~ A Stolen Night ~

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~months prior, on Coruscant~

It was the night Onderon officially joined the Republic, and there was a small party for friends and Senators to celebrate. There were a few members of the rebel group she'd mentored present, and they expressed their gratitude to her for helping them restore their king.Of course, because Senator Amidala was there, Master Skywalker wanted to be there, and Ahsoka would never turn down an opportunity to see Lux. While Anakin and Padme chatted by one of the tables, Ahsoka wandered around, looking for him. It had only been a few days since she'd last seen him, but after a month of seeing him every day, it felt like they'd been apart for a lifetime.

It wasn't until the end of the party that she was able to speak with Lux. As guests were leaving and Lux was finishing up a conversation, he made eye contact with Ahsoka and smiled. After a brief goodbye, he walked over toward her.

She did her best to act surprised that he noticed her, but she knew she wasn't fooling anyone. "Hey," she said.

"Hey." He gave her a once-over. "You look absolutely beautiful, Ahsoka. Thanks for being here."

She felt her face heat up. "Are you kidding? I spent a month making sure you'd be alive long enough to make it here. I wouldn't miss it."

He chuckled. "I know I've said it before, but I'd like to personally thank you on behalf of Onderon for everything you did for us. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

That much was true. He'd have been killed by Count Dooku, Death Watch, and King Rash if she wouldn't have been there to save the day. "Of course. I'm glad I was able to help." Was it hot all of a sudden?

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Master Skywalker making his way over. "Ahsoka," he started, "I'm tired. I'm going to call it a night. Are you ready?"

Her face fell. "Oh. Okay, I guess." She and Lux had barely had a chance to talk.

"Master Skywalker, good to see you." Lux said. "I was hoping to be able to talk to Commander Tano for a few more minutes. We have a few details to wrap up following the events of the past month."

Anakin raised an eyebrow. Ahsoka knew he wasn't buying that, but at least Lux tried.

"I can personally see to it that she gets back to the Temple, if that helps."

Anakin was silent for a moment, contemplating his options. "Ahsoka, if you're so much as a minute late to the briefing tomorrow morning, I'm signing you up for a shift of guard duty in the archive library."

She smiled. "Thanks, Master."

He nodded and turned to leave. After a few steps, he turned his head. "Remember your purpose." He met up with Senator Amidala and walked her out before heading home.

"Thanks," Ahsoka said to Lux.

"No problem."

A few seconds of awkward silence  passed between them. Ahsoka couldn't help but think about their stolen kiss. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't deny that she craved to kiss him again, even though she knew things were different now that they were back in the real world with real consequences.

"So," Ahsoka started, trying to redirect her focus, "No problems after I left?"

Lux shook his head. "It's been fantastic." Ahsoka must've made a face because he immediately clarified himself. "No, no, I mean that finally it feels like peace has returned to the planet with the Republic there to stay." He paused a moment. "I trust you know I wasn't planning on talking to you about Onderon, right?" he said in a hushed voice.

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