyrus had asked.

He just got this... look on his face that made Sans unable to say no to him. How could he? Papyrus just gave Sans this face that made him feel as if he said no, Papyrus would cry on the spot.

"Uh, sure," Sans said, leaning closer to grab his fork.


Papyrus held out the fork in his hand in front of Sans's mouth, not giving him the fork. Pausing, Sans glanced at the fork to his brother, then back to the fork.


How was Sans supposed to react? He couldn't just turn Papyrus down! Hesitantly, he inched towards the fork, quickly biting off the lettuce before drawing away like the fork was on fire.

"Great bro." Sans felt like he wanted to scream from embarrassment.

He had a hard time sleeping that night, it didn't help that Sans had to share a room with Papyrus. Thankfully, his blushing face from that incident was covered by a blanket as he faced the wall.

That's how their relationship was affected next, Sans just couldn't help but look over at Papyrus's calm face when he was sleeping. Usually, his brother was so loud and excited, but sleeping he was calm and peaceful.

It was cute.

Which is why Sans asked to move his room into the basement.

"Sans, how come?" Jandle asked in the morning, pulling out two cups from the cabinet. "I thought you and Papyrus got along well."

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