Chapter 10

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„So, how was your day with Usagi?"

The dark pink haired teenager closed the front door behind her and found Mamoru who was sitting on his couch and deeply sunken in a book.

It had taken her some time to escape from his apartment unobtrusively. When Amy had entered and destroyed the holy moment between Usagi and Mamoru, Kousagi was reminded rudely that there were indeed some duties for her mother and the other guardians in this lifetime. So she stayed in the apartment hidden under her magic clothing until the blonde bun head returned. Obviously a battle had taken place. She noticed it when she saw the victorious expression written on Usagi's face. It was pretty much the same she got as when she caught her or Chibiusa whilst trying to sneak out of the palace illegally.

Thus, she simply accompanied both silently covered with her invisible cloak while they wanted to go for a walk with Manami in the park. Because she was there, she also knew that his mother stood in front of the apartment complex entrance and picked up her son.

She was delighted when Manami repeated her parents' first names almost perfectly. When Kousagi saw Usagi and Mamoru reunite for pure happiness, her heart had melted again.

Kousagi stood in the genkan and expected his answer any second. Mamoru looked up from his book and simply replied.

„It was good. How was your day? Anything exciting?"

„Nah, not really." She lied and looked down to her toes slightly bored. „I suppose Manami is back with his Mum?"

„Yes, when me and Usagi wanted to go for a walk with him she came and picked him up."
Mamoru rubbed his eyes tiredly and started half yawning „I'm glad she got discharged earlier. I just received a call from work. They need me for the next days full time. I hope you don't mind." He added apologetically.

That was exactly what Kousagi needed in order to accomplish her mission; Mamoru snowed under with work stuff so she could use the time stalking the other Senshi. She had to find out the reason why he seemed to be the only one who could not remember the past life or anything else which happened within the last year. Her only hope were the Sailor scouts.

„Me? Ahh don't worry, I wanted to spend some more time at the Game Crown Center anyway." He seemed to buy her Intension and went to his bedroom door. „Okay, have a good time then. I'll have an early night. Sleep well."

Kousagi was far away from sleeping when she laid awake in her white queen size bed with a white cushion and a velvet rabbit, moon and stars patterned blanket, still trying to structure her plan.

'How can I convince the girls to tell me something they know about Mamoru? He seems to be a private person to other people. Mhmm tricky one. Perhaps I should try to use some magic? Or should I maybe tell them who I am? Mhmm doesn't look like the best option. Wait a second! Amy and Mum think I am a paramedic! O dear, why is time travel always so complicated?'

While the was struggling with all these questions in her mind, Kousagi became quickly tired and decided to sort out everything the next day.

The first sunbeams of the morning caused a tenderly tingle on her nose. She opened her eyes weakly and immediately found herself dealing with the same issues she faced at midnight. Thus, the pink bun head resolved to get herself ready in order to be early at the Game Crown Arcade.

Fortunately, Mamoru was off to work already so it didn't take her long and the teenager was freshly showered and wore a light blue summer dress with a white sleeveless shirt below. She took a look at the mirror settled in the living room and was delighted.

„Ha, almost a copy of Mum...mhmm but something is missing." She mumbled and searched for the golden music box. „This could also work as a pendant." Kousagi thread the star locket on a necklace and put it on. By being happy about her idea, she took another look at the mirror again and left Mamoru's apartment a few moments later.

The walk to Motokis arcade took only some minutes and the sand blonde hot looking bartender was already at the counter and cheered her with a big bright smile on his face. Apart from him, no one seems to be in the arcade.

„Ahhh Kousagi, so good to see you again." His gaze wandered down to her necklace and let his grin froze. „How...I mean...did Mamoru give you this?!" He had exchanged his state of shock with utter disbelief and pointed at the star locket with a slightly trembling index finger. Kousagi was not sure how to answer his question properly.

Generally speaking, the Star Locket was family owned. Either royal member was able to use it, unlike the Holy Silver Crystal. It was a certain story connected to it far away in times of the Moon Kingdom but nowadays no one really cared about this little gem, so Kousagi had decided to take the treasure with her to the past, partly because it reminded her at her family she left in the future and also she was aware that its melody contained a special magic, enabling the recipient to receive the message of the most powerful thing in the world. Love.

"Well, actually Mamoru is not the only possessor." she started diplomatically but was cut off sharply by Motoki.

„What? You are kidding me! Of course it is his! He has been carrying this locket around since...since his parents died in the car accident! On a scale from zero to ten I'd say FIFTEEN when it comes to the question how important this locket is to him!"

,Okay, I didn't consider Motoki that he could be that useful. Let's find out what else he knows.'

"Um, that's kind of weird. Mamoru doesn't seem to know that this pendant should belong to him. "Kousagi just shrugged and looked back defiantly at Motoki, who seemed really annoyed now.

„Okay, listen Kousagi...or whatever your real name may be!" He had left his place behind the counter and had walked over to her, standing dangerously close to the teenager. He reached out his hand and demanded, by carrying a warning tone in his voice

„Give me the locket, or"

„Or what? Are you threatening me?!" Kousagi responded harshly to him. She was highly confused that Motoki would be such kind of a person who harms other people. This was definitely nothing like him. When she kept her belligerent eye contact with him, Motoki just starred back by carrying a glimpse of uncertainty hidden in his glance. Finally he decided to give up his barrier. He sighed heavily, lowered his arm and bowed his head.

„If you don't give it back to him, he will probably never remember his past life."

Now Kousagi was nearly freaking out.

„ know this?" She simply stuttered.

„Well, yes I know, but I don't have a clue who you are and what role you are playing here."

The handsome bartender put on a tense face and walked past her. He stepped to the automatic doors and switched the „open" plate around. Eventually he turned his attention back to Kousagi and smiled at her weakly.

„You have to know that Mamoru does not have any relatives in this lifetime. Believe me, I know this. You seem to be kind of special that he decided to make up such a lie."

Kousagi flushed on his last comment but slowly restarted to trust him. He made the impression that he wanted to protect Mamoru rather than hurting her. By scratching her back head slightly embarrassed, she admitted

„Yes Motoki. He is not aware of his past and frankly speaking, he thinks I am not special but a complete lunatic."

„I have a slight feeling that you are less lunatic but of related to him. Sorry, this doesn't make sense at all." He looked through her while he was smiling to himself because of his contradictory assumption.

„Motoki, I don't know why but I have a feeling that I can trust you and that I am not going to mess everything up when I tell you the truth about me." She decided to lay the cards on the table and pulled out her white cat face ball.

She fervently wished that her action wouldn't lead into a complete change of her world in the future.

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