Of Brothers And Beverages

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"Hello, sir. What can I get you today?"

"A spiced cappuccino with extra sugar, please."

"Coming right up!" Marinette enthused to the customer, just before turning around. She began to pull out the necessary ingredients for the brew, and proceeded to whip it up with a small smile gracing her features.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her co-worker moving about, almost with the fluency of liquid. His blond hair shone from a skylight above. His actions were practised and methodical.

The two made a moment of eye contact, and it caused them both to grin in secret whilst they carried on with their jobs. However, the girl couldn't ignore the flicker of amusement and love that had shown in his emerald orbs for that split second of them staring at each other.

Marinette faced the person ordering with a slight blush.

"Here you go," she said, placing a cup on the counter. The man took it, and put down a few dollars.

"Thanks," he spoke, as he walked away and to the exit of the coffee shop. On the way, he passed a few tables - one of which had a teenager sitting with a laptop in front of him.

Marinette found herself frown at the sight, as she took in his slouched posture and slumped shoulders. Bags lay deep and dormant beneath his eyes.

The woman scanned about, and after deeming it empty enough, made her way to the edge of the counter. There, Adrien stood, with a knowing smirk and folded arms.

"Got another kid in your sights, Bug?"

"Maaaayyybe..." she responded, dragging out the first half of the word.

At his widening smile, Marinette turned a light pink and gazed away. "That boy reminds me of him, for some reason. They have the same look in their eyes."

She looked right up at him, and carried on, "The same one you have, too."

Adrien's expression turned grim, as he chanced a glance to the male at the table nearby. "Abandoned too, huh? Maybe it's best we both go to see how he's doing."

"Yeah," the woman agreed. She noticed that a few other workers had taken her place at the till, prompting her to let out a sigh of relief.

The couple sauntered over to where the kid was, making sure that their postures weren't unsettling or at the very least intimidating. When finally reaching him, they couldn't help the worried looks they wore as they took in his drooping eyes and sagged body.

"Hey, are you okay?" Marinette asked softly, bending down to meet his shorter stature. At his lack of response, she tentatively placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ever so slowly, he turned his head to face her. "What...?" he mumbled, faintly squinting.

"Are you okay?" Adrien questioned this time with furrowed brows.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, going back to his computer.

Marinette shared a secretive glance with her partner, and sent him nod. He walked back to the front counter to retrieve an item.

"Listen, kid," she spoke, while taking the seat across from him. "What's your name?"


"Right, Tim. You look like you've been through hell and back with not one second of rest, if I'm being honest."

"Sounds about right," the younger one murmured.

"And you are in need of a serious pick-me-up."

She held an arm out to the side, and Adrien - who had just returned - placed a special concoction of coffee in her hand. She placed the cup in Tim's view.

Maribat/Adribat: One-Shots ✅Where stories live. Discover now