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As a man who's played all sorts of strange characters in three thousand worlds, Fan Yuan is finally getting his first promotion and raise in life. He can now play the role of a male minor character full-time.

Male minor character, oh male minor character. What a wonderful character. As we all know, in the hetero novels with Mary Sue characters, the core principle is to abuse minor female characters physically and mentally, and minor male characters mentally. Generally speaking, the male minor character is usually noble and powerful with a strong appearance and ability to compete with the male lead. However, a difference by a small margin would lead them to defeat in the hands of the male lead every single time.

Although it's inevitable to lose the female lead to the male lead, Fan Yuan was already satisfied. This lovable role is perfect for him. It's just that the male lead and female lead's PDA was too blinding. But it's no big deal, considering that the male minor character has a higher quality of life. He has a grand mansion, luxury cars, and enjoys fine dining. He also possesses good looks and a fine temperament.  And, if he must play the role of a frustrated young man in front of the main characters — so what? He is always confident that he can get the job done.

After all these years, Fan Yuan was so excited that he almost burst into tears — even though he was now a man with no real body and no tears......

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu. Quickly reply and say that I agree! Agree to be transferred to the male minor character group and accept the role!"

"Ding! Okay, got it."

A mechanical voice sounded in his mind. Xiao Wu is the name he chose for the system he's bound with which has accompanied him through many worlds. Each system can only bond with one actor. Which means that once the binding is done, the system will serve the actor his whole life. The system is a hub for connecting with the source world, and also a tool for delivering energy and information.


"What the hell is this?! What the hell is a gay minor character?! I've never heard of categories for male minor characters! I'm straight!"

"Ding. Master, you are no longer human. So there's no difference between straight and gay men." Xiao Wu gave a two beats in a bar answer within his mind. [1]

Fan Yuan was quite depressed. "...... Is there no other way out now?"

"Ding. According to the record, there has never been a return after receiving the task unless......"

Hearing a turn in the conversation, hope formed in Fan Yuan's heart as he asked, "Unless what?"

"Ding. Please don't interrupt Xiao Wu's words. Unless Master is promoted again, switching over to the male lead group or 'boss group' is possible."

Fan Yuan almost lost the will to live as he sighed, "That's easier said than done...... I don't know how much time I spent in order to be promoted from playing minor roles to a male minor character...... A gay minor character...... Getting promoted once again... The future looks bleak......"

"Ding. Master's life is infinite, so there's no need to worry of there being no hope."

Fan Yuan thought for a moment, and that indeed seemed to be the case. He had to go on with the mission anyway. And having hope is better than none. Although he is not interested in the male lead, promotions and salary raises sound beautiful to his ears.

As The Minor Gay Love Rival in Het NovelsWhere stories live. Discover now