xxi: Twilight

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Ahsoka reached the industrial sector of Coruscant in record time. There was no sign of Rex, which worried her a little. She knew he'd be there soon, but Lux and Anakin couldn't wait. She had one of Anakin's trackers tucked away in her boot so Rex would be able to find her easily without having to communicate with her directly. It had worked like a charm in the past, and it would work now, too. It had to.

She swung her leg over the side of the speeder bike and pulled the hood of her cloak over her head. The blood red smoke surrounding the buildings blended in with the orange and golden hues of the sunset. On any other day, she would've stopped to appreciate its beauty, but today, she didn't have time for that.

This place resonated strongly with the dark side, setting Ahsoka on edge as she approached the entrance to an old, abandoned warehouse. She took a deep breath.

Remember your training, Ahsoka. Don't let him get to you, and everyone will be fine.

She pushed open the creaky door and looked around. It was the same dark room she'd seen in her visions. There was a light on the other side of the room coming from a torch. She could make out three figures in the light, two of which were on their knees. Anakin and Lux.

She shed her cloak and walked confidently towards them, her hands gripping her lightsabers tightly. Neither Anakin nor Lux was gagged, which was a good sign, but they were both cuffed with their hands behind their backs. Lux's expression was panicked, while Anakin's was more passive.

"Well, well, you've finally joined us!" the standing figure said. Through he was using a vocal emulator again, she was certain of who it was.

"Save it, Nyx. I didn't come here to talk to you," she spat.

Nyx removed his mask and his hood. She looked him in the eye and could sense nothing but pure, intense hatred. "I don't really care." He reached under his cloak and unhooked a dagger from his belt. "Do you know how much cleansing I was able to do with this knife, Ahsoka Zora Tano? I was making a difference in the galaxy, one life at a time. I'll never understand how you Jedi types can live with yourselves, wrecking every corner of the galaxy that you touch, and for what? Now, you have gotten to experience what it's truly like to save the galaxy by helping me rid it of those who wish to corrupt others. I should be thanking you for your help."

His words stung, but she couldn't let them under her skin. "Nyx, you used me and killed people that I care about!"

He fastened the dagger back on his belt and instead grabbed two pistols. "Funny how that works, isn't it? I do have to admit, though, that the Jedi may be on to something with that attachment rule. After all, it's how I was able to get to people through you. Maybe if you obeyed that rule, you'd still be a Jedi!"

Ahsoka called her lightsabers to her hands and ignited the blades, illuminating the space around her in a soft green glow.

"Now, now, I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you." He glanced down at his hostages. "Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, and Lux Bonteri, Onderonian Senator." Lux squirmed against his cuffs.

"Leave her alone, sleemo," Lux hissed.

"I suppose you haven't had a chance to fill your little boyfriend here in on all of the details of that night in the bar, like how I laid you on the bed and took off–"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" she yelled, surprising herself.

He chuckled. "Have it your way, then," he said, tightening his grip on the blasters, "I'll give you a choice. You can capture me, save the Jedi, or save the Senator. Whatever you choose, you'll have blood on your hands."

Ahsoka looked frantically back and forth between Anakin and Lux. This wasn't fair! She loved them both more than she had the words to describe and would be heartbroken to lose either of them. Yet, it was imperative that she capture Nyx to keep him from inflicting harm on other innocent people across the galaxy.

"Save the Senator, Snips," Anakin said. "I knew what the risks were when I became a Jedi."

"No, you can't take me!" Lux said. "He has a family that needs him. Nobody needs me."

"I do," Ahsoka murmured. "I need both of you."

"Time is ticking, Lady Tano," Nyx snapped. "Make your choice." 

She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't bring herself to say a name. Ahsoka wouldn't be able to live with herself if she caused one of them to die, even in a circumstance like this. She just had to keep him talking long enough for Rex to get to her.

She summoned as much courage as she could to keep her voice from breaking. "I'll trade myself for them. Kill me, and let them go."

He shook his head, laughing. "Don't you see? If I kill you, you don't get to feel the way I've felt since the Jedi took everything from me! You have no idea what I've had to do to survive in a galaxy run by people like you. No, you're going to make a choice and live knowing that you were the reason someone you care about is dead!"

She did her best to tune out his hurtful words and analyze the situation. There was really no escape other than the door behind her, and she couldn't center her focus enough to be able to sense if there was anyone nearby that could help her.

"Time's up!" He said. Ahsoka heard the safety click on his blasters.

"Wait, no!" She exclaimed. "I... I choose..."

He didn't give her a chance to finish. The all too familiar sound of a laser blast echoed through the room. Ahsoka watched in horror as the deed was done, and she stood helpless.

They were gone.

Ahsoka's mind went numb as she watched in agony as her master and her love crumped to the floor. She wanted to scream, to cry, to lash out at Nyx, but nothing came. She couldn't feel, think, or react.

They were dead. The two people she loved most in the world were dead, and it was her fault.

He chest tightened, and she couldn't breathe. She collapsed to her hands and knees in front of Nyx, feeling a stinging sensation in her eyes.

"And now, Lady Tano," Nyx said, "This is where I leave you." He walked over to her and planted a cold kiss on her lips. She didn't even try to fight him. "Good day, citizen."

As he walked past her toward the door, an explosion outside shook the room. A beam of light seeped in from a hole in the ceiling, illuminating the space just in front of Ahsoka. A few shots were fired, but she couldn't bring herself to look up until she felt a warm, comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, kid."

Rex. She turned her head, and their eyes met. She glanced behind her at the dozen or so clones behind her, slowly taking off their helmet as they realized that they were too late. One by one, they walked over to where Ahsoka was sitting and knelt down around their fallen general and the senator.

Rex put his helmet down and sat down next to Ahsoka.

"Rex, I... They're...." Never before had she been so speechless. Her mind was numb, unable to think long enough to form a sentence.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into an awkward side hug. Under any other circumstance, Ahsoka would've taken advantage of the opportunity to made fun of his awkward display of affection, but now, she was just glad he was there.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I'm so sorry."

She buried her head in his shoulder, and then the tears came.

A/N: I'M SORRY OKAY! At least Anakin didn't go all dark side yet XD

I promise I'm not evil. To prove it, I'll post some more very soon! It's a flashback, though, so don't get too excited. Actually please get excited because it's a good one :)

Until the next update (assuming you guys let me live until then haha), may the force be with you!

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