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"You're fucking hilarious." I tell the girl that came in last. I actually like my dorm mates.

"I'm Tori." She shakes hands with all of us and smiles widely.

"I'm Clary." The only blonde pretty girl says.

"I'm Melany." Says the redhead.

"I'm... Alyssa." The other brunette girl besides me and Tori says shyly. What's her problem?

"I'm Dakota." I introduce myself.

"Oh God, you're cool, and stuff." The girl with red hair that I believe is Melany tells all of us.

"Yeah, you're all cool." Clary says and there's a deep silence.

"I need a cigarette so badly. I wish Vin Diesel hadn't stepped on yours." I laugh after my words. I sit on the top bunk bed I will actually sleep in, they want to or not.

Tori laughs with Clary. "I wish he hadn't either." She rolls her eyes.

"So... Why are y'all here?" Alyssa asks. Everyone looks at each other.

"Apparently kissing your teacher is a crime, so..." Melany blurts out in a sassy tone. I like Melany.

"Threatening someone with a knife for an actual reason is 'wrong' too." Clary gestures a lie with her fingers.

"Smoking pot at school is 'wrong' too." Tori says and I laugh.

Melany's eyes widen. "It is wrong, or well kinda risky." Melany says.

Tori shrugs.

"I smoked. And smoked. And escaped 3 times this week from home at night. No big deal." I say at the end.

"Well, I said 'fuck this shit'. In front of my mom. And stole something from a store. And said 'fuck school'."

We all stare at Alyssa after she talks.

"That's not cool. To be sent here just for swearing." Melany says and shakes her head.

"If swearing was a crime, I'd be sent to die like a bazillion times in my life." I blurt and they all laugh.

"Well, it sucks." Alyssa says and we all nodd in agreement.

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