Chapter 5 - Four Weeks

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Sans always felt a little bad for their parents. Not only did they have to deal with being the Royal Scientist and Captain of the Royal Guard, the two highest positions in the underground, they had to deal with two crazy children they always caused chaos. Sans did manage to bring Papyrus down in his antics, but when Sans caused chaos himself, it was much worse.

He was suspended for an entire month, and the school had to release early because they didn't want the students to see the cleaning of blood. Sans' own knuckles were bloody, but that was from beating her until he bled. That was the least of his concern, though.

Gosh, he felt terrible. Not for him, but for the others included. Poor Catty had to watch him beat up her best friend until she needed to be hospitalized. Bratty was beaten up, to the point where her face was nothing but blood and a broken nose. He was a skeleton with sharp bone joints, his knuckles had torn open her face when he had attached her. It took two teachers to pry him from her, while Sans had been flailing and trying to return to beating her in his fit of rage. And his parents had to deal with the school dragging them out of their important jobs.

Sans felt terrible. Anger wasn't a new emotion to him, but it came rarely, and he always had a sense of control over it. Sans never was one to lash out with emotions, he was always the calm and collected one. Yet there he was, his Mom angrily scrubbing the blood from his hands.

"Four weeks, Sans, four weeks!" She said, "I know you aren't missing anything, but the whole reason we have you go is to be social! Not to beat up other teenagers! What's even the point of going to high school is you're going to act like this?"

"I'm sorry," Sans mumbled.

"You're as smart as your Father, and as witty as me, no need to start beating up kids!" She mumbled, angrily digging the rag into his hand, causing Sans to wince.

"Sorry sweetie, I'm just... are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's fine," Sans said, "I'm really sorry."

Jandel threw the blood covered rag into the bathroom sink, running a hand down her face with a sigh. Other than them, the house remained silent. Sans hadn't seen Papyrus since he got home. Their Mom probably sent him out after school was released early so he wouldn't hear Sans get a punishment.

"You and I both know you never hated that girl, what happened?" Janel asked.

"I don't know," Sans said, looking away from her. "I feel real bad Mom, I really do. Is she okay?"

"She has a broken nose, and you chipped a few of her teeth. She'll be fine, but you really did tear her up. Which I would be proud of if she had been the one to start the fight, but she didn't. You did. Sans, I have nothing against defending yourself from a bully, but she hadn't attacked you. You attacked a defenseless girl."

"I know, I know! I didn't mean to! I mean- I was just walking with them and then they started talking about Papyrus, and I just-"

Jandle held out her hand, silencing him. "Is that why you attacked her? Was she bullying Papyrus."

"Yeah," Sans admitted, "She was saying mean stuff about him. Really rude stuff, and I dunno, I just lost it. I get I haven't been hanging out with Paps much, but that doesn't mean she can go and just mock him and expect me to join in! I tried to argue, but then Bratty just kept insulting him and I just... saw red, I guess."

Sans huffed and threw himself onto the couch, burying his skull into his hands from shame. Crap, he really screwed up. He didn't need his Mom to remind him about that.

That was the cool thing about his mom, she knew that. She understood Sans regretted it, and that yelling more wouldn't do anything. Instead, she sat down next to him, and rubbed his back.

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