xxiii: Hope

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Ahsoka had always been taught that hope was more powerful than fear. She'd never really understood that concept until she picked up the locket on Lux's desk.

"Mustafar," she said aloud. She reached out into the force, searching for Lux's presence for what felt like the millionth time since it happened. She still was unable to feel anything, but her instincts compelled her to go to Mustafar. Lux couldn't have written it this morning, since his aide said he didn't ever make it back from the hospital, but Ahsoka had a feeling that wasn't entirely true.

Ahsoka didn't care that it was the middle of the night. She was tired and devastated by her loss, but finding Lux's letter had given her hope. She wasn't afraid of having to live without Anakin and Lux anymore. Lux wanted her to find him, so that's what she was going to do.

She marched out of his study and found Rex, who was standing by the door of the apartment.

"You find what you were looking for?" he asked.

She held up the locket for him to see.

"He give that to you?"

"Yeah, he did. He left a note with it, too."

"A note? What do you mean?"

Ahsoka took one final glance at Lux's apartment before opening the door and marching outside. Rex reluctantly followed her. Though she couldn't see his face, she knew he was utterly confused.

She broke into a run. She had to act now before they left Mustafar. Lux and Anakin had to be there. Though she couldn't sense either of them through the force, she knew they were alive.

"Commander Tano," he called out, running after her. "What are you doing?"

She stopped at the door of Padme's apartment, surprising the guard stationed there when they saw her. Rex stopped next to her and caught his breath.

"I'm going after them, Rex. I have to."

"Ahsoka, they're dead. You saw them die!"

No, she'd seen what Nyx wanted her to see.

"They're alive, Rex! I just know it."

Ahsoka ran inside Padme'a apartment and put together a small bag. She fastened the locket around her neck and looked at herself in the mirror. She was a walking disaster. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she had several bruises on her arms and lekku, and her skin was paler than usual. The blue jumpsuit she was wearing was worn and faded. She went through a few drawers and pulled out her old combat suit from when she was a Jedi Padawan. She changed into it and looked at herself again.

Her body hadn't changed, but just putting on the uniform gave her a sense of confidence. She may not be a Jedi anymore, but the Jedi shaped her into the person she had become. When she walked down the steps of the Temple, she thought she left everything behind. She was just Ashla then, with nothing to her name. Now, she realized how wrong she had been. It was time to leave Ashla in the past.

Ahsoka Tano was strong. She was a survivor. She was confident in herself and her abilities. She was a student to the one of the most powerful beings in existence. She was a leader that inspired the men she fought beside. But most importantly, she was a Jedi.

She fastened her lightsabers to her belt and felt the force flowing through her. It was time to go.

There was a small knock at the door.

"Ahsoka?" Padme peered her head around the door. "What are you doing?"

"They're alive, Senator. I can feel it. I'm going to save them."

"Are you sure?"


Padme paused a moment. "I'm going with you."

Ahsoka knew she was going to say that. She smiled as Padme hurried back to her bedroom to change. Ahsoka knew better than to argue with her. The senator was no stranger to taking risks, especially for those she loved.

"So, where are we going?" Padme asked, emerging from her bedroom.


Ahsoka had been to Mustafar before. Last time, she and Anakin had destroyed a Sith testing lab and saved younglings from the clutches of the dark side. If Anakin and Lux were indeed on Mustafar, she was sure they were being held in a lab similar to the one she'd seen on her last visit.

Padme nodded grimly. "Right. Mustafar. Do you have a plan?"

Ahsoka shrugged. "We'll think of one on the way."

It had taken a considerable amount of convincing to compel Rex to let Ahsoka and Senator Amidala go to Mustafar by themselves. He promised he would cover for them with the rest of the security, so as far as everyone else was concerned, Padme and Ahsoka were safely sleeping in the Amidala-Skywalker apartment.

As their ship touched down on the surface of the planet, Ahsoka put on her cloak and pulled the hood over her head. The dark side was strong with this planet. She could feel the energy in the molten rocks calling to her, begging her to give in to her emotions and avenge her master and her lover.

She walked down the ramp of the ship and surveyed the structure in front of her. She had a feeling that this was the place they were looking for.

"This is it?" Padme asked. "You're sure about this?"

"Yes," Ahsoka breathed. And she meant it. "Anakin and Lux are here."

"You can sense them?"

Ahsoka reached out through the force. Anakin's force signature had always been easy for her to feel; it was a like a candle in the middle of a dark room. Now, though, the light had been snuffed out. It was like her eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness for her to see the candle without the aid of its flame. "No, I can't," Ahsoka said quietly. But something was telling her that this was where she was meant to be. "It's hard to explain, but I know this is the right place."

Padme said nothing and followed her inside the building. They walked side by side until they came to a fork in the path.

"Which way?" Padme asked.

She closed her eyes and reached out through the force again, this time searching for any living thing. Nyx was definitely here, as was another being, powerful with the dark side. If she had to guess, it was Dooku. They were coming from the left. She couldn't sense anything down the right corridor.

Ahsoka's eyes snapped open. "We split up. I'll go left, you go right." That way, Ahsoka would be the only one in danger. She couldn't risk losing Padme, especially since it meant losing the life she carried inside her as well. There would most likely be droids for her to deal with, but a few droids was better than a Sith Lord and a Sith assassin.

Padme nodded. "Be careful, Ahsoka. May the force be with you."

As Padme took off down the corridor, Ahsoka's expression hardened. "May the force be with you too, Senator."

Ahsoka sprinted down the corridor. So far, there was no sign of anyone else there. There weren't any droids roaming the halls as there usually were in Separatist buildings. Though it had been like that the last time she visited an establishment like this, it still set her on edge.

She stopped abruptly in front of a doorway. She could sense Nyx and Dooku on the other side. Shedding her cloak, she took a deep breath.

You can do this, she thought. For Anakin. For Lux. For Maggie, Ventress, Jaryn, and Barriss. Be with me.

The door slid open, and she stepped inside.

A/N: Hellooooooooo party people! Sorry it's been a minute since the last update. I'm slowing down a little so that I can get some other things done for school :)

Are Lux and Anakin alive? Ahsoka can't sense them, but she's convinced that they're fine. Anyone think they've figured out what the heck is going on? ;)

I have no idea when the next update will be, but I know it won't be today. Sorry :( It'll probably be in a couple days.

See you soon, and may the force be with you!

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