~ The Lake ~

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~months earlier, on Onderon~

It was nearly sunset by the time Lux and Ahsoka made it out to the pier on the lake.

Lux stood in front of her, surveying the scene in front of them. The like was quite beautiful, with the trees in the background and the sunset reflecting off then gentle ripple of the water. It was a reminder that even in the midst of a galaxy-wide conflict, there were still little inlets of peace.

Lux slipped his shirt over his head and folded it on the pier.

"Holy kriff," she muttered before she could stop herself. He was definitely attractive. Ahsoka couldn't help but stare at the way his muscles rippled down his back. Of course, she had never seen him shirtless before, but she was sure that he had been working out since she'd seen him last.

"Huh?" Lux said, turning around.

Ahsoka's face turned bright red. "Oh, nothing."

He turned around and put his hands on his hips. She let her eyes wander over his chest, taking in every detail from his broad chest to his toned stomach.

She wasn't exactly subtle about it either.

"You like what you see?" he smirked.

"Hey!" She hit him playfully. "I'm a Jedi, remember?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't think I look good without a shirt on."

"Lux!" She was really trying to be serious, but she couldn't help but laugh. "This is so unprofessional. Master Skywalker would kill me if he were here."

"And the senator of Onderon puking his guts out on the floor of some party is professional? I think he'd only be upset if you can't one up me here," he winked. "Don't get me wrong, I love the way you look in my t-shirt, but if you think my abs are that legendary, I wanna see yours."

He just wanted her to take her shirt off. She rolled her eyes and pulled her shirt over her head to reveal her two-piece swim suit underneath.

"There. Happy?" She said.

It was his turn to not-so-subtly judge her appearance. His eyes raked her body, exploring every curve, lingering for a moment longer in some places than others.

"Yeah, I suppose I approve. But mine are better."

"Hey!" She smiled. "I–"

He reached his arm out behind her lower back and pulled her closer. Her breath stopped. His touch was electric, sending a shock through her body.

"Would you like to go swimming now?" he whispered.

"Oh, you're good," she said, whispering back. He knew exactly how that gesture would effect her. "But I'm about to let you in on a little secret." She took a step back, and using the force, she pushed him into the lake. "I'm better!"

He laughed. "Hey! No fair!"

"I wasn't trying to be!" She joked, jumping in after him.

The water was warmer than she thought it'd be. It came up to her chest if she stood, covering most of her exposed skin.

She swam over to Lux and splashed him gently.

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