Chapter 7

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Two days later, Kousagi still seemed slightly upset because of the dispute they had while they were walking back from the VR theatre. It had been quite a funny day for Mamoru there anyway.

At first he spotted the blonde Odango and not more than two minutes later, the ginger haired girl who had introduced to himself as Natsumi Ginga the other day, clung on his other free side.

Then inside the theatre, her brother and him started challenging themselves during the shooting game which had been ended abruptly by a greenish monster with tentacles and two floating green faced elfs. He found himself fighting with Usagi's little brother and her father against those freaked out beings when finally a blonde girl in a sailor mini skirt appeared, followed by a white dressed Arabian Knight and four other girls wearing similar outfits like the first one. All of them tried to act the heros. What had happened to this world? Or was it just his world that had collapsed?

The next two days had been a welcomed distraction to this chaos in his life. Loaded with work things to do, far away from any crazy girl, Mamoru started to relax a little bit. He was pleased to see that Kousagi had discovered his remarkable book collection and nearly had spent the whole time with reading whilst he had to work.

Today he would go with Kousagi to the Game Crown Center and whilst she would be busy with stalking Usagi's friends and playing Sailor V, he would simply enjoy himself with a cup of some good coffee. After that, he could sort out the still existing controverse with her.


Of course love was important in life, even if he had never experienced it so far. When his parents died and he woke up in hospital without any memory, he had chosen education to be essential to him. Fortunately, he inherited enough money and had been able to live a wealthy life so far but it never had been enough to him. He was fairly aware of that this love issue was a huge gab for him and strangely enough, there were a hand full of people who had the potential to fill up this missing part. He would never ever admit this to anybody though that he had developed a soft spot for a certain blonde Odango. Furthermore, the melody of the star locket Kousagi kept playing at least once a day, surrounded him every time and he always felt a strong desire to understand its carried message he perceived through each single tone.

Those things Mamoru had running through his head when he walked through the Juban district with Kousagi babbling cheerfully next to him. When they turned a corner, a loud scream was heard by them. In a heartbeat he hurried over and was confronted with a dramatic scene; In the garden of a children's playgroup were babies and women crying, some of them lying unconscious. He recognized Usagi and her blue haired friend he met at the Game Crown Center casually. Both were fearfully watching a monster which was about to escape from the place it had caused so much pain.

This cruel being looked similar to the one he made acquaintance of at the VR theatre.

'So it probably wasn't just my imagination' he stated in his mind.

Kousagi, still standing at the corner, got out of her state of shock when she heard Mamoru shouting

„Call an ambulance, hurry up!"

He didn't address anybody in particular but the teenager felt obliged to step into action. Highly concentrated, she pulled out her white magic ball, threw it high into the air and cried out.

„Artemis T - Transform!"

As fast as she could she got into the white car, seated herself behind the wheel, pushed the start/stop button and activated the siren. With squealing tyres she drove the 20 meters and stopped directly next to the three witnesses of the former attack.

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